Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Obviously you have never earned a wage, had a job or paid taxes.
Dude, I have more money than Mick Jagger.

Or if you by some freak of nature have, you were never poor
It is true that I've never been poor.

The EIC and homestead credit kick in where you can get double or triple your money back in a refund. Happened to me twice.
My net worth $500,000 when I graduated high school.
So much bandwidth wasted on a lifetime tax leach, whose main claim to fame is being the army's equivalent to the school's cafeteria lady. Back to your slop ladle there Igor.
“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

You quote Jefferson, I quote Hamilton, Washington, Gerry, Marshall, Story, Lee and Yeats. Both interpretations were reasonable. Hamilton's prevailed because it was what the people wanted.
In Mickey's little mind, they just seem like big things. As government grows it becomes a thing onto itself. It feels it deserves to grow and control more and more. Eventually, it will strangle the people it was suppose to serve by taking too much.

So when will it be too much? Obviously as the population grows, there is more demand by government, not less. By stalling government action, we have fallen behind the civilized World and are headed for third world status. I suppose if you chose to live live like Mexicans or Indians, you can strive for less government, less intrusion. If three acres and a mule are your ideal lifestyle, you might be in the wrong country.:lol:
A big strong nation needs a big strong government.
Government is what creates poverty
Nope. Laissez faire is what creates mass poverty. That's why we got rid of it and established a regulated economy and a social safety net.

freedom creates wealth.
In that case, we have enormous freedom in the U. S., because even someone like me was able to amass enormous wealth.
Conservatives like to exagerrate shit, the government doesn't have that much control over anything in America. They haven't learned their history, that history when robber barons worked employees like they were slaves and reaped a profit until the government stepped in to protect and give rights to workers. The states haven't shown they're going to do any better to protect workers than the federal government
Government is what creates poverty
Nope. Laissez faire is what creates mass poverty. That's why we got rid of it and established a regulated economy and a social safety net.

freedom creates wealth.
In that case, we have enormous freedom in the U. S., because even someone like me was able to amass enormous wealth.

I believe saveliberty said freedom creates wealth, right? Now we know why African Americans lag behind white Americans in total wealth because for about a few hundred years African Americans were slaves and even though they bcame legally free of slavery economically and socially they were still enslaved despite working hard during slavery and the Jim Crow years.
What is really wrong is for Congress to create these unsustainable entitlement programs
None of the federal entitlement programs - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, most Veterans' Administration programs, federal employee and military retirement plans, unemployment compensation, food stamps, and agricultural price support programs - are unsustainable.
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The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.

"Promote" vs "Provide"...

Have you given this ANY Thought?...

Have you Researched the Founders on this?...

Had the Founders Intended on that Meaning "Welfare" as we Know it today, or Social Security, they would have Proposed them and Passed them into Law.

Do some Reading.


contradiction? Yes lets talk about contradiction example 1.
Would forcing something on the people that they do not want be insuring domestic Tranquility

Not saying the OP left the discussion because I asked them this but, they left shortly after I posted this. So would one of you socialist defending morons care to take a swing at this and give your views on the comment I made?

Do you view having to register at 18 years of age for selective service as unconstitutional because its required? Dpo you view having to pay a speeding ticket when you drive over speed limit unconstitutional because you have pay something you don't want to pay? Did you view Bush as acting unconstitutional when he continued a war in Iraq that was unjusitified and against the will of the majority of the citizens of the United States? My point dipshit is that there are a lot of thing that we as US citizens are already forced to do whether we like it or not and taxes is one of them so your questio is stupid as fuck, you see where I'm going with this?

Were you in the 82ed?
In Mickey's little mind, they just seem like big things. As government grows it becomes a thing onto itself. It feels it deserves to grow and control more and more. Eventually, it will strangle the people it was suppose to serve by taking too much.

So when will it be too much? Obviously as the population grows, there is more demand by government, not less. By stalling government action, we have fallen behind the civilized World and are headed for third world status. I suppose if you chose to live live like Mexicans or Indians, you can strive for less government, less intrusion. If three acres and a mule are your ideal lifestyle, you might be in the wrong country.:lol:
A big strong nation needs a big strong government.

Well, its telling where you and Failo stand:
"The keystone of the Fascist doctrine is its conception of the State, of its essence, its functions, and its aims. For Fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative." ~ Benito Mussolini
I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.

A daughter of a friend of mine is attending medical school in Germany.

It's costing her practically nothing to attend.

The Germans apparently understand that SUPPLY and DEMAND play a big part in keeping HC cost down.

We Americans think the solution is to just keep throwning money at the DEMAND side.

And we wonder why the cost of HC continues to climb so much faster than inflation?

Obama's solution was no solution, folks.

Yes it will give many people who do not have HC coverage that coverage.

But in the national aggregate his solution only reinforces the root cause of the problem...demand exceeds supply.
Not saying the OP left the discussion because I asked them this but, they left shortly after I posted this. So would one of you socialist defending morons care to take a swing at this and give your views on the comment I made?

