Repub Governors are sabotaging COVID recovery as variants begin to emerge


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
And mar-loco has caught the hoax disease.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
And mar-loco has caught the hoax disease.
Yeah, why is the Fat Man shutting down part of his club? He must be afraid of the "Hoax Disease?"

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

If Sleepy Joe doesn't like the way the GOP governors are reacting, he should look to depose them at the ballot box next year.

Elections have consequences, and governors don't answer to the President.

Now, if the people agree with the GOP, maybe they flip the house and subject Biden to Impeachment.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

If Sleepy Joe doesn't like the way the GOP governors are reacting, he should look to depose them at the ballot box next year.

Elections have consequences, and governors don't answer to the President.

Now, if the people agree with the GOP, maybe they flip the house and subject Biden to Impeachment.
Watching Evers, Walz, Whitless, and other authoritarian freaks get tossed out on their asses will be awesome.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
Those Democratic governors are responsible for the bulk of the deaths already, and they got class.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.

Since you and your slimeball party continue to allow our country to be flooded with third-worlders who many we now know have Covid, you can shove this thread right up your ass!!!!
. . . You know, from the science I have been reading and viewing, they have been predicting that this mRna vaccine will short circuit T-cell background immunity, causing a more dangerous variant to be even more likely to pop up. . .

. . . and, THIS blog? This was predicted by opponents.

They even predicted that the politicization of folks not wanting to pollute and destroy their immune systems would be blamed by the global investment funds that own the patents on these vaccines as a means to try to make these injections mandatory.

Does anyone want to follow the money, and look up the interests of the authors of this blog?

O.K. . . . I'll do the leg work for y'all, let's check, shall we?

" The Blue Meanie is an Arizona citizen who wishes, for professional reasons, to remain anonymous when blogging about politics. Armed with a deep knowledge of the law, politics and public policy, as well as pen filled with all the colors stolen from Pepperland, the Blue Meanie’s mission is to pursue and prosecute the hypocrites, liars, and fools of politics and the media – which, in practical terms, is nearly all of them. Don’t even try to unmask him or he’ll seal you in a music-proof bubble and rendition you to Pepperland for a good face-stomping. Read blog posts by the infamous and prolific AZ Blue Meanie here. "

No, not suspicious at all. This author couldn't possibly be working for the GAVI vaccine alliance or a wealth fund that needs to get the government numbers up. . . nah.

Just call me a conspiracy theorist. :tinfoil:

Shit. . . even Alex Jones tells us who he is, his past, and is honest about his agenda. . This guy? This is some serious tin foil hat shit.

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
Their idiocy is always the source of our pain.
14,000+ unaccompanied children in Biden's Kiddie Cages filled to capacity, a COVUD-19 outbreak, and now no usable water...

Is it a 'Crisis', now, Joe?

If not a 'crisis', its still the biggest Super Spreader Event ever and the largest child trafficking event in history....


The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
Their idiocy is always the source of our pain.

Suck it up, buttercup....this disaster is brought to you by Joe Biden, and no one else.

'B....b....b...BUT TRUMP'.....

JOE has reversed every Trump policy....and the deep shit he is in now is of his own making.

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