Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Would forcing something on the people that they do not want be insuring domestic Tranquility

Certainly. That comes from the Preamble, that begins with WE THE PEOPLE, and they duties we have to other people in our society. We The People, of the United States of America. In order to form a more perfect union. Establish justice, and ensure domestic tranqulity.......

This is our duty as citizens of this country to all the We the People. Domestic refers to tranquility in your home and in your society of We the People. It is more than just a duty to your family, but to the Union, towards a perfect Union, and if it isn't right, it is your duty as part of society to make it right. Justice isn't to you alone, but to We The People.

A good example might be, when a war comes up, do you leave home to defend only your family and only your families freedoms? Maybe you are too old to go. What then? Does someone else go for you to ensure domestic tranquility in your home and society? So you can see, the clause is about We The People, helping one another for the betterment of society.
You are so far off target I really do not know where to begin. To force a law on 65 percent of Americans is not insuring domestic Tranquility it creates unrest and anger

Geeze dude, somebody had to go fight the wars to ensure domestic tranquility, and some had to stay home and pay for it, but you don't need to get mad about it. We are all in the same boat here, and everybody is rowing.:eusa_whistle:
Certainly. That comes from the Preamble, that begins with WE THE PEOPLE, and they duties we have to other people in our society. We The People, of the United States of America. In order to form a more perfect union. Establish justice, and ensure domestic tranqulity.......

This is our duty as citizens of this country to all the We the People. Domestic refers to tranquility in your home and in your society of We the People. It is more than just a duty to your family, but to the Union, towards a perfect Union, and if it isn't right, it is your duty as part of society to make it right. Justice isn't to you alone, but to We The People.

A good example might be, when a war comes up, do you leave home to defend only your family and only your families freedoms? Maybe you are too old to go. What then? Does someone else go for you to ensure domestic tranquility in your home and society? So you can see, the clause is about We The People, helping one another for the betterment of society.
You are so far off target I really do not know where to begin. To force a law on 65 percent of Americans is not insuring domestic Tranquility it creates unrest and anger

Geeze dude, somebody had to go fight the wars to ensure domestic tranquility, and some had to stay home and pay for it, but you don't need to get mad about it. We are all in the same boat here, and everybody is rowing.:eusa_whistle:

obamacare does not ensure domestic tranquility when 65% of Americans do not want it.
If you answer my question the way I know you will you argument becomes moot. Those Civil Rights Acts and the Emancipation Proclamation that Republicans and Tea Bastards gloat about as their handowork both went against the will of the majority of "the people" and against the "states' right" to discriminate and enslave African Americans, I guess you would call that unconstitutional too right? Oh wait a minute, Rand Paul already said the 1964 Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional because it basically "forces" businesses not to discriminate. Dickhead.

Stop pussy footing around ae you going to defend your opinion or are you going to pussy out.

If you read the fucking bill correctly you would know that its forcing people to do anything and all people need some kind of medical care/insurance.

I have read the bill and if you and 95% of the people that say they have read would be honest about it we would not be having this discussion. obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it. But are to chickenshit to admit it.
Stop pussy footing around ae you going to defend your opinion or are you going to pussy out.

If you read the fucking bill correctly you would know that its forcing people to do anything and all people need some kind of medical care/insurance.

I have read the bill and if you and 95% of the people that say they have read would be honest about it we would not be having this discussion. obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it. But are to chickenshit to admit it.

I have read the fucking bill more than once and its not forcing anything on anyone. Its only right that you pussy out of responding to my statements about the Civil Rights Acts and the war in Iraq that Republicans wanted to continue but the majority of Americans
You are so far off target I really do not know where to begin. To force a law on 65 percent of Americans is not insuring domestic Tranquility it creates unrest and anger

Geeze dude, somebody had to go fight the wars to ensure domestic tranquility, and some had to stay home and pay for it, but you don't need to get mad about it. We are all in the same boat here, and everybody is rowing.:eusa_whistle:

obamacare does not ensure domestic tranquility when 65% of Americans do not want it.

