Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......

I very much like Walker and Cruz. I'm not so crazy about Rubio or Rand Paul, and I'm REALLY not crazy about Jeb.
My preference is for any GOP candidate who can:

1. Beat Hillary;

2. Increase GOP margins in Congress and State Legislatures; and

3. Rally support for a Constitutional Convention.

This may be our last chance to save the Republic.

I honestly don't think Hillary will be their candidate by the time the primaries are over. I think she will flame out again. I think people know she can't win a general and will go with someone else again like they did Obama in 2008.
I remember when McCain's people attacked their supporter...a radio host who opened an event for McCain...the radio guy said Barak Hussein Obama....and the campaign staffers told him to stop using Hussein.......I knew...well, long before that really, that McCain didn't have what it took to deal with the democrats...dittos Dole and Romney.....

As long as we let liberals set the boundaries for what we can and cannot say, we will lose every election, and the liberals know it, which is why they do it!
Hey everybody, take this quiz:

2016 Political Quiz

I came out sided 86% with the GOP, 82% with the Constitution Party, 64% with the Libertarians, and 7% with the Democrats. :)

I side with Republicans on 97% of political issues


I thought this interesting--I don't know if ya'll signed into that site but if you do, you have to take the test again but then it gives you all kinds of interesting facts about how your views compare with others in your own state and around the country. My level of agreement everywhere was pretty low almost everywhere. But it said this about me:

Your political beliefs would be considered moderately Right-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote economic freedom and a society based on morals and values."

Which is pretty accurate I would say.
88 repub, 86 constitution, 72 libertarian, 37 dem

Fox I want you to come clean, how many secretaries do you have working under your name?
In order of far!!

Top tier-
Rand Paul- love this guy. Agree on most every issue.
Scott Walker- has done a great job in WI. Has executive experience. Proven winner

Tier 2-
Carly Fiorina- she has a very compelling personal story, and is truly an outsider. She nullifies Hillary's fake appeal to women.
Rubio- I do like that he is young and fresh. Will need to hear more
Cruz- on the fence with him. He is awfully divisive. But I do respect his intelligence
John Kasich - I'd like to hear more about his positions
JJindal- he's got to do a better job of making his views known. He was a very popular governor.
Christie- despite his massive girth and charisma, he is too moderate for me. But I would vote for him over hiLIARy

Not for me-
Rick Perry- seems too much like "W" for me.....tarnished
Hucklabee- I don't care for his social conservatism or opportunism.
Carson- he's got no chance
88 repub, 86 constitution, 72 libertarian, 37 dem

Fox I want you to come clean, how many secretaries do you have working under your name?

LOL. I'm afraid I haven't had any secretary but me for some years now. Why?
Hey everybody, take this quiz:

2016 Political Quiz

I came out sided 86% with the GOP, 82% with the Constitution Party, 64% with the Libertarians, and 7% with the Democrats. :)

I side with Republicans on 97% of political issues


But you agree with the Democrats 11% more than I do LOL

Yeah, but I don't see how that's possible!

Since I don't agree with the Democrats EVER! :lol:

There must have been something subtle in those questions and, in truth, the GOP and Democrats are not polar opposites on every issue.

Zander's results for instance are fascinating when his agreement with the GOP was higher than my results but he agrees with the Democrats 56% to my 7% agreement with Democrats? How do you answer the questions to get that result?

But all that is to say that the issues themselves may not be all that important when we choose a GOP nominee. I am thinking that values and character may be far more important than a person's position on any particular issue.
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Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?
Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

It's a good point.

Large corporations and government are one in the same and those CEO's are making a lot off of our tax dollars (and we don't see anything). Additionally, they are still rewarded for failure with huge golden parachutes. - Forget brass rings 151 execs grab for gold

Perhaps the most lucrative exit package for an underperforming CEO is that of Mattel's Jill Barad. Ousted from the floundering toymaker last February, Barad got a $26.4 million payout and supplemental retirement worth $1 million. Mattel forgave a $4.2 million stock-related loan, the balance on a $3 million home loan it provided Barad and will cover her $3.3 million tax hit resulting from the forgiven loans. Mattel also covers Barad's health insurance, security services, outplacement help and financial counseling.


This is one of the more egregious.

Now, while the thread isn't about this, it does point to yet another place the GOP could make some points if they actually believe what they say. It is very clear this isn't free enterprise. This is mutual backscratching and is the equivalent of larceny.

The GOP would do well to really take a hard look at the wealth concentration in this country and understand how it occurs.

They don't need to pass laws against people making lots of money.

Economics teaches that nobody should get fabulously rich is a true free market system. Others will jump into the fray and extract those margins and profits and drive costs down.

