republican admitts he doesnt want to help voters vote

Yes and they have been disenfrachising voters for decades and the court records prove it

The central debate about the origin has been focused on the respective parts played by the public monetary policy (in the US notably) and by the practices of private financial institutions. In the U.S., mortgage funding was unusually decentralized, opaque, and competitive, and it is believed that competition between lenders for revenue and market share contributed to declining underwriting standards and risky lending.[42]

On October 15, 2008, Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima, and Jill Drew wrote a lengthy article in The Washington Post titled, "What Went Wrong".[55] In their investigation, the authors claim that former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt vehemently opposed any regulation of financial instruments known as derivatives. They further claim that Greenspan actively sought to undermine the office of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, specifically under the leadership of Brooksley E. Born, when the Commission sought to initiate regulation of derivatives. Ultimately, it was the collapse of a specific kind of derivative, the mortgage-backed security, that triggered the economic crisis of 2008.

Oh please... for the love of whatever deity you hold in respect... you are fucking delusional. Derivatives played their part... along with a variety of other factors... and, in order to understand the GLOBAL crisis (ie not the US crisis but the global one)... you have to go back to Carter's presidency. That's where the clusterfuck began. And... that's on wiki too.

This is why your party will be dead eventually.

You can fool all the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time but you cant fool all of he people all of the time

Exactly and well said. These numb nuts have to try and cheat to win.. And are pulling all the rotten tricks out to try and get their votes counted and silence the others Corrupt bastards.. It may have worked once, having these cheaters in higher office, but we are certainly watching and have people working on it now.
Everyone has a right to vote.
...once per election!

Democrats don't want voter ID because it makes it difficult for them to get multiple votes from one person, dead-people votes, illegal alien votes...

Anyone who thinks R's and D's are different is a bloody idiot.

They are all greedy bastards who are passing laws to line their own pockets at the expense of the American taxpayers.

But don't tell Truthiepoo this. She thinks her Democrats are saints. :lol:

where did I say that you dumnb fuck?

Now there are REEMS fo court documents of republicans cheating in elections.

Clinton gave us a surplus and your party crashed the entire world economy.

I call that a differance you fucking asshole
There you go again with that stupid fuckin' Clinton "surplus" shit. There was no surplus of money. Just a surplus of voodoo economic concerning on-budget and off-budget expenses.

You are an incorrigible idiot!

Anyone who thinks R's and D's are different is a bloody idiot.

They are all greedy bastards who are passing laws to line their own pockets at the expense of the American taxpayers.

But don't tell Truthiepoo this. She thinks her Democrats are saints. :lol:

where did I say that you dumnb fuck?

Now there are REEMS fo court documents of republicans cheating in elections.

Clinton gave us a surplus and your party crashed the entire world economy.

I call that a differance you fucking asshole

Posts like this is what I'm talking about. If you think Clinton was the one responsible for the surplus then you have a severe lack of understanding. Google "Dot Com Boom", do some reading, then come back to me.
There was no fuckin' "surplus"!

Dear fucking right wing nutter who a fake indy.

The CBO said that the 1993 ombra signed by NOT one republican and Gore had to come in and break the tie was responsible for the lions share of the budget surpluses.
There was no fuckin' "surplus"!

How much surplus did the US have when Clinton left office


It is a pity that you brain dead, stupid ass liberals continue to espouse that there was a surplus. It just continues to bolster the argument that you are FUCKING LIARS, FUCKING STUPID...or....BOTH!
Truthmatters, is it a habit for you to insult everyone who doesn't agree with your opinions?.

And I don't see the reason for such an outrage. Ok, the guy said it's a good thing that some people don't bother to vote, even if they have the right to do so. So? What's the problem? Is it a cheat? As far as I know this has nothing to do with cheating, like you were claiming.

Why don't you relax? Maybe you should go out with your friends, listen to some music, dance. Maybe you can be a good person in the real world. Because here you are so full of hate. Take a vacation from this board, I think that would be great for you. Seriously.
Yes and they have been disenfrachising voters for decades and the court records prove it

Stop spamming. You have started thread after thread after thread on this bullshit.