Hmm, apparently the 65% of misguided people are wrong about what they think they don't want. Just like the 65% of people who wanted Bush to find a diplomatic solution to Iraq rather than invade the country. Like the Rollin Stones sing, you can't always get what you want. So why does this give you unrest and anger?
Geeze dude, somebody had to go fight the wars to ensure domestic tranquility, and some had to stay home and pay for it, but you don't need to get mad about it. We are all in the same boat here, and everybody is rowing.:eusa_whistle:

obamacare does not ensure domestic tranquility when 65% of Americans do not want it.

Hmm, apparently the 65% of misguided people are wrong about what they think they don't want. Just like the 65% of people who wanted Bush to find a diplomatic solution to Iraq rather than invade the country. Like the Rollin Stones sing, you can't always get what you want. So why does this give you unrest and anger?

Be honest you haven't read the law have you? Every week there is more information about how misleading the democrats were andsoon the truth will come out, but by that time it will be to late. Short of an all out war.
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If you read the fucking bill correctly you would know that its forcing people to do anything and all people need some kind of medical care/insurance.

I have read the bill and if you and 95% of the people that say they have read would be honest about it we would not be having this discussion. obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it. But are to chickenshit to admit it.

I have read the fucking bill more than once and its not forcing anything on anyone. Its only right that you pussy out of responding to my statements about the Civil Rights Acts and the war in Iraq that Republicans wanted to continue but the majority of Americans

I doubt it even the speaker of the house who voted on the law admited on TV she didn't know what was in the bill before it became a law. Congress had a shocker shortly after the bill became law they found out they lost their government plan because of the new law. Not sure as to how they fixed it but I think they have taken care of the problem.

Sure you read the bill... if you had you would not be so supportive of it.
[obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it.

Hopefully we will have more seats after November and Obama can have it the way he wants it. I admit giving republicans the time of day on this was a big mistake. It should have been written before he entered the White House, and ram rodded through congress on opening day. But like social security, it can be made better and more perfected over the coming years. I am sure by the time we socialize government, the medical will be taken care of. The German model works well, and we should use their system.
obamacare does not ensure domestic tranquility when 65% of Americans do not want it.

Hmm, apparently the 65% of misguided people are wrong about what they think they don't want. Just like the 65% of people who wanted Bush to find a diplomatic solution to Iraq rather than invade the country. Like the Rollin Stones sing, you can't always get what you want. So why does this give you unrest and anger?

Be honest you haven't read the law have you? Every week there is more information about how misleading the democrats were andsoon the truth will come out, but by that time it will be to late. Short of an all out war.

No I haven't read it. I took a looksie back when Palin was yelling about death panels, and figured if that was a lie, so was everything the republicans were advancing. The republican party said they read it, so I guess they know what is in it.
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[obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it.

Hopefully we will have more seats after November and Obama can have it the way he wants it. I admit giving republicans the time of day on this was a big mistake. It should have been written before he entered the White House, and ram rodded through congress on opening day. But like social security, it can be made better and more perfected over the coming years. I am sure by the time we socialize government, the medical will be taken care of. The German model works well, and we should use their system.

I googled the German healtcare system and this is the first link from google. I have not read it so I do not know whats in it. Heres ther link.
I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.
I have read the bill and if you and 95% of the people that say they have read would be honest about it we would not be having this discussion. obamacare is not what obama said it was going to be, and you know it. But are to chickenshit to admit it.

I have read the fucking bill more than once and its not forcing anything on anyone. Its only right that you pussy out of responding to my statements about the Civil Rights Acts and the war in Iraq that Republicans wanted to continue but the majority of Americans

I doubt it even the speaker of the house who voted on the law admited on TV she didn't know what was in the bill before it became a law. Congress had a shocker shortly after the bill became law they found out they lost their government plan because of the new law. Not sure as to how they fixed it but I think they have taken care of the problem.

Sure you read the bill... if you had you would not be so supportive of it.

I did read the fucking bill you asswipe, apparentlt Republicans and Tea Bastards didn't if they did they would shut the fuck up talking about death panels.
I have read the fucking bill more than once and its not forcing anything on anyone. Its only right that you pussy out of responding to my statements about the Civil Rights Acts and the war in Iraq that Republicans wanted to continue but the majority of Americans

I doubt it even the speaker of the house who voted on the law admited on TV she didn't know what was in the bill before it became a law. Congress had a shocker shortly after the bill became law they found out they lost their government plan because of the new law. Not sure as to how they fixed it but I think they have taken care of the problem.

