Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...
It cracks me up that so-called feminists defend these Islamic barbarians, all while accusing the right of “bigotry”. No people are more bigoted than Muslims.
Video shows Democratic Congressional candidate Rashida Tlaib grabbing reporter’s camera

Rashida Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Party and also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

She is running for U.S. Congress in Michigan’s 13th district this November.

She will be the only candidate on the ballot.

Here is a video from earlier this month which shows her grabbing a reporter’s camera:

Demoncrats are now fully the party of radical Islamists. They want Israel off the map, and cheer Hamas terrorists.
Journalist? more like a bitch. Not invited, insulting, disrespectful, spits rumors and lies, and dumb as fuck.....Is she a Muslim or american first ??? ROFL.
What rumors or lies? She asked her if she would denounce Hamas, Tlaib refused to. Only a Muslim apologist would call that “insulting”.
It was Thomas Jefferson's Koran. Any particular reason you chose not to mention Jefferson had a Koran?
He had the koran for the same reason my grandparents made me read Mao’s little red book when I visited them over the summer when I was 12.

Know the enemy!!!

Washington advocated paying them off...”
As did every other European seafaring nation did at that time. There was no European\Western consensus as what to do about them. In fact none did coalesce until Jefferson authorized William Eaton to organize the Tripoli Expedition (Maybe the first Presidential authorized covert action!), 8 USMC 3 USN ships some 500 mercenaries against 4000-5000 defending Derna, result victory, & 2nd line in the USMC hymn - “ to the shores of Tripoli”. Later a joint UK-French Expedition crushed the pirates inspired by the upstart Americans.
It was Thomas Jefferson's Koran. Any particular reason you chose not to mention Jefferson had a Koran?
He had the koran for the same reason my grandparents made me read Mao’s little red book when I visited them over the summer when I was 12.

Know the enemy!!!

Washington advocated paying them off...”
As did every other European seafaring nation did at that time. There was no European\Western consensus as what to do about them. In fact none did coalesce until Jefferson authorized William Eaton to organize the Tripoli Expedition (Maybe the first Presidential authorized covert action!), 8 USMC 3 USN ships some 500 mercenaries against 4000-5000 defending Derna, result victory, & 2nd line in the USMC hymn - “ to the shores of Tripoli”. Later a joint UK-French Expedition crushed the pirates inspired by the upstart Americans.

These regressives would be calling Jefferson a bigot for waging war against Islamic extremists.
Once again, you leave no doubt you are a dumbass.

What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

The "submissive" crap comes from the nonsense that the right-wing men, including the baboon I saw interviewed who claimed that he was "religious" and won all disagreements with his wife because, in a nutshell, he has a penis. Frankly, couples can do whatever they wish in private, but this was TMI. If you want to go the BDSM route, please keep it private. The public does not have to hear about your sexual procivities. It's been fun to tweak them since those dumb books came out and so many women seem to want to live the "dream."

Your comment about "giv[ing] them a little freedom" says it all. It is not up to anyone else to give or withhold "freedom" from another human being, and reminds me of someone walking a dog on one of those leashes that allows the human of letting the dog roam for only a certain distance and then locking it at any point.

In addition to some women's willingness to throw other women under the bus, another thing that I find absolutely appalling is their support of pedophilia when this crime is committed against girls. While they seem to be outraged when teenage boys are being chased by grown men, they seem fine with grown men chasing teenage girls.It's enough to make one puke.

Enslaving and killing men? What drama school did you go to?
What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

The "submissive" crap comes from the nonsense that the right-wing men, including the baboon I saw interviewed who claimed that he was "religious" and won all disagreements with his wife because, in a nutshell, he has a penis. Frankly, couples can do whatever they wish in private, but this was TMI. If you want to go the BDSM route, please keep it private. The public does not have to hear about your sexual procivities. It's been fun to tweak them since those dumb books came out and so many women seem to want to live the "dream."

Your comment about "giv[ing] them a little freedom" says it all. It is not up to anyone else to give or withhold "freedom" from another human being, and reminds me of someone walking a dog on one of those leashes that allows the human of letting the dog roam for only a certain distance and then locking it at any point.

In addition to some women's willingness to throw other women under the bus, another thing that I find absolutely appalling is their support of pedophilia when this crime is committed against girls. While they seem to be outraged when teenage boys are being chased by grown men, they seem fine with grown men chasing teenage girls.It's enough to make one puke.

Enslaving and killing men? What drama school did you go to?

Do you lunatics even actually read what you type? I mean you're six sheets to the wind ranting about the fantasy you've created in your own head about the evils of men you don't even know, and the women, you also know nothing about, who are with them (or voted for them) all while lecturing /me/ about how "demeaning others" being reprehensible.

You are literally the most hateful person I have ever read, the only reason I don't have you ignored with the rest of the trolls is because I think you actually believe you are a "good" woman/person. It's absolutely fascinating to me how detached you are from the realities of your own words.
So many Republicans offended by Locker Room talk

No, so many Republicans once again exposing you people as full of shit. But, hey, thanks for making it acceptable to call a President a Mother Fucker. It will come in handy.
Such a Snowflake

Muslim hurt your feelings?

