Republica attacks Obama's daughters, calling them "sluts".

I didn't miss your point, you keep saying they were inappropriate, they aren't. They always look really cute and very appropriate.


In NO way were those skirts appropriate . Look how short they are. Would you let YOUR teenage daughter out of the house dressed like that? I would not.

You're blowing this ENTIRELY out of proportion though. NO ONE was called a slut.
They look really cute.

They look like any other teenage girl.
Both would have been sent home had they showed up at school in this parish.

School board is majority black, most principals are black, sheriff is black, council is black.

Black folks in this community do not allow such clothes at school.

That said, the one on the right looks ok, the one on the left looks trashy, especially considering her age.

What is she now, like twelve?

I have two girls, they are both young, when they get of age, they simply won't leave the house in anything that doesn't extend at least 4" past the end of their fingers. No way either of those skirts would make the cut.

Lol...keep convincing yourself of that.
You missed my point entirely. The reason I suggested a professional stylist is so that they could follow Michelle's lead and begin a true campaign to promote American designer fashions for teens.

What part of "I thought it was really cool of Michelle" don't you get?

Good gawd...nobody has the right to tell two little kids what to wear other than their parents!

The president and first lady said they want the girls to live as normal a life as possible, not parade them around in ballgown every day.

Life. Get one! That wasn't directed to you tinydancer.

LOL, they've been on what, 14 overseas trips in the last 6 years? HARDLY what I would call "we want our children to live as normal a lives as possible"



My father took us around the world. I've been to countries and seen incredible sites most people can only imagine.

Kudos to the president!
Your father paid for it, not the taxpayers.

Actually no. The taxpayers did pay for it. He was in the military. More so than Obama's kids because he pays for Michelle's and their travel out of pocket.

As I said, you did not travel in the manner that these girls have. PERIOD.
Good gawd...nobody has the right to tell two little kids what to wear other than their parents!

The president and first lady said they want the girls to live as normal a life as possible, not parade them around in ballgown every day.

Life. Get one! That wasn't directed to you tinydancer.

LOL, they've been on what, 14 overseas trips in the last 6 years? HARDLY what I would call "we want our children to live as normal a lives as possible"



My father took us around the world. I've been to countries and seen incredible sites most people can only imagine.

Kudos to the president!
Your father paid for it, not the taxpayers.

Actually no. The taxpayers did pay for it. He was in the military. More so than Obama's kids because he pays for Michelle's and their travel out of pocket.

As I said, you did not travel in the manner that these girls have. PERIOD.
Oh. So you're one of those idiots who thinks the president's children shouldn't get secret service protection and fly coach unaccompanied?

Lol. Get elected president and let's see if you feel the same way.

LOL, they've been on what, 14 overseas trips in the last 6 years? HARDLY what I would call "we want our children to live as normal a lives as possible"



My father took us around the world. I've been to countries and seen incredible sites most people can only imagine.

Kudos to the president!
Your father paid for it, not the taxpayers.

Actually no. The taxpayers did pay for it. He was in the military. More so than Obama's kids because he pays for Michelle's and their travel out of pocket.

As I said, you did not travel in the manner that these girls have. PERIOD.
Oh. So you're one of those idiots who thinks the president's children shouldn't get secret service protection and fly coach unaccompanied?

Lol. Get elected president and let's see if you feel the same way.

Jesus you're an idiot.

Or dishonest

Or both

I didn't say that they shouldn't travel the way they do, I merely said that isn't a "normal childhood"

Why the fuck can't you idiot liberals be honest for a change?
You missed my point entirely. The reason I suggested a professional stylist is so that they could follow Michelle's lead and begin a true campaign to promote American designer fashions for teens.

What part of "I thought it was really cool of Michelle" don't you get?
I didn't miss your point, you keep saying they were inappropriate, they aren't. They always look really cute and very appropriate.


In NO way were those skirts appropriate . Look how short they are. Would you let YOUR teenage daughter out of the house dressed like that? I would not.

You're blowing this ENTIRELY out of proportion though. NO ONE was called a slut.
They look really cute.

They look like any other teenage girl.

Yes, they do.