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.
DNC v. RNC Consent Decree | Brennan Center for Justice
Truthmatters, is it a habit for you to insult everyone who doesn't agree with your opinions?.

And I don't see the reason for such an outrage. Ok, the guy said it's a good thing that some people don't bother to vote, even if they have the right to do so. So? What's the problem? Is it a cheat? As far as I know this has nothing to do with cheating, like you were claiming.

Why don't you relax? Maybe you should go out with your friends, listen to some music, dance. Maybe you can be a good person in the real world. Because here you are so full of hate. Take a vacation from this board, I think that would be great for you. Seriously.

your lying about the facts.

that is why I call you things like taintwallow you taintwallow
Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn

“I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”

His JOB is to help voters vote you fools
One of Deidre Reese’s most precious childhood memories is going to the polls with her family.
“You saw hundreds and hundreds of people going from different congregations to vote together as a community,” she said. “Many people want to actually show up at the polls; they want to be there with their friends and neighbors ...
More B.S. No one goes to the polls to be with their friends and neighbors.

Maybe republicans don't need help voting....

Voting is a pretty simple concept....

Do democrats need help with everything they do?? are you fucks capable of taking a piss without someone holding your dick???

Democrats can't do anything for themselves much less think or vote for themselves. They have to be bussed to the polls as community groups by their community organizers. They are propagandized along the way. Then they are handed their voting slips to carry into the polls that tell them exactly how to vote. 95% vote exactly as their slip instructs them to.

Voting in Ohio | Fight over poll hours isn

“I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch. “Let’s be fair and reasonable.”

His JOB is to help voters vote you fools

And that would be a lie. His job is to make it possible for people to vote, not to help them during the voting process.
One of Deidre Reese’s most precious childhood memories is going to the polls with her family.

More B.S. No one goes to the polls to be with their friends and neighbors.

Maybe republicans don't need help voting....

Voting is a pretty simple concept....

Do democrats need help with everything they do?? are you fucks capable of taking a piss without someone holding your dick???

Democrats can't do anything for themselves much less think or vote for themselves. They have to be bussed to the polls as community groups by their community organizers. They are propagandized along the way. Then they are handed their voting slips to carry into the polls that tell them exactly how to vote. 95% vote exactly as their slip instructs them to.


so helping people vote is BAD??????

those people are dem voters you fool.

they can choose to vote dem if they wish to
One of Deidre Reese’s most precious childhood memories is going to the polls with her family.
“You saw hundreds and hundreds of people going from different congregations to vote together as a community,” she said. “Many people want to actually show up at the polls; they want to be there with their friends and neighbors ...
More B.S. No one goes to the polls to be with their friends and neighbors.

That's actually not true.

Voting is very important in many black communities. The churches will use their Sunday school buses and every will get on and go directly from Sunday morning church to the polling place.
B.S. It's a stupid, planted story to make one side look bad.

And you fell for it.
This is why your party will be dead eventually.

You can fool all the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time but you cant fool all of he people all of the time

Exactly and well said. These numb nuts have to try and cheat to win.. And are pulling all the rotten tricks out to try and get their votes counted and silence the others Corrupt bastards.. It may have worked once, having these cheaters in higher office, but we are certainly watching and have people working on it now.
Everyone has a right to vote.

Its now national news.

I have been fighting this battle for over a decade and have in the past had DEMS tell me to shut up about it.

Its NOW national news.

the court records are jammed packed with the facts going back decades and now people are learning about it daily.

these assholes are killing a once great party.

I dont think the label Republican will survive their sullying of it.

that part is kinda sad.

I was surprised when it wasn't hitting National News...Glad to see its all out in the open for America to see what the Ohio government is trying to do.
Make possible for people to vote by shortening the hours people can vote?

Well then the voters will just have to get off their dead asses and vote while the polls are open, won't they.

Why do you think they should have polling places open and pay staff 7 days a week just in case someone shows up? I would much rather have it the way it used to be (and my county still has) and just have the polls open on election day.

Interesting fun fact: Nobody in my county has ever whinged about wanting polls open for weeks before an election. :thup:

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