Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Actually, I made it up myself.

People favor most of Obama Care.

care to give a number of the people who favor obama care? because 3 is a number

Check out the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.

70% favor the the provision in the health care law requiring all new health plans to provide their customers access to basic preventive health care services, such as screenings and immunizations, without charging the customer any co‐payment.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010
The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May before a modest uptick in support in June and July.

Americans’ views of how reform will affect them personally have changed little over the summer, with 29 percent saying in August that they and their family will be better off under the law, 30 percent saying they expect to be worse off and 36 percent saying it won’t make much difference. But the gap between those who think the new law will make the country better off and those who think it will make it worse off narrowed over the last month, with 39 percent saying the law will benefit the nation and 37 percent expressing the opposite view.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Does not look like a ringing endorsement to me and this is the source you provided, which Kaiser is well respected.
care to give a number of the people who favor obama care? because 3 is a number

Check out the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.

70% favor the the provision in the health care law requiring all new health plans to provide their customers access to basic preventive health care services, such as screenings and immunizations, without charging the customer any co‐payment.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010
The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May before a modest uptick in support in June and July.

Americans’ views of how reform will affect them personally have changed little over the summer, with 29 percent saying in August that they and their family will be better off under the law, 30 percent saying they expect to be worse off and 36 percent saying it won’t make much difference. But the gap between those who think the new law will make the country better off and those who think it will make it worse off narrowed over the last month, with 39 percent saying the law will benefit the nation and 37 percent expressing the opposite view.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Does not look like a ringing endorsement to me and this is the source you provided, which Kaiser is well respected.

Wishful thinking...It will get worse as it is learned that the POTUS doesn't even know what's in it...and he continues to zing us with little jewls such as:

As Health Care Costs Rise, Obama Claims He Never Said It'd Be Free
care to give a number of the people who favor obama care? because 3 is a number

Check out the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.

70% favor the the provision in the health care law requiring all new health plans to provide their customers access to basic preventive health care services, such as screenings and immunizations, without charging the customer any co‐payment.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010
The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May before a modest uptick in support in June and July.

Americans’ views of how reform will affect them personally have changed little over the summer, with 29 percent saying in August that they and their family will be better off under the law, 30 percent saying they expect to be worse off and 36 percent saying it won’t make much difference. But the gap between those who think the new law will make the country better off and those who think it will make it worse off narrowed over the last month, with 39 percent saying the law will benefit the nation and 37 percent expressing the opposite view.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Does not look like a ringing endorsement to me and this is the source you provided, which Kaiser is well respected.

Check out question 14 about whether "specific elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented within the next year" are viewed with favor.

Also, check out question 16 about whether "elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented further in the future" are viewed with favor.
Because, government is more trustworthy than big corporations.

Wow... that's fucking crazy. Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.

Yep... a real winner.
Check out the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.

70% favor the the provision in the health care law requiring all new health plans to provide their customers access to basic preventive health care services, such as screenings and immunizations, without charging the customer any co‐payment.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010
The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May before a modest uptick in support in June and July.

Americans’ views of how reform will affect them personally have changed little over the summer, with 29 percent saying in August that they and their family will be better off under the law, 30 percent saying they expect to be worse off and 36 percent saying it won’t make much difference. But the gap between those who think the new law will make the country better off and those who think it will make it worse off narrowed over the last month, with 39 percent saying the law will benefit the nation and 37 percent expressing the opposite view.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Does not look like a ringing endorsement to me and this is the source you provided, which Kaiser is well respected.

Wishful thinking...It will get worse.
We'll see. I would wager that approval will surge as the elements of the plan are implemented. Time will tell.
Because, government is more trustworthy than big corporations.
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.
It is much easier for the people to remove the members of Congress and the President, than to remove the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of a huge powerful international corporation.
Because, government is more trustworthy than big corporations.
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.
It is much easier for the people to remove the members of Congress and the President, than to remove the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of a huge powerful international corporation.

Folks don't you think it time to give it a rest? Can't you see that micky has no concept about what it is she is talking about?
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.
It is much easier for the people to remove the members of Congress and the President, than to remove the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of a huge powerful international corporation.

Folks don't you think it time to give it a rest? Can't you see that micky has no concept about what it is she is talking about?

