Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?
There are a lot of problems with that which includes the litigation to have them legally deported. Trump tried to institute a fast track system, but the leftist courts shot it down. He's doing everything he can, so the priority are those who are criminals.

As I mentioned earlier, the only thing that would work is create a law that getting caught being here illegally is a minimum of five years in prison. That would do the trick for both, border crossers and Visa overstays.
I think 5 years in prison is impractical for 25 million illegals

build the wall and confiscate all their possessions before sending them home

In time that will solve the problem if we are not stopped by the lefties

The point is there is really no deterrent to be here illegally. As long as you live in one of those sanctuary cities or states, don't break any laws, nobody will bother you. What I'm offering is a real deterrent.

Let's say we passed the law today. We give all illegals until May 1st to be out of the country. After May 1st, you are subject to arrest and imprisonment. Our border would be flooded; not with people trying to get in, but with people trying to get the hell out of the US.

While some may decide the risk is worth it to stay in the US, most would leave and never come back. So we wouldn't be locking up 25 million people or anywhere close to it.
I doubt if many illegals will leave based on threats

maybe after we carry out the threat others will get the idea

as someone pointed out we need to defeat the liberals first before we can fix the illegal alien problem

True, we do regardless of the immigration problem. But go back in time to when Arizona instituted their own immigration laws. DumBama took it to court and had it stopped, but until that time, they scrambled. Construction companies reporting that only half their crew showed up for work. Same for some schools. Illegals abandoning their house or apartment to just get the hell out of there.

No matter how bad your country is, you don't want to be in a federal prison for five years, because after you serve the time, you will be deported anyhow. It's better to just pack your bags and leave, not to come back until the Democrats have the power to rescind the measure and screw up the country again.
I just dont think prison is a practical idea for non violent illrgal aliens

I don't care if it's practical or not. What I care about is getting the illegals the hell out of this country, and prevent new ones from coming in. Such a law would do that.
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.

Of course they don't. And commies don't do anything about their children attending our schools, voting in local elections, giving them drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs you speak of, creating policy that prohibits their police force from working with ICE. But let's not go after Democrats. Let's go after Americans employers that hire them knowingly or unknowingly.

Going after the employers would certainly go a long way in solving the problem, wouldn't it?
I think 5 years in prison is impractical for 25 million illegals

build the wall and confiscate all their possessions before sending them home

In time that will solve the problem if we are not stopped by the lefties

The point is there is really no deterrent to be here illegally. As long as you live in one of those sanctuary cities or states, don't break any laws, nobody will bother you. What I'm offering is a real deterrent.

Let's say we passed the law today. We give all illegals until May 1st to be out of the country. After May 1st, you are subject to arrest and imprisonment. Our border would be flooded; not with people trying to get in, but with people trying to get the hell out of the US.

While some may decide the risk is worth it to stay in the US, most would leave and never come back. So we wouldn't be locking up 25 million people or anywhere close to it.
I doubt if many illegals will leave based on threats

maybe after we carry out the threat others will get the idea

as someone pointed out we need to defeat the liberals first before we can fix the illegal alien problem

True, we do regardless of the immigration problem. But go back in time to when Arizona instituted their own immigration laws. DumBama took it to court and had it stopped, but until that time, they scrambled. Construction companies reporting that only half their crew showed up for work. Same for some schools. Illegals abandoning their house or apartment to just get the hell out of there.

No matter how bad your country is, you don't want to be in a federal prison for five years, because after you serve the time, you will be deported anyhow. It's better to just pack your bags and leave, not to come back until the Democrats have the power to rescind the measure and screw up the country again.
I just dont think prison is a practical idea for non violent illrgal aliens

I don't care if it's practical or not. What I care about is getting the illegals the hell out of this country, and prevent new ones from coming in. Such a law would do that.
All trump supporters care about ending the illegal alien invasion
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.

Of course they don't. And commies don't do anything about their children attending our schools, voting in local elections, giving them drivers licenses so they can get to those jobs you speak of, creating policy that prohibits their police force from working with ICE. But let's not go after Democrats. Let's go after Americans employers that hire them knowingly or unknowingly.

Going after the employers would certainly go a long way in solving the problem, wouldn't it?