What the GOP should be doing is talking about taking away barriers to entry into new markets.

One of these would getting rid of wall street altogether. Wall street only exists because it is protected.

I am not paying close attention to the candidates just yet, but if any of them is addressing this in a serious fashion....I'd like to know.
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

Yeah, thanks non republican for putting that crap in.

But it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what a business pays their CEO. Did that ever occur to you?

If Chick Fil A or Sony wants to pay their CEO a million dollars an hour, that's their business AND NONE OF YOURS.

Welcome to a free country. People are free. Even to pay a CEO more than YOU think they are worth.

What is it with liberals that they can't stand someone else besides liberal politicians are making money!
Ok I am going to state a case for a number of issues in the context of a platform for the presidential candidate. 2 a guy this is your thread and if you don't want it to go this way please tell me. You won't hurt my feelings. It feels like a cocoon here and it inspires thought instead of frustration. But viewer warning, some of my suggestions may be controversial. But I do not subscribe to the pigeonholing of people to certain categories, or the myth that leadership cannot bond diverse opinions together.

Minimum wage. I think the min wage should go to 10 an hour but I think neither the person or the business should pay any taxes to the govt for the first year. All the money would go to the worker and the business would not be handicapped by increased taxes. More,people,would be hired. Republicans would look good.

Free Trade. I know this will sound simplistic but Jim Cramer on squawk on the street said it so succinctly. Trade deals have not worked. We have entered into all these trade deals and we still have a huge trade deficit. Trade has not helped this country but benefitted our competitors. Just quit it and focus on jobs in this country. This is an attention getter.

Immigration. I have said this before. Document all the illegals and give them a card with a big red line in it. They can get a drivers license and work and don't have to look over their shoulder. No citizenship, they can get in line like everyone else. No benefits, no welfare, no food stamps, but no hassle. Militarize the border and no one gets in illegally. People,who don't follow this plan get sent back immediately without fail.

Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

Republicans have to be realists. But it is time to be creative not rigid. Focus the campaign on what is best for America not just what is comfortable for the base. New and improved anyone?

On to minimum wage.

All minimum wage accomplishes is keeping out people who need a job.

The idea of an ENTRY LEVEL JOB is to give people job experience.

You aren't supposed to remain in an entry level job. You are supposed to work your way up and make more money.

All minimum wage accomplishes is keep people out who need work experience, and locking them in to an entry level job when they should be setting their sights higher.
Ceo pay. I have not figured out a way to punish companies for outrageous reimbursement without stepping on people's rights, so I think this is a case that will have to be waged by jawboning. Public pressure will,have to be brought to bear and you know what, it doesn't cost anything. It is not anti-conservative to point out the obscenity that is ceo pay. Some may call this demagoguery but this is exhibit A for income inequality which republicans have to talk about. Don't get me wrong about this, I think individuals should be rewarded for their efforts or their inventions or their talents or success they bring to their companies, but executives should have the humility to recognize they didn't do it alone and their employees deserve a mentor not a king.

It's a good point.

Large corporations and government are one in the same and those CEO's are making a lot off of our tax dollars (and we don't see anything). Additionally, they are still rewarded for failure with huge golden parachutes. - Forget brass rings 151 execs grab for gold

Perhaps the most lucrative exit package for an underperforming CEO is that of Mattel's Jill Barad. Ousted from the floundering toymaker last February, Barad got a $26.4 million payout and supplemental retirement worth $1 million. Mattel forgave a $4.2 million stock-related loan, the balance on a $3 million home loan it provided Barad and will cover her $3.3 million tax hit resulting from the forgiven loans. Mattel also covers Barad's health insurance, security services, outplacement help and financial counseling.


This is one of the more egregious.

Now, while the thread isn't about this, it does point to yet another place the GOP could make some points if they actually believe what they say. It is very clear this isn't free enterprise. This is mutual backscratching and is the equivalent of larceny.

The GOP would do well to really take a hard look at the wealth concentration in this country and understand how it occurs.

They don't need to pass laws against people making lots of money.

Economics teaches that nobody should get fabulously rich is a true free market system. Others will jump into the fray and extract those margins and profits and drive costs down.

What the GOP should be doing is talking about taking away barriers to entry into new markets.

One of these would getting rid of wall street altogether. Wall street only exists because it is protected.

I am not paying close attention to the candidates just yet, but if any of them is addressing this in a serious fashion....I'd like to know.

UM, helloooooooooooooooooooo!

If a country is FREE,. then you are FREE to make as much as you have the ability to make.

Does economics teach otherwise or does socialism?
Last but not least.


If they are breaking the law, then they should be subject to the SAME LAWS WE HAVE TO OBEY.

Deport them! Period!

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