Too bad they're not any other teenage girls. If they were, we'd not be having this discussion. And perhaps that is the point, they're not every other teenage girls, they are the daughters of the President of the United States. While I am not personally bothered or offended by their attire, I will say that I would not have let my teenage daughters leave the house with hemlines as short as those seen in the photo, and I am far from a prude. I do, however, believe there is such a thing as age appropriate attire. But that's just me, I am not their father.

Of course I do not believe that every woman who sits at a bar is a slut, either...

Tell you what I do believe... I believe there is a whole lot of faux outrage from both sides of the aisle on this topic. I don't think any of you really give a shit one way or the other, you're all just looking for an excuse to piss in each other's Cheerios.
Hey. Missed ya!

And of course your last paragraph is correct. I'm just here to fan the flames of stupidity. :)
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Seems you forgot the attacks on Sarah Palin's family. It's vile bitches like you that make Democrats look bad.

My father took us around the world. I've been to countries and seen incredible sites most people can only imagine.

Kudos to the president!
Your father paid for it, not the taxpayers.

Actually no. The taxpayers did pay for it. He was in the military. More so than Obama's kids because he pays for Michelle's and their travel out of pocket.

As I said, you did not travel in the manner that these girls have. PERIOD.
Oh. So you're one of those idiots who thinks the president's children shouldn't get secret service protection and fly coach unaccompanied?

Lol. Get elected president and let's see if you feel the same way.

Jesus you're an idiot.

Or dishonest

Or both

I didn't say that they shouldn't travel the way they do, I merely said that isn't a "normal childhood"

Why the fuck can't you idiot liberals be honest for a change?
Of course it's not a normal childhood. Their father, as much as you hate the fact, is President.

What great experiences they must be having despite people like you critiquing their every move, outfit or hairstyle!

Like I said, the president's more than capable of handling his children. Certainly more than Sarah Palin.

You only need to worry about your own. I can only hope you share with them the worldly sights and cultures my father showed me and the president's children are experiencing.

Hopefully any child facing such wonders won't grow up to share your bigoted outlook and hatred of others different from you.
I didn't miss your point, you keep saying they were inappropriate, they aren't. They always look really cute and very appropriate.


In NO way were those skirts appropriate . Look how short they are. Would you let YOUR teenage daughter out of the house dressed like that? I would not.

You're blowing this ENTIRELY out of proportion though. NO ONE was called a slut.
They look really cute.

They look like any other teenage girl.

Yes, they do.

Too bad they're not any other teenage girls. If they were, we'd not be having this discussion. And perhaps that is the point, they're not every other teenage girls, they are the daughters of the President of the United States. While I am not personally bothered or offended by their attire, I will say that I would not have let my teenage daughters leave the house with hemlines as short as those seen in the photo, and I am far from a prude. I do, however, believe there is such a thing as age appropriate attire. But that's just me, I am not their father.

Of course I do not believe that every woman who sits at a bar is a slut, either...

Tell you what I do believe... I believe there is a whole lot of faux outrage from both sides of the aisle on this topic. I don't think any of you really give a shit one way or the other, you're all just looking for an excuse to piss in each other's Cheerios.
Hey. Missed ya!

And of course your last paragraph is correct. I'm just here to fan the flames of stupidity. :)

And there is plenty of stupidity to be found here at USMB, from both sides of the fight.

Welcome back, Howey. Good to see you made it back.

In NO way were those skirts appropriate . Look how short they are. Would you let YOUR teenage daughter out of the house dressed like that? I would not.

You're blowing this ENTIRELY out of proportion though. NO ONE was called a slut.
They look really cute.

They look like any other teenage girl.

Yes, they do.

Too bad they're not any other teenage girls. If they were, we'd not be having this discussion. And perhaps that is the point, they're not every other teenage girls, they are the daughters of the President of the United States. While I am not personally bothered or offended by their attire, I will say that I would not have let my teenage daughters leave the house with hemlines as short as those seen in the photo, and I am far from a prude. I do, however, believe there is such a thing as age appropriate attire. But that's just me, I am not their father.

Of course I do not believe that every woman who sits at a bar is a slut, either...

Tell you what I do believe... I believe there is a whole lot of faux outrage from both sides of the aisle on this topic. I don't think any of you really give a shit one way or the other, you're all just looking for an excuse to piss in each other's Cheerios.
Hey. Missed ya!

And of course your last paragraph is correct. I'm just here to fan the flames of stupidity. :)

And there is plenty of stupidity to be found here at USMB, from both sides of the fight.