Do you view having to register at 18 years of age for selective service as unconstitutional because its required? Dpo you view having to pay a speeding ticket when you drive over speed limit unconstitutional because you have pay something you don't want to pay? Did you view Bush as acting unconstitutional when he continued a war in Iraq that was unjusitified and against the will of the majority of the citizens of the United States? My point dipshit is that there are a lot of thing that we as US citizens are already forced to do whether we like it or not and taxes is one of them so your questio is stupid as fuck, you see where I'm going with this?

Were you in the 82ed?

Yes I was and I used to be on the trail at Ft. Sill.
I'm actually here in Germany and was born here and speak the language and I can vouch that the German health care system has not caused any of the problems that the Tea Bastards said would happen in America. The only reason there's any trouble with their social welfare system here stems the unification of West Germany with the former East Germany because the latter was so economically fucked up from the days of the Cold War, not to mention also that Germany has been bailing out all the other EU countries who's economies are fucked up because most of Europe is on one single currency the euro.

A daughter of a friend of mine is attending medical school in Germany.

It's costing her practically nothing to attend.

The Germans apparently understand that SUPPLY and DEMAND play a big part in keeping HC cost down.

We Americans think the solution is to just keep throwning money at the DEMAND side.

And we wonder why the cost of HC continues to climb so much faster than inflation?

Obama's solution was no solution, folks.

Yes it will give many people who do not have HC coverage that coverage.

But in the national aggregate his solution only reinforces the root cause of the problem...demand exceeds supply.

Obama's solution was intended to give poor people a chance to have access to good medical treatment because to many people die and get sick every year because of lack of medical coverage. No one should or have untreated illnesses because of their economic situation and no should get turned away by medical insurance companies who want to make money and keep costs down. That was the real reason for the health care bill, you can't say fuck it to the have nots and let health insurance companies continue to let people die and get sick while making piles of cash, everyone who's against the bil overlooks this.
Obama's solution was intended to give poor people a chance to have access to good medical treatment because to many people die and get sick every year because of lack of medical coverage. No one should or have untreated illnesses because of their economic situation and no should get turned away by medical insurance companies who want to make money and keep costs down. That was the real reason for the health care bill, you can't say fuck it to the have nots and let health insurance companies continue to let people die and get sick while making piles of cash, everyone who's against the bil overlooks this.

Unfortunately for you, we don't all live in a fantasy world where death and illness stop simply because the government passes a bill.

We live in reality where health care, as with any other service, suffers when the government interfers with it. Instead of fixing the problems they cause more people to die.

You can have all the good intentions in the world. You can hate those "rich" people all you want and say you are punishing them on behalf of the "poor" but in the end you're just ensuring that everyone is more miserable and has a higher percentage of dying.
Unfortunately for you, we don't all live in a fantasy world where death and illness stop simply because the government passes a bill.

And we don't live in a fantasy world where everyone that goes to college and or works hard is assured of having a decent job and huge amounts of money and wealth.

We live in reality where health care, as with any other service, suffers when the government interfers with it. Instead of fixing the problems they cause more people to die.

Is it the fault of government when health insurance companies refuse to pay the hospital bills of those they're supposed to insure or is it a case of the health insurance lacking personal responsiblity for their greed? Who else is supposed to stand up for these people, the state governments? And have state governments done? The government is not causing more people to die, thats partisan horseshit that you can't prove.

You can have all the good intentions in the world. You can hate those "rich" people all you want and say you are punishing them on behalf of the "poor" but in the end you're just ensuring that everyone is more miserable and has a higher percentage of dying.

I don't hate rich people, thats a fucking lie, I just hate those dipshits who think they must be better than others less fortunate than them just because they have more money and blame the poor for being the problem.
The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.

"Promote" vs "Provide"...

Have you given this ANY Thought?...

Have you Researched the Founders on this?...

Had the Founders Intended on that Meaning "Welfare" as we Know it today, or Social Security, they would have Proposed them and Passed them into Law.

Do some Reading.



For the Author of the OP...


You are in luck. I have plenty of time for you to describe the ways. Elsewise, I can assume you are just trolling. So go ahead, describe the ways................

Oh, I am sure I can rely on you to be comprehending on the subject, having done your reading.

looks like that would be an exercise in futility to me.

Considering liberty is asking me to order a book, then read it, then find this thread 3 months from now, and respond to no question asked, I guess wag my head, it prolly is completely futile. But I was kind enough to listen if liberty would care to esplain or debate the issue. Of course only liberty can carry on from here with whatever it is he/she has in mind.

I am just too busy to educate you personally, i am sorry. I pointed you in the right direction so your options are a) pick up the books, and educate yourself a little bit on economics and the concept of liberty in general,

or b) choose to swim in your own blissful ignorance, completely void of reality, and the laughing stock of those who are unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity when you begin spewing your asinine ideas.

I am trying to help you.

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