We already do that, but the problem is our court system. You have to be able to prove the employer knowingly hired illegals. If you can't do that, then they have no case. Fake documentation is a huge industry in this country. It's damn near impossible to tell the real thing from the fake.

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

A driver's license is a protection to the general public, not a job.

Republican Ronald Reagan gave millions of illegals amnesty. Trump has not prosecuted any corporate employers, despite raids on numerous facilities. Not one. He's rounded up thousands of illegals but he's not deporting them.

Clinton passed the most stringent anti-illegal laws on record. Republicans have consistenly blocked legislation increasing regulations and punishment for employers.

Obama deported more illegal than Trump has. Trump just locks them up indefinitely at the taxpayers' expense. What a waste of taxpayer money that is. Incarcerating 45,000 otherwise law abiding residents, for a misdemeanor crime.

You keep believing Trump's lies about illegals. No other country in the world has this problem with illegal immigration. That's because no other country in the world allows employers to hire illegals with impunity. Trump won't punish those who employ illegals because he's one of those employers.
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

A driver's license is a protection to the general public, not a job.

Republican Ronald Reagan gave millions of illegals amnesty. Trump has not prosecuted any corporate employers, despite raids on numerous facilities. Not one. He's rounded up thousands of illegals but he's not deporting them.

Clinton passed the most stringent anti-illegal laws on record. Republicans have consistenly blocked legislation increasing regulations and punishment for employers.

Obama deported more illegal than Trump has. Trump just locks them up indefinitely at the taxpayers' expense. What a waste of taxpayer money that is. Incarcerating 45,000 otherwise law abiding residents, for a misdemeanor crime.

You keep believing Trump's lies about illegals. No other country in the world has this problem with illegal immigration. That's because no other country in the world allows employers to hire illegals with impunity. Trump won't punish those who employ illegals because he's one of those employers.

So you're under the assumption that Trump runs our court system, laws, and processing of illegals? Trump doesn't do any of that. Once the illegals or employers are caught, it's in the hands of the courts--not the President. And remember how many times the commies took Trump's policies to court in order to have his immigrant policies stopped either temporarily or permanently.

What laws regarding employers have Republicans stopped? When did Democrats ever offer any laws to make coming here more difficult? The Democrats have a Welcome door mat at our border. Giving them drivers licenses make that mat even bigger.
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.
reagan tried. compromised and made a deal.

the left reneged.

Wow, so what is the argument here? (for the record, Reagan didn't try to stop them from working). That because something didn't happen 35 years ago, forget it. They are never actually going to do what they claim they want done ever again?

I don't really disagree with that. We've seen it since then.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.
Only you do not want illegals deported and the border sealed

both of which can and should be done

If the jobs are cut off, they deport themselves.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

No I'm confused. You want to do what to employers that bring and hire illegals here? Nothing?
Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

Seal up the Border: Most Illegal Immigrants come through the ports. They don't sneak in or climb the walls. Most come in with some form of Visa and overstay their welcome or they have falsified paperwork. "BUILD THAT WALL" needs to be changed to "Do a better job at the ports of entry" and enforcing the Visas. Beefing up the Ports of Entry would garner support from both Dems and Reps if present correctly. "BUILD THAT WALL" is just silly. But without the enforcement this can never be done.

Yes, we need to deport all known illegal aliens. But only after due process. The problem we have is, our Immigration Courts are overloaded and are at least a couple of years behind. We need to temporarily get at least twice the Immigration Courts going and get rid of the surplus of waiting court cases. This is doable.

As I state, the Uber Rich may run their mouths about this but they make billions by hiring these people. They pay them less than min wage, give them zero or almost zero benefits. And when the Illegal complains about it, the Uber Rich will be the first to call ICE to have their very own company raided. Then they just import the next batch. It's supposed to be illegal to hire these people already but it's just not enforced. Remember that Chicken Processing plant in the South? If ICE can discover who is and who isn't illegal, HR should be able to do so during the hiring process. Yet not one single Manager even got a cross look.
Sealing the border will stop about half of the illegal alien invasion

but yes we need to follow up on visa overstays which are the other half of the invasion

No, it's already been recorded that 90% of the illegals come in through the ports of entry. And it's not just the overstaying of the Visas it's also the fake entry papers.

