Republican Debate: March 3, 2016

Someone attack Kasich.
where is Christie? is he gonna come out after he finishes his large meaty pizza?
He is polishing Trump's limo and pr
Nobody on stage says ...America does not torture
They don't want to be perceived as weak by the crazies.
what about Lindsey Graham? is he still in the mens room?
Was he around when Larry Craig was in office? You know how gays can find each other? I wonder if those two got into rubio, I mean got rubio into politics. You know how it is. I wash your back you fuck my ass.
Someone needs to tell Megyn Kelly to grow her hair out again.
I swear she looks 20 years older than she did two months ago.
“A Leopard never changes it spots” so sad to watch that viper Kelly.....oh well
Kasich said he was the only one to cut taxes and balance the budget. But he forgot to mention the money he got from Obamacare which is why he balanced the budget.

John Kasich broke with the GOP on expanding Medicaid. And he’d do it again.

Twenty states, most run by Republican governors or legislatures, declined the largesse. Being tied to Obamacare, and to any kind of federal growth, was anathema to the GOP.
But Kasich wasn’t about to turn down an expected infusion of $13 billion. He is a man obsessed with budgets, and he believed Medicaid expansion was a step toward balance in Ohio.

Which of course it was. And getting money from Obama is how he balanced the Budget.
Poor Kasich, the GOPs best last chance and he's practically wallpaper.
Trump advocates war crimes again

What he calls making America great
Trump advocates killing terrorists....before they kill all of us. That has been my solution for years!

Kill ALL radical Muslims....and their children!
Kill children? You have to be a Republican. There can't be any other explanation.

Apparently, you don't watch much of the news depicting what is going on in the terrorists training camps. You are an unenlightened fool. They are training their children.

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