Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

So you believe in taking money and keeping it without deliverying the goods. Most of this money was in US banks when the Shah of Iran was deposed. The US supported the Shah and hence froze Iranian assets. The Reagan government was perfectly willing to deal with the Iranians when they went to war with Saddam Hussein.

Not to mention that the 9/11 terrorists who did attack and murder Americans didn't come from Iran, they came from Saudi Arabia. And the US has done absolutely NOTHING to upbraid the Saudi government for funding and supporting terrorism against the USA.

So please, stop pretending that it was an outrage that Obama returned the Iranian's own money to them, to buy the release of hostages because that's yet another lie conservatives tell the uneducated and the foolish who have no comprehension of the facts, the court cases, and the reality behind these conservative attempts to gin up hatred and outrage against Obama.

The money belonged to the Shaw and his government, not to the Islamic dictatorship that Obama supports. Obama gave the dictatorship these funds to help them develop nuclear weapons to use against America - an act of treason. Treason though, is a common theme with Barack Hussein Mugabe.
It belonged to Iran. Not a particular person or government.

Yeah and he was out of line when doing such a thing in an open forum with the families watching, and yet as they always say "two wrongs don't ever make a right". After the hell he caught over his uncontrolled frustrated mouth because of those doing us wrong, you would think that anyone else would have learned not to do such things. Civility is always the best policy. Am I actually sitting here in 2019 talking about grown people watching their vulgarity (especially around families with children), like they are petulant children with no upbringing to make mention of ?? ROTFLMBO.
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Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
Why does that constitute a bridge too far for you guys? You repeatedly tolerate, excuse and even applaud rude, boorish behavior and childish public insults and name calling from the President directed at elected officials. Behavior that crossed the line when an elected official yelled “you lie” to the President of the United States while he was speaking. You all approved of that as you have applauded a Trumps insult laden boorishness as some kind of “authenticity”.

If suddenly you find it unacceptable I suggest you clean up your own house first. It resembles something out of the hoarders reality show.

Where did I say it was unacceptable? It was you people who thought the insults were unacceptable. I’m glad she said it. Democrats are showing again how full of shit they are with their calls for civility and decorum for other people but not themselves. You people don’t believe in personal accountability.
Minor anyone applauding her for saying that?

I am. As for Democrats and liberals, Pelosi is saying it’s a free speech issue. Others are saying it’s not as bad as Trump saying shit hole countries (.... yet these are the same people that point to the rape, crime, poverty, and oppression as to why illegals from these same countries should be granted asylum - go figure).
So you believe in taking money and keeping it without deliverying the goods. Most of this money was in US banks when the Shah of Iran was deposed. The US supported the Shah and hence froze Iranian assets. The Reagan government was perfectly willing to deal with the Iranians when they went to war with Saddam Hussein.

Not to mention that the 9/11 terrorists who did attack and murder Americans didn't come from Iran, they came from Saudi Arabia. And the US has done absolutely NOTHING to upbraid the Saudi government for funding and supporting terrorism against the USA.

So please, stop pretending that it was an outrage that Obama returned the Iranian's own money to them, to buy the release of hostages because that's yet another lie conservatives tell the uneducated and the foolish who have no comprehension of the facts, the court cases, and the reality behind these conservative attempts to gin up hatred and outrage against Obama.

The money belonged to the Shaw and his government, not to the Islamic dictatorship that Obama supports. Obama gave the dictatorship these funds to help them develop nuclear weapons to use against America - an act of treason. Treason though, is a common theme with Barack Hussein Mugabe.
It belonged to Iran. Not a particular person or government.


It belonged to the Persian Empire, which was violently destroyed by Islamic revolutionaries with the backing of Jimmy Carter. The thugs in Iran now have no connection the Persian Empire that had lasted for 2500 years. Even Alexander allowed the Persian monarchy to continue, but not the Muzzie Beasts.

Yes I agree there is a difference. If someone is doing the nation wrong, then heated words might ensue, but attacking our own isn't ever cool. It's undermining the country, and if the attack was unwarranted, then it's stone cold Anti-Americanism at play.

Trump IS doing the nation wrong, while enriching himself. Trump's behaviour towards America's friends and allies is anti-American and contrary to the best interests of every nation in the world, except China and Russia. Trump has given Kim Jong Il license to continue to build nuclear weapons without restraint. Kim has more than doubled his nuclear arsenal since Trump took office.