Welcome back, Howey. Good to see you made it back.
Oh well...if more of both sides shared our pragmatic outlook who would we have to pick on?
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Your father paid for it, not the taxpayers.

Actually no. The taxpayers did pay for it. He was in the military. More so than Obama's kids because he pays for Michelle's and their travel out of pocket.

As I said, you did not travel in the manner that these girls have. PERIOD.
Oh. So you're one of those idiots who thinks the president's children shouldn't get secret service protection and fly coach unaccompanied?

Lol. Get elected president and let's see if you feel the same way.

Jesus you're an idiot.

Or dishonest

Or both

I didn't say that they shouldn't travel the way they do, I merely said that isn't a "normal childhood"

Why the fuck can't you idiot liberals be honest for a change?
Of course it's not a normal childhood. Their father, as much as you hate the fact, is President.

What great experiences they must be having despite people like you critiquing their every move, outfit or hairstyle!

Like I said, the president's more than capable of handling his children. Certainly more than Sarah Palin.

You only need to worry about your own. I can only hope you share with them the worldly sights and cultures my father showed me and the president's children are experiencing.

Hopefully any child facing such wonders won't grow up to share your bigoted outlook and hatred of others different from you.

You're a fucking idiot.

ALL I said was that the statement about wanting a normal childhood for hid kids is impossible when you are the POTUS. I made ZERO remarks about anything else.

And yes, I think he's a shitty POTUS, has nothing to do with race, I also thought W was a shitty POTUS. See how that works.

Just because YOU are a bigot with no integrity or honesty, doesn't mean we all are.
So the Democrat rule is "no attacks on a politian's kids unless they are true?" Well, Chelsea was genuinely ugly, so why was saying that wrong?
Criticizing a 25 year old presidents daughter for flashing her pussy in public is not the same as calling a 15 year old girl ugly

Don't sweat it big guy. We still called Chelsea ugly when she was 25.
As is your right

And it is my right to criticize the entire Palin family for engaging in drunken brawls
Yep, and a drunk has the right to lay in the gutter and vomit on himself. Both activities deserve equal respect.
I guess you can describe the Palin family that way

And once again you sink into the gutter.
Lol. 51 pages of teabaggers defending some bitch who thought she had the fashion sense to tell two underage girls what to wear, then defending the Palin sluts.

A homo calling anyone a slut is the ultimate irony. How many sex partners does the average homo have in a year? What is the incidence of STDs among homosexuals? How about drug use?
Last edited:
Lol. 51 pages of teabaggers defending some bitch who thought she had the fashion sense to tell two underage girls what to wear, then defending the Palin sluts.

A homo calling anyone a slut is the ultimate irony. How many sex partners does the average homo have in a year? What is the incidence of STDs among homosexuals? How about drug use?

I can't speak for every "homo", but to answer your question, three, including my current partner of 14 years.

How many whores have you fucked, hetero?
Lol. 51 pages of teabaggers defending some bitch who thought she had the fashion sense to tell two underage girls what to wear, then defending the Palin sluts.

A homo calling anyone a slut is the ultimate irony. How many sex partners does the average homo have in a year? What is the incidence of STDs among homosexuals? How about drug use?

I can't speak for every "homo", but to answer your question, three, including my current partner of 14 years.

How many whores have you fucked, hetero?

I hope you treat Rdean well.
Lol. 51 pages of teabaggers defending some bitch who thought she had the fashion sense to tell two underage girls what to wear, then defending the Palin sluts.

A homo calling anyone a slut is the ultimate irony. How many sex partners does the average homo have in a year? What is the incidence of STDs among homosexuals? How about drug use?

I can't speak for every "homo", but to answer your question, three, including my current partner of 14 years.

How many whores have you fucked, hetero?
Whores won't even go near that creeper.
Lol. 51 pages of teabaggers defending some bitch who thought she had the fashion sense to tell two underage girls what to wear, then defending the Palin sluts.

A homo calling anyone a slut is the ultimate irony. How many sex partners does the average homo have in a year? What is the incidence of STDs among homosexuals? How about drug use?

I can't speak for every "homo", but to answer your question, three, including my current partner of 14 years.

How many whores have you fucked, hetero?
Whores won't even go near that creeper.

Me thinks Sarah has some inside information.

Wonder how ?

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