Of Course. Jagger has shown it's intent. Jagger? You're an idiot. Got it?
Because, government is more trustworthy than big corporations.
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.
It is much easier for the people to remove the members of Congress and the President, than to remove the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of a huge powerful international corporation.
Really? You think so huh. Impeach a president. Just try to do it as an individual.

I can sue the shit out of a president of a company personally in a civil suit if I have a real one and get him removed before his problems taint the board. A boycott can cause a company to throw out an offensive employee. Try to do that to a senator or even a judge.

Good fucking luck.

And of course the best thing of all? DONT PATRONIZE THEM AND THEY WILL FAIL! You can't NOT be a citizen unless you emigrate.

It was Big Government that got the Big Railroad Built

The Pacific Railway Act of 1862, Officially entitled "AN ACT to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes."

The Act authorized both the making of extensive land grants in the Western United States, and the issuance of 30-year, 6% U.S. Government Bonds, to the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad companies in order to construct a transcontinental railroad.

The Act granted 10 square miles of public land for every mile laid except where railroads ran through cities and crossed rivers. The Bonds were issued at the rate of $16,000 per mile of tracked grade completed West of the designated base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and East of the designated base of the Rocky Mountains.

From 1850-1871, the railroads received more than 175 million acres of public land - an area more than one tenth of the whole United States and larger than Texas.

The act specified a gauge to be used by the railroads of "four feet eight and one-half inches." A common gauge choice allowed easy transfer of cars between different railroad companies.

I said this earlier land grants does not make a government controlled railroad.

It took a big government to grant big amounts of land to get the big railroad built for the general welfare of a big nation.
Repeating the same debunked arguments does not make for intelligent conversation.
Wrong. He couldn't believe it and triple checked it before having a tax service look at it too.

It blows my mind, years ago I realized this crap happens while in the car business seeing people who worked just long enough each year to get a W-2 and get back MUCH MORE than they put in due to all the credits that government gives out.

What credits?
Obviously you have never earned a wage, had a job or paid taxes. Or if you by some freak of nature have, you were never poor and saw the EIC and homestead credit kick in where you can get double or triple your money back in a refund. Happened to me twice.
In Mickey's little mind, they just seem like big things. As government grows it becomes a thing onto itself. It feels it deserves to grow and control more and more. Eventually, it will strangle the people it was suppose to serve by taking too much.
Trust people who cannot easily be held accountable IF AT ALL, more than those who can be sued and shut down for acting badly.

That's why you vote, and if necessary, run. Tort reform makes the shutting down through suit darn near impossible and if you do shut them down, they just pop up under a different name.
care to give a number of the people who favor obama care? because 3 is a number

63% is also a number...................................

"A January 2003 CBS News/New York Times poll found that 63% of Americans wanted President Bush to find a diplomatic solution to the Iraq situation." wiki
“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson'

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

In Mickey's little mind, they just seem like big things. As government grows it becomes a thing onto itself. It feels it deserves to grow and control more and more. Eventually, it will strangle the people it was suppose to serve by taking too much.

So when will it be too much? Obviously as the population grows, there is more demand by government, not less. By stalling government action, we have fallen behind the civilized World and are headed for third world status. I suppose if you chose to live live like Mexicans or Indians, you can strive for less government, less intrusion. If three acres and a mule are your ideal lifestyle, you might be in the wrong country.:lol:
In Mickey's little mind, they just seem like big things. As government grows it becomes a thing onto itself. It feels it deserves to grow and control more and more. Eventually, it will strangle the people it was suppose to serve by taking too much.

So when will it be too much? Obviously as the population grows, there is more demand by government, not less. By stalling government action, we have fallen behind the civilized World and are headed for third world status. I suppose if you chose to live live like Mexicans or Indians, you can strive for less government, less intrusion. If three acres and a mule are your ideal lifestyle, you might be in the wrong country.:lol:

...seriously? Please...PLEASE.....PLLEEEEEEASSEEEE read the 5000 year leap and learn something... here ill link it for you. [ame=] The 5000 Year Leap (Original Authorized Edition) (9780880801485): W. Cleon Skousen: Books[/ame]

your logic is severely flawed in many MANY different ways. Government is what creates poverty, freedom creates wealth. ...please learn it.

also, after you read that. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the road to serfdom...then i think youll be educated enough to make an intelligent response to the topic before you.
Last edited:
“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson'

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1 What Is The "General Welfare")

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson


(Jefferson 0 - Hamilton 1

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