No hurt feelings. That Congresswoman just validated using the term MotherFucker to refer to an elected official.
Lots of people call Drumpf a stupid mother fucker. What do you mean she validated it?

It means calling an elected official a motherfucker is acceptable according to her Actions and words. Tlaib is aligned with ‘motherfucker’.
So many Republicans offended by Locker Room talk

No, so many Republicans once again exposing you people as full of shit. But, hey, thanks for making it acceptable to call a President a Mother Fucker. It will come in handy.
Such a Snowflake

Muslim hurt your feelings?

No hurt feelings. That Congresswoman just validated using the term MotherFucker to refer to an elected official.
Lots of people call Drumpf a stupid mother fucker. What do you mean she validated it?

she validated the fact that she is a gutter whore like so MANY OTHER

When she speaks, ‘MotherFucker’ will be tied to her name.
Let’s put this in perspective. Trump will forever be known for using the term “grabbing pussy” which earned him the term “pussy grabber”. Either way, a vulgar term to be associated with. Trump + pussy grabber are now tied together. Similarly, Tliab is now tied to ‘MotherFucker’. When she addresses the House or the media and her name appears across the screen, she will be known as the MotherFucker Congresswoman. It is not the same as calling her a MotherFucker yet, she has made it acceptable.

Oh my. Oh dear. How terrible...


Lots Of Us Think Trump Is A Motherf**ker. Rashida Tlaib Just Said It
Cheeto didn't say that in public and in front of his minor children, shitferbrains.
Yep, and your Cheeto reference is exceptable because in a funny way the president does have an orange sheen with a racoon look going for him there. LOL.
Middle America is just going to ADORE these new Democrats.

Oh yeah. Good luck, Nancy.

well if you mean the entrenched 30% of the (R) party who remain basket dwelling deplorables, then you are correct. nothing will change their views. they are to be taken for what they are & the country will move on without them.
It cracks me up that so-called feminists defend these Islamic barbarians, all while accusing the right of “bigotry”. No people are more bigoted than Muslims.
Makes one wonder if these women are there to represent American Muslim women's freedoms from the oppression of the religion they supposedly came here to get away from or are they placing themselves into these positions in order to break down the system for the men they are ultimately in subjection to, otherwise in according to their religion maybe ?? Hmmm.

Their actions in the future will either bare this out or not.
Middle America is just going to ADORE these new Democrats.

Oh yeah. Good luck, Nancy.

well if you mean the entrenched 30% of the (R) party who remain basket dwelling deplorables, then you are correct. nothing will change their views. they are to be taken for what they are & the country will move on without them.
Sounds like the agenda to me, you know the agenda y'all refuse to admit exist when you are asked about it, but then y'all spout it with pride on forums like this.
It cracks me up that so-called feminists defend these Islamic barbarians, all while accusing the right of “bigotry”. No people are more bigoted than Muslims.

Stoning homosexuals to death, throwing them off buildings or shooting up gay nightclubs does nothing to get liberals riled up but watch them lose their shit when a baker refuses to do a same—sex couple wedding cake or the head of Chick Filet says he’s against gay marriage.
Middle America is just going to ADORE these new Democrats.

Oh yeah. Good luck, Nancy.

well if you mean the entrenched 30% of the (R) party who remain basket dwelling deplorables, then you are correct. nothing will change their views. they are to be taken for what they are & the country will move on without them.
Sounds like the agenda to me, you know the agenda y'all refuse to admit exist when you are asked about it, but then y'all spout it with pride on forums like this.

what agenda is that? that a certain segment is all about the white man is the right man?
Middle America is just going to ADORE these new Democrats.

Oh yeah. Good luck, Nancy.

well if you mean the entrenched 30% of the (R) party who remain basket dwelling deplorables, then you are correct. nothing will change their views. they are to be taken for what they are & the country will move on without them.
Sounds like the agenda to me, you know the agenda y'all refuse to admit exist when you are asked about it, but then y'all spout it with pride on forums like this.

what agenda is that? that a certain segment is all about the white man is the right man?
Nope, but you know the one.

Denial again I see.

That was quick.
Middle America is just going to ADORE these new Democrats.

Oh yeah. Good luck, Nancy.

well if you mean the entrenched 30% of the (R) party who remain basket dwelling deplorables, then you are correct. nothing will change their views. they are to be taken for what they are & the country will move on without them.
Sounds like the agenda to me, you know the agenda y'all refuse to admit exist when you are asked about it, but then y'all spout it with pride on forums like this.

what agenda is that? that a certain segment is all about the white man is the right man?
Nope, but you know the one.

Denial again I see.

That was quick.

i can't deny anything when i don't know wtf you are referring to. please by all means enlighten me & i'll give you an honest answer.
It cracks me up that so-called feminists defend these Islamic barbarians, all while accusing the right of “bigotry”. No people are more bigoted than Muslims.

Stoning homosexuals to death, throwing them off buildings or shooting up gay nightclubs does nothing to get liberals riled up but watch them lose their shit when a baker refuses to do a same—sex couple wedding cake or the head of Chick Filet says he’s against gay marriage.
What happens over seas they can't control, and what happens here at the hands of foreigners goes against their inclusiveness at all cost agenda, so they have to cover it up and play it down quickly because the agenda trumps all. The break down of America is on going.

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