Trump's continued attack on the FBI,, Justice Department and other government departments while coddling criminals and thieves among his cabinet and staff, makes him unfit for office.

Yes I agree there is a difference. If someone is doing the nation wrong, then heated words might ensue, but attacking our own isn't ever cool. It's undermining the country, and if the attack was unwarranted, then it's stone cold Anti-Americanism at play.

Trump IS doing the nation wrong, while enriching himself. Trump's behaviour towards America's friends and allies is anti-American and contrary to the best interests of every nation in the world, except China and Russia. Trump has given Kim Jong Il license to continue to build nuclear weapons without restraint. Kim has more than doubled his nuclear arsenal since Trump took office.

Trump's continued attack on the FBI,, Justice Department and other government departments while coddling criminals and thieves among his cabinet and staff, makes him unfit for office.

Trumps attacks ????????????? You mean Trumps defense !!!!!!!!!! Trump is trying his ace off to work for the American people for better or for worse as long as the end result is freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America for American's once again.

What the democrats have done to this nation here and abroad over time, won't be undone by one president who is challenging the bullcrap that has led this nation into many ditches over time. But thank God we finally are seeing the light in it all.

Go Trump (MAGA.
So you believe in taking money and keeping it without deliverying the goods. Most of this money was in US banks when the Shah of Iran was deposed. The US supported the Shah and hence froze Iranian assets. The Reagan government was perfectly willing to deal with the Iranians when they went to war with Saddam Hussein.

Not to mention that the 9/11 terrorists who did attack and murder Americans didn't come from Iran, they came from Saudi Arabia. And the US has done absolutely NOTHING to upbraid the Saudi government for funding and supporting terrorism against the USA.

So please, stop pretending that it was an outrage that Obama returned the Iranian's own money to them, to buy the release of hostages because that's yet another lie conservatives tell the uneducated and the foolish who have no comprehension of the facts, the court cases, and the reality behind these conservative attempts to gin up hatred and outrage against Obama.

The money belonged to the Shaw and his government, not to the Islamic dictatorship that Obama supports. Obama gave the dictatorship these funds to help them develop nuclear weapons to use against America - an act of treason. Treason though, is a common theme with Barack Hussein Mugabe.
It belonged to Iran. Not a particular person or government.


It belonged to the Persian Empire, which was violently destroyed by Islamic revolutionaries with the backing of Jimmy Carter. The thugs in Iran now have no connection the Persian Empire that had lasted for 2500 years. Even Alexander allowed the Persian monarchy to continue, but not the Muzzie Beasts.

Bullshit is right. Iran bought a product. They didn’t get it. Therefore we owed them that money back. A change of government does not extinguish it.
Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
Why does that constitute a bridge too far for you guys? You repeatedly tolerate, excuse and even applaud rude, boorish behavior and childish public insults and name calling from the President directed at elected officials. Behavior that crossed the line when an elected official yelled “you lie” to the President of the United States while he was speaking. You all approved of that as you have applauded a Trumps insult laden boorishness as some kind of “authenticity”.

If suddenly you find it unacceptable I suggest you clean up your own house first. It resembles something out of the hoarders reality show.

Where did I say it was unacceptable? It was you people who thought the insults were unacceptable. I’m glad she said it. Democrats are showing again how full of shit they are with their calls for civility and decorum for other people but not themselves. You people don’t believe in personal accountability.
Minor anyone applauding her for saying that?

I am. As for Democrats and liberals, Pelosi is saying it’s a free speech issue. Others are saying it’s not as bad as Trump saying shit hole countries (.... yet these are the same people that point to the rape, crime, poverty, and oppression as to why illegals from these same countries should be granted asylum - go figure).
So no one is applauding her for it?
Why is everyone disgusted with her? She just made it acceptable to call an elected official a “mother fucker”.
Why does that constitute a bridge too far for you guys? You repeatedly tolerate, excuse and even applaud rude, boorish behavior and childish public insults and name calling from the President directed at elected officials. Behavior that crossed the line when an elected official yelled “you lie” to the President of the United States while he was speaking. You all approved of that as you have applauded a Trumps insult laden boorishness as some kind of “authenticity”.

