Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

How much is enough for you, about what we have or do you favor much more, something like Europe or more than that? Just curious and want to know your politics.
The legitimate object of government is to do what the majority of the people want it to do, in those cases where the government can do it better.
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still waiting on your link micky.

I'm beginning to think he is in this thread just to "yank people's chains":tongue:

yep especially when a person makes this claim without providing a link to verify that claim.

"The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government."
Where in the Constitution did Roger Sherman find power for the President to issue religious advice?
Government produces nothing.
The U. S. Government produces General Motors vehicles, which earns profits, which go to reduce the budget deficit caused by the Bush Recession, the Bush tax cuts and the two wars Bush started.

What makes you think that General Motors no longer has shareholders who are the recipients of any profits made by the company? Are you saying that the profits from the sales of G.M. cars go into the general fund of the government?
There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the government to rob the citizenry of their rightful property for the benefit of other individuals' personal upkeep.
There is no U. S. statute that authorizes the government to rob the citizenry of their rightful property for the benefit of other individuals' personal upkeep.

If you want to live in a country where the government has that kind of power, move to Cuba, North Korea, or any of a multitude of other failing, stinking, backwater, socialist countries where you will have to stand in line for everything you need.
I like the American brand of socialism.

I love America, because I was able to accumulate enormous wealth.

If you say so.

What rule of construction did you abuse to arrive at that interpretation?

individuals who are too lazy and incompetent to care for themselves, like the life-long and generational welfare parasites
The is no U. S. Statute that provides for individuals who are too lazy and incompetent to care for themselves.

the life-long and generational welfare parasites
You sound like you're jealous of the life-long and generational welfare parasites because they have more wealth than you do.

You sound like a worthless, boring, meddling shit-stirrer who has nothing to fill his empty, lonely days except for the solace of his stepmother's stolen computer that originally belonged to her boyfriend's homosexual lover.
How much is enough for you, about what we have or do you favor much more, something like Europe or more than that? Just curious and want to know your politics.
The legitimate object of government is to do what the majority of the people want it to do, in those cases where the people cannot do it by their individual efforts.

Who told you that shit? Is that what your boy Obama was doing when he bought Congressional votes to pass the Obamacare bill against the will of the people? You sound like a sick puppy.
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I'm beginning to think he is in this thread just to "yank people's chains":tongue:

yep especially when a person makes this claim without providing a link to verify that claim.

"The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government."
Where in the Constitution did Roger Sherman find power for the President to issue religious advice?

Is your one-track mind ever going anywhere?
The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government.

This I have got to see. Show your link and source.

Does the Constitution grant the President power to issue religious recommendations to the people?

What does that have to do with this comment you made?

"The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government."

Care to give the link and source of your information?

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