My god you are unable to be honest.
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.
The Democrats is using immigrants for votes. They don't mind if each family costs every taxpayer in America $100,000 a year in services, housing, and food whether or not they work. They don't mind lying about printing more money as being a free way out of paying the tab at the end of the day. That's looney tunes and sets this entire nation up to being in debt to the zillionaire who supplied the backup for Democrats' assent to power in which they abuse all Conservative Americans for not going along with their particular fiscal insanity, which weakens us. And when Conservatives try to pull America out of its jobless slump, the Democrats use illegal and hateful means of stopping their free access to America's credit line. Right now, the Princess fool in charge of all of America's money is Maxine Waters, who is so powerful she told her minions to do illegal stalking of the Presidential staff a couple of years back. When she was pinned down by her colleagues for doing that with a mild massage to her wrist (never a slap on Maxine's wrist, no, no), Maxine altered her narrative to "I'm going to take Trump down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This is criminalspeak for murdering someone. Just her mouth should have put her in jail until the FBI got around to questioning her as to why she would like to murder President Trump, and keeping her locked up for awhile until she cools the hell off. :cranky: Nothing at present indicates her willingness to do the traditional thing in Congress and be a diplomatic person to her fellow Americans. In her mind her only fellow Americans are Democrats, which is why she is unfit for being the chairperson overlooking America's money, and at this point, America's credit line to mega-billionaires from all over the world who still have confidence in America's workers.

We need to get away from Maxine Waters. She's black, and every time she is disciplined, she brings up her race and how bad people who never owned a slave are. Because not one of us lived back in civil war days nor owned a slave. Maxine, however wants to treat conservatives like noncitizens, and illegal aliens like deserving fellow citizens so long as they kiss her behiney by voting her back in. And she has the power and motivation to look them up as Hillary Clinton teaches her fellow Democrats by doing. They're information queens around the DNC headquarters. They want information on you so they can threaten you if you stray from the Socialism narrative.

Hit the off button on your TV Set and your Radio. Step away from your computer until this sickness subsides. It should begin to get better Nov 3, 2020 when the cancerous growth is removed from the Whitehouse. Until then, go for long walks, read a good classic book. Hell, go to a ballet or Opera, you Wife will appreciate it if you take her once in awhile.

Illegals can't vote and there is nothing except conspiracy sites and Hannity/Rush/ and a few other wacko things. Man, when you latch onto a lie, you just keep chompin' on that bone.
Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

You can punish employers RIGHT NOW. Do it and the illegal jobs will dry up. There would be no need for a wall

We do that already, but you have to prove in court the employer knew they were hiring illegals. With all the fake documentation being sold to immigrants, it's tough for employers to distinguish legal from illegal foreigners.

What would work is a law that being here illegally is a felony. First offense if caught would be a minimum of five years in prison. I stress the word "minimum." A judge could give up to ten years. Then we wouldn't need a wall.

Again, unable to tell the truth.

Wal-Mart to Pay U.S. $11 Million in Lawsuit on Illegal Workers

Even though you know you are lying, you just can't stop.
Yes, because without them they don't come here to start with.

Of course not. They don't come here for the industry of Birther Tourism. They don't come here for public aid for their children. They don't come here to take care of legal immigrant family members. They only come here to work illegally.

That's right because they can not survive here without the jobs. No one can live on nothing while waiting to give birth. No one can live on food stamps alone.

If the jobs aren't here, they don't come but the Republicans (and many Democrats) want them to come to fill jobs to keep wages depressed.

the estimate that we have 20 million illegals in this country, are you really stupid enough to believe that most or all of those 20 million are working illegally in this country?

Someone is to provide for the ones that aren't. If the jobs go, they all go.

So are you really that dense to believe that all 20 million are working jobs illegally?

It's sad how dishonest you are.

How am I dishonest?

With every word you write.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
The OP is a bit misleading, but the actual gop proposal is not insane. Halting all funding would be unconst under Roberts reasoning in denying the dems the power to force states to expand Medicaid or lose all Medicaid dollars. Once the feds tie money to states doing "something" it should limit the fed's power to change what the "something" is.

But this money seems to be for law enforcement and courts. And as the link provided makes clearer, DL is only a portion. But basically is a local govt chooses not tell its law enforcement folks to cooperate with the DOJ in immigration issues, then the local jurisdiction may lose federal dollars that go to assting law enforcement.

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