Sure you read the bill... if you had you would not be so supportive of it.

I did read the fucking bill you asswipe, apparentlt Republicans and Tea Bastards didn't if they did they would shut the fuck up talking about death panels.

So you read the bill I was tring to give you the benifit of the doubt. But you beat me. Then since you say you read the bill that mustr make you really stupid for supporting something that will take away your freedoms and rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness away from you.

OH and I did not mention anything about death panels but there is such a thing in the law about end of life counseling
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I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.

You have had a long time to perfect the German system, it works good, and it will take socialism for it to work here. One thing not mentioned in the article besides length of time, is the psychophilosophical attitudes of the people from the two country's. Here we think it is all about rip-off & greed & less about the benefits to the society. Germans have a completely different approach to their society. They are not hung up on social programs, because they are not using a capitalist system that would bleed them dry, such as military intervention to boost the economy. That drains America & is a complete waste to it's people, but it does serve corporations well. And Germans live longer lifespans than we do, and have more children survive live births. Part of the German system is recognizing work will kill you. Mexico gets the message as well with their daily siestas. Germans work less and enjoy life more. Americans are the most overworked people on the globe.

good link & 3 pages
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I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.

I haven't read this so I do not know whats in it. It may support your arguement and then again
I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.

You have had a long time to perfect the German system, it works good, and it will take socialism for it to work here. One thing not mentioned in the article besides length of time, is the psychophilosophical attitudes of the people from the two country's. Here we think it is all about rip-off & greed & less about the benefits to the society. Germans have a completely different approach to their society. They are not hung up on social programs, because they are not using a capitalist system that would bleed them dry, such as military intervention to boost the economy. That drains America & is a complete waste to it's people, but it does serve corporations well. And Germans live longer lifespans than we do, and have more children survive live births. Part of the German system is recognizing work will kill you. Mexico gets the message as well with their daily siestas. Germans work less and enjoy life more. Americans are the most overworked people on the globe.

good link & 3 pages
[So you read the bill I was tring to give you the benifit of the doubt. But you beat me. Then since you say you read the bill that mustr make you really stupid for supporting something that will take away your freedoms and rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness away from you.

OH and I did not mention anything about death panels but there is such a thing in the law about end of life counseling

I found this one, which appears to be it. HR 3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act - HR 3962

I am headed nana......................
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It is completely true. Bad try though. :cuckoo:

Spoken like a true liberal...Keep the poor and stupid dependent on the government. You failed. :cuckoo:

How many more years do you need to make the poor rich, and the stupid intelligent?? :cuckoo:

Nice though!!!

You start by doing well in school and working your ass off through college. I didn't come from a "rich" family. I worked hard to get where I'm at. Besides, as I see it, you don't live in the US and pay taxes, so how does this even affect you?
Spoken like a true liberal...Keep the poor and stupid dependent on the government. You failed. :cuckoo:

How many more years do you need to make the poor rich, and the stupid intelligent?? :cuckoo:

Nice though!!!

You start by doing well in school and working your ass off through college. I didn't come from a "rich" family. I worked hard to get where I'm at. Besides, as I see it, you don't live in the US and pay taxes, so how does this even affect you?

Thats why we have a shitload of college grads who can't get jobs despite their degrees so they're even applying for low end jobs just to pay the bills, your ideal, individualistic theory doesn't match the facts. I'm pretty sure those college grads who can't get a fucking job worked just as hard as one hard worker to secure employment and you mean to tell me that they're lazy and or somehow less industrious than those who have a job because they're jobless? Come back to fucking earth.
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.
It is much easier for the people to remove the members of Congress and the President, than to remove the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of a huge powerful international corporation.
Really? You think so huh. Impeach a president. Just try to do it as an individual.

I can sue the shit out of a president of a company personally in a civil suit if I have a real one and get him removed before his problems taint the board. A boycott can cause a company to throw out an offensive employee. Try to do that to a senator or even a judge.


We the people elect Congressmen and the President. Only the stockholders get to vote for the Board of Exxon Mobil.

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