repub 2024 leader trump admits he would rather be in the south of France

Trump will get the world a peace deal. Xi had a chance but failed.
Anyone else facing the charges that Trump is would have been jailed months ago, pinhead.
I do not disagree with you, any decent Marxist court would of not wasted as much time as our courts have.
Now if only Biden would resign to enjoy his last years in peace!

That way the Dems could have a real primary and bring in some fresh blood, while the Repubs would be at a loss for who to hate — at least for awhile — and the trials against Trump would proceed reminding the American people of Trump’s crimes.

The Dems with new Pres. & V.P candidates and a reasonable inherited economic program from Biden for rebuilding and reshoring high tech industries, would win hands down.

They would also defend a woman’s right to abortion (and hopefully downplay some of the weirder cultural stuff) while the Repubs would just fight with each other over Trump nonsense. Maybe the two parties, after cleaning out the worst of the MAGA extremists, could even find common strategy to fight illegal immigration.

Then maybe I could enjoy more my own retirement too — and not waste so much time at boards like this. :)
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It doesn’t really matter what Trump would like now. He has gone too far down his chosen path of defying the laws of our republic.

Trump can never stop being himself … in matters large and small. He had to arrogantly refuse to return secret documents. He couldn’t give up power. So he conspired with others to steal the 2020 election he lost. Had he allowed the peaceful transfer of power after losing the election in 2020 like every other President in U.S. history, he could have gone to Southern France or most anywhere to enjoy his and his children’s fortunes.

I’m sure a part of him now regrets the terrible choices he made, since even he must sense that his star is fading.

Trump’s narcissistic megalomania has never allowed him to be self-critical or honest with himself. So now as always he will only blame others for his darkening situation.

He can do nothing but plunge onward in the grandiose role he created for himself … of persecuted hero. He will drag his cult followers and as much of the nation as will follow him deeper into the abyss of his shitty imagination, his self-aggrandizing nihilistic obsessions.


Nope. You'll be leaving the country after he wins again in 2024. Either that or you'll go nuts and blow your fucking brains out.
Didn’t you shoot your dick off after he lost in 2020?

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