Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
In front of her own son as well ? Unbelievable.

Not as bad as getting a lap dance from your own daughter, is it?
You are one sick puppy you know that ?

The person getting a lap dance from their under aged daughter would be the sick puppy. Not me
If you can't tell that picture has been doctored, then I feel sorry for you.
This shitstained foul-mouthed skank may be all the Jewish community needs to turn away from the Democratic party. 2020 hopefuls may want to voice their discontent with this human waste.
So many Republicans offended by Locker Room talk

She had the choice of coming across as a first class LADY, or gutter trash. She made her choice.

I fully realize that Progressives believe that there is no difference between men and women but there is. There is a difference between men and women using profanity in a public setting. just the way of life.
Oh....I forgot conservative reverence for ladylike behavior

Like having a former prostitute as First Lady
Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
She needs to have clit sliced off. No keyboard warrior stuff here. Just when many more are impoverished the final solution for us all.
Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
In front of her own son as well ? Unbelievable.

Not as bad as getting a lap dance from your own daughter, is it?
You are one sick puppy you know that ?

The person getting a lap dance from their under aged daughter would be the sick puppy. Not me
If you can't tell that picture has been doctored, then I feel sorry for you.

Yes. Text has been superimposed over it. Otherwise, it's an accurate picture.
In front of her own son as well ? Unbelievable.

Not as bad as getting a lap dance from your own daughter, is it?
You are one sick puppy you know that ?

The person getting a lap dance from their under aged daughter would be the sick puppy. Not me
If you can't tell that picture has been doctored, then I feel sorry for you.

Yes. Text has been superimposed over it. Otherwise, it's an accurate picture.
Try again.
So many Republicans offended by Locker Room talk

She had the choice of coming across as a first class LADY, or gutter trash. She made her choice.

I fully realize that Progressives believe that there is no difference between men and women but there is. There is a difference between men and women using profanity in a public setting. just the way of life.
Oh....I forgot conservative reverence for ladylike behavior

Like having a former prostitute as First Lady
Hillary wasn't a prostitute. She was more like a madam, screening all of Bills "extracurricular activities".
Like having a former prostitute as First Lady

Hey humdinger, if Melania was a former prostitute, which she WASN'T, then at least I bet she was a REALLY GREAT ONE at that! Just LOOK at the smile on Trump's face. That sure beats having a former First Lady like Hillary, who I'd say really sucked at the job, but Uncle Willy can confirm that Hillary's downfall was that she hardly ever SUCKED at all.
Looks like the charmer from Michigan who was handed a Congressional seat running unopposed, is already making enemies in her own party. Gotta love it, the "new Democrats" led by Cortez and Tlaib are already at odds with their party's leadership.:auiqs.jpg:

On Day Two, Tlaib's Colleagues Are Already Furious With Her

Mind you Mike, they're not mad for what she SAID, for they agree with her, they're just mad because she's going OFF SCRIPT and blowing their cover, as she is giving away the home teams base plan before they had it set in place.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

Don't act like you speak for all women. You most certainly do not.

And you don't, either. Just because you hate yourself and will support any guy who subjugates you and is willing to subject you to insults does not make you an adequate representative of anyone. You submissives are ridiculous. really are unhinged.

Better find yourself a doctor before your head becomes permanently stuck in your ass.
protectionism works to protect what we have, not bring back what is lost.

Suppose you elucidate us further on economics, Octopus! An economy is a living, breathing, dynamic organism, as it really is an extension of human society, yet you seem to think of it as a static entity, like a bag of marbles to be merely hoarded or shared. If I PROTECT a flower in my garden, I just don't get to keep my one flower, I eventually get lots and lots more of them! Likewise, protectionism gets you more of whatever it is you protect as you've fostered a favorable environment for its growth.

As to tariffs, this one chart says all that needs to be said. Note the source.

View attachment 238651
Tariffs are to be used with great deliberation to avoid undue chaos in the system. All presidents in modern times have used them with great caution in an attempt to level the field. No one has ever used them to create non-existent industries from scratch. There are thousands of things America simply does not make anymore and never will again. Trump cannot tax TVs, for example, enough to prompt manufacturers to start making them here. That ship has sailed. Tariffs really only work from a position of strength where the US has a significant market share to protect..
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????
She’s wrong for calling Trump a motherf***er. He’s a ‘lying motherf***er

So did what she say offend you or was it just locker room talk?
In 2013, all Senate Democrats and most House Democrats backed comprehensive immigration reform legislation, the so-called Gang of Eight bill. It included $46 billion for border security and around $8 billion to repair or reinforce barriers along the 700 miles of the border as required under the Secure Fence Act.

No shit, bitch. The Republican led house ignored it. After they make Trump fold on his wall, they'll make Mitch and him sign an updated version of that bill that will also include amnesty. Epic fail. Bigly.

Tell us again how the Dems are for open borders, fool.
Hilarious that the Left don’t care what kind of mean vulgarity they spew while they swoon from the vapors over Trump tweets.
Maybe it is the difference between private and public.
Grab some pussy kind of private?
"Grab em by the pussy" wasnt private. It was for a TV show dummy.

"Mr. Trump was filmed talking to the television personality Billy Bush of “Access Hollywood” on the set of “Days of Our Lives,” where Mr. Trump was making a cameo appearance. "
If calling someone a motherfucker makes one sick and disgusting then the forum is loaded with sick, disgusting people.
Last time I looked, I wasn't a public servant in Washington.
You folks on the left have been claiming Trump is acting horribly, but when someone on your side is caught doing worse you figure it's acceptable. Add to that the fact that this woman wants to murder Jews and you just make yourself out to be a total hypocrite.
How is the comment she made, in private “doing worse” then the too often to be listed public juvenile name calling by the President? Or your senator yelling ‘You lie!” at the president while he is speaking?

Oh, so now what an elected official says in private is ok? If that’s the case, go clean up your pussy grabbing gripes from the past two years.
The pussy grabbing comment was made and filmed for a TV show. Not too private.
So many Republicans offended by Locker Room talk

No, so many Republicans once again exposing you people as full of shit. But, hey, thanks for making it acceptable to call a President a Mother Fucker. It will come in handy.
Such a Snowflake

Muslim hurt your feelings?

No hurt feelings. That Congresswoman just validated using the term MotherFucker to refer to an elected official.
Lots of people call Drumpf a stupid mother fucker. What do you mean she validated it?

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