Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Assuming emergency powers is the classic path leaders take from democracy to dictatorship. Seriously, do you not know this?
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.
no links/documentation/etc = bullshit
starting a sentence with ''ok''= wrong
you have a comma where it is not needed
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
it's like idiots who say ''prove there isn't a god'' after someone says there is no god/prove there is a god''......understand??
you made the INITIAL's up to YOU to prove it
I can claim all kinds of CRAP:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower grew 10 feet
it's like in the court, the prosecutors make the CLAIM and THEY have to prove it
very simple
Whatever. Tired of the off topic shit, at least the other troll on this thread is talking about something. I'll talk to him and you can go fling poo in the appropriate forum.
caught you re-handed
OK if it makes you feel better you caught me, trying to have an intelligent conversation with a dummy.
no links/documentation/etc = bullshit
starting a sentence with ''ok''= wrong
you have a comma where it is not needed
You suck at this. Asking for links to common knowledge is beginner-level trolling. If you have a problem with my opinion then make a rebuttal or post links of your own.
it's like idiots who say ''prove there isn't a god'' after someone says there is no god/prove there is a god''......understand??
you made the INITIAL's up to YOU to prove it
I can claim all kinds of CRAP:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower grew 10 feet
it's like in the court, the prosecutors make the CLAIM and THEY have to prove it
very simple
Whatever. Tired of the off topic shit, at least the other troll on this thread is talking about something. I'll talk to him and you can go fling poo in the appropriate forum.
just like a lot of members on USMB--they spew crap they can't back up
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.

Don’t care. If Democrats are going to decry the blob’s behavior, don’t emulate the behavior.
Oh my, all the drama over a little potty mouth. Trumpbots officially forfeited all rights to moral outrage when they voted for a known serial liar and adulterer. People are pissed at Trump because he has dumped all over everyone who ever had a critical remark about him. Quit being so thin skinned like your leader who apparently cannot take what he dishes out.

Go to tell, you self-hating American little PC-castrati. Your entire party has been an exercise in felonious, violent, bloodthirsty, criminal rioting baby tantrums and bloodthirst against fellow Americans, you self-righteous pig. You pathological LIAR grungy detritus who was scraped off the wheel well of a Greyhound bus. Climb down off your crucifix you liberal moral MENIAL! Punk. Go suck another muslim dick because that's all you Democrats care about.
LOL paragons of virtue like yourself shouldn't spray so much spittle.

I'm sorry, but did this liberal MENIAL just sputter something? I wasn't really paying attention.
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.

Don’t care. If Democrats are going to decry the blob’s behavior, don’t emulate the behavior.
There are certainly better ways to articulate righteous outrage but the sentiment is real and justified.
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.

Don’t care. If Democrats are going to decry the blob’s behavior, don’t emulate the behavior.
Sometimes when someone is trying their best to punch you the best reaction is punch them instead of taking the higher road.
Let's face facts - tlaib is human garbage.
Not just for calling the President of the United States a motherfucker, but for subjecting her young son to this language.
Worthless trash that has no business being in a position of leadership in the greatest country on Earth.
Dems need to impeach this human stain.
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.
Grab some pussy!
I can hardly wait for the media and her party to call her out for her hateful rhetoric......but will NOT hold my breath waiting....and they complain about Trump....have to love these Muslim radical ABNORMALS!

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives.

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today.

And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!!

The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!....What was that Nancy about DECORUM?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Give this freak a camera, and let her talk.

You can't buy advertising this good. Those suburban women are in for a rude awakening about the results of allowing themselves to be shamed into virtue signalling in the ballot box.

Rashida, celebrating a Boycott, Divestiture, Sanctions resolution against Israel:



Don't you understand?
She is first and foremost a Palestinian.
She ran for office to further her interests and her oath to "defend and uphold" was an outright lie.
She is an American.
This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.

Don’t care. If Democrats are going to decry the blob’s behavior, don’t emulate the behavior.
There are certainly better ways to articulate righteous outrage but the sentiment is real and justified.

I can agree with that.
Is it really necessary? I reckon if he would say “grab em by the pussy”, calling someone an MFer is not a stretch.


I didn't realize he was lamenting the fact that women in show business can be so shallow they would allow themselves to be sexually assaulted if it promoted their own celebrity status in a public conversation. I could have sworn it was a private exchange and not intended to rile up his mindless zealots or even be something that was heard by the public.

Silly me.

This is what I don't get. The congresswoman was at a private event and someone taped it without her permission and posted it.

Trump says sh!thole and motherfukker and son of a b!tch AT RALLIES IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS.

So who do right wingers freak out about?

I'm pretty sure we can all guess.

Don’t care. If Democrats are going to decry the blob’s behavior, don’t emulate the behavior.
Sometimes when someone is trying their best to punch you the best reaction is punch them instead of taking the higher road.

In boxing. Not the US Congress
Let's face facts - tlaib is human garbage.
Not just for calling the President of the United States a motherfucker, but for subjecting her young son to this language.
Worthless trash that has no business being in a position of leadership in the greatest country on Earth.
Dems need to impeach this human stain.
Drop the fake moral outrage and accept that Trump is facing the political backlash for his words and actions. He is not handling it well at all. Neither are Trumpbots. The far right is no longer the angriest political faction in America and Trump brought it all on himself.

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