If suddenly you find it unacceptable I suggest you clean up your own house first. It resembles something out of the hoarders reality show.

Where did I say it was unacceptable? It was you people who thought the insults were unacceptable. I’m glad she said it. Democrats are showing again how full of shit they are with their calls for civility and decorum for other people but not themselves. You people don’t believe in personal accountability.
Minor anyone applauding her for saying that?

I am. As for Democrats and liberals, Pelosi is saying it’s a free speech issue. Others are saying it’s not as bad as Trump saying shit hole countries (.... yet these are the same people that point to the rape, crime, poverty, and oppression as to why illegals from these same countries should be granted asylum - go figure).
So no one is applauding her for it?

You people know they are.
What's this I hear about the orange whore leading off his meeting yesterday with a "profanity-laced" tirade? And all you can do is call me a stupid name? He's been a whore, an adulterer, a sexual harasser at the least, possibly a traitor, and a bombastic, arrogant little shit.
You think that we women don't know what's going on? we've been the receiving end of this rubbish for hundreds of years.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?
Clown? Ok, Imbecile.
Maybe you should provide some basic grammar skills. Like identifying who "he" is (as in "he is the guest") so people know who you are referring to instead of leaving it up to the reader to mind read.
I'm not responsible for your fifth grade level syntax. Ok, imbecile?
To assume anyone would call a Congressman an 'invited' guest is to assume people are as dumb as you are for thinking people as a dumb as you are

some things are thought to be understood, unless you act like a programmed bot that is trying to learn conversational use of a language. Do you struggle with colloquialisms too?
God bless Congresswoman Tlaib for being honest instead of just being politically correct. She spoke how most Americans feel about Trump.

A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?
A lot of "you women" (and certainly are not a monolith) voted for him.

Don't know what is going on ? What are talking about...dumbass.

The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?

So I am demeaning people if I criticize those who willfully choose to demean others and those who willfully accept demeaning behavior directed toward them?

Again, it was you who spoke of giving other adults some "freedom," as if you are someone entitled to give to, or withdraw freedom from another human being. And this sexual-submissive thing has permeated some parts of our society, and is even taught by some religious groups.You can't deny this. You can't be smoking that much dope.
God bless Congresswoman Tlaib for being honest instead of just being politically correct. She spoke how most Americans feel about Trump.

Ohhh noooo, you don't want people to end being politically correct, no, no, no.

It wouldn't be good. I mean look at how y'all have cried over Trumps anti-politically correct mouth. Ain't one enough ??? LOL.
God bless Congresswoman Tlaib for being honest instead of just being politically correct. She spoke how most Americans feel about Trump.


Yet when Republicans say what they are thinking you people come out with Hate Speech charges. Make up your mother-fucking minds; otherwise, continue to expose yourselves as full of shit hypocrites.
To assume anyone would call a Congressman an 'invited' guest is to assume people are as dumb as you are for thinking people as a dumb as you are
There are a lot of idiots here. I don't assume anyone knows anything until they demonstrate it.
Your appalling lack of punctuation and basic grammar skills leads me to believe you are a real dim bulb, for instance.
Don't blame me because you can't be bothered to identify the personal pronouns you use.

some things are thought to be understood, unless you act like a programmed bot that is trying to learn conversational use of a language. Do you struggle with colloquialisms too?
You want a colloquialism? How about go fuck yourself?
God bless Congresswoman Tlaib for being honest instead of just being politically correct. She spoke how most Americans feel about Trump.

Hate to say it but thats not what I have been thinking about Drumpf. Now if she had called him a fucking carnival barking idiot then she would have hit the nail on the head.
In 2013, all Senate Democrats and most House Democrats backed comprehensive immigration reform legislation, the so-called Gang of Eight bill. It included $46 billion for border security and around $8 billion to repair or reinforce barriers along the 700 miles of the border as required under the Secure Fence Act.

No shit, bitch. The Republican led house ignored it. After they make Trump fold on his wall, they'll make Mitch and him sign an updated version of that bill that will also include amnesty. Epic fail. Bigly.

Tell us again how the Dems are for open borders, fool.

Because they're willing to shut the gov't down to NOT give Trump his win on border security. BITCH.
I find it funny that dems call him a motherfucker when it appears his mother is one of the only women that he hasn't had to pay off to keep quiet for having sex with her.

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