Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

It took a big government to build a big railroad for a big nation.

No it did not.

It was Big Government that got the Big Railroad Built

The Pacific Railway Act of 1862, Officially entitled "AN ACT to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes."

The Act authorized both the making of extensive land grants in the Western United States, and the issuance of 30-year, 6% U.S. Government Bonds, to the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad companies in order to construct a transcontinental railroad.

The Act granted 10 square miles of public land for every mile laid except where railroads ran through cities and crossed rivers. The Bonds were issued at the rate of $16,000 per mile of tracked grade completed West of the designated base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and East of the designated base of the Rocky Mountains.

From 1850-1871, the railroads received more than 175 million acres of public land - an area more than one tenth of the whole United States and larger than Texas.

The act specified a gauge to be used by the railroads of "four feet eight and one-half inches." A common gauge choice allowed easy transfer of cars between different railroad companies.

I said this earlier land grants does not make a government controlled railroad.
If you believe that the end justifies the means, then you don't believe in constitutional government." Thomas Sowell
The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government.

September 25, 1789--

FIRST FEDERAL CONGRESS, In the House of Representatives.

Mr. BOUDINOT (a Representative from the State of New Jersey) said, he could not think of letting the session pass over without offering an opportunity to all citizens of the United States of joining with one voice, in returning to Almighty God their sincere thanks for the many blessings he had poured down upon them. With that view, therefore, he would move the following resolution:

RESOLVED, That a joint committee of both Houses be directed to wait upon the President of the United States, to request that he would recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging, with grateful hearts, that many signal favors of almighty God, especially by affording them the opportunity peaceably to establish a Constitution of government for their safety and happiness.

Mr. BURKE, a Representative from South Carolina said he did not like this mimicking of European customs, where they make a mere mockery of thanksgivings. Two parties at war frequently sung TE DEUM for the same event though for one it was a victory, and to the other a defeat.

Mr. TUCKER, a Representative from the State of South Carolina, thought the House had no business to interfere in a matter which did not concern them. Why should the president direct the people to do what, perhaps, they have no mind to do? They may not be inclined to return thanks for a constitution until they have experienced that it promotes their safety and happiness. We do not yet know but they may have reason to be dissatisfied with the effects it has already produced; BUT WHETHER THIS BE SO OR NOT, IT IS A BUSINESS WITH WHICH CONGRESS HAVE NOTHING TO DO, IT IS A RELIGIOUS MATTER, AND, AS SUCH IS PROSCRIBED TO US. [Emphasis added]. If a day of thanksgiving must take place, let it be done by the authority of the several states; they know best what reason their constituents have to be with the establishment of this Constitution.

Mr. SHERMAN justified the practice of thanksgiving, on any signal event, not only as a laudable one in itself, but as warranted by a number of precedents in HOLY WRIT: for instance the solemn thanksgivings and rejoicings which took place in the time of Solomon, after the building of the temple, was a case in point. This example he thought, worthy of Christian imitation on the present occasion; and he would agree with the gentleman who moved the resolution.

Mr. BOUDINOT quoted further precedents from the practice of the late Congress; and hoped the motion would meet a ready acquiescence. The question was not put on the resolution, and was carried in the affirmative: and Messers. Boudinot, Sherman, and Sylvester, were appointed a committee on the part of the House.

Source of information:

The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (Annals of Congress) September 25, 1789, Vol. I, Joseph Gales, published by Gales and Seaton, Washington, 1834, pp 914-15)​
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The Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Now I like for the Republicans and Tea bastards to prove that social welfare programs are unconstitutional and to justify voting and lobbying eliminate them. One good example in Social Security although there are others.

There is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the government to rob the citizenry of their rightful property for the benefit of other individuals' personal upkeep. If you want to live in a country where the government has that kind of power, move to Cuba, North Korea, or any of a multitude of other failing, stinking, backwater, socialist countries where you will have to stand in line for everything you need.

You collectivist spoilers are rapidly bringing America down to the level of some primitive, diseased, tribal African country that can't go over a year without some sort of revolution to see what faction will rule over the simple morons who were unfortunate enough to be born in such a slop-trough. Keep it up and we will all be denizens of your communist utopia.

The Constitution states "general welfare," which means the good of everyone, meaning services such as fire protection, roads, police, parks, military, etc., not some individuals who are too lazy and incompetent to care for themselves, like the life-long and generational welfare parasites who infest the body politic now. You guys need to go live in a seedy, run-down, socialist nation if that's what you like.
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Government produces nothing.
The U. S. Government produces General Motors vehicles, which earns profits, which go to reduce the budget deficit caused by the Bush Recession, the Bush tax cuts and the two wars Bush started.

Its all Bush's fault. I never heard that before. So tell me just how much the deficit has been reduced these past 18 months. Then also chastise these republicans.

[ame=]YouTube - Democrats before Iraq War started....[/ame]
There are millions who want a GOP controlled government - they are rectal passages.
Micky, why do you trust government so much? How much is enough for you, about what we have or do you favor much more, something like Europe or more than that? Just curious and want to know your politics. Thanks.
Everyone would benefit by reading the Federalist Papers. On this topic, #45 seems appropriate.

The Federal government has become what even strong federalists feared, superior to the states. The states have become lackeys.

It's time the people insist on more local control, much easier to get rid of the loons.

Local control doesn't work, we mind as well go back to the days where states forbid interracial marriages and the days when local police chiefs and mayors could sic dogs and police with water hoses on peaceful people.

That sounds like a great idea!!
There are millions who want a GOP controlled government - they are rectal passages.

Most Americans want a government that is controlled by no faction or party, but is controlled by the voters who make up the populace of this once-great nation.
Government did nothing outside of make it possible
I know, dude. Free enterprise capitalism failed to provide a railroad. Socialism - stealing money and land from the American people and giving it to a very small class people - got the railroad built.
It takes a big government with a big staff of auditors to audit a big number of people in a big nation.

still waiting on your link micky.

I'm beginning to think he is in this thread just to "yank people's chains":tongue:

yep especially when a person makes this claim without providing a link to verify that claim.

"The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government."
still waiting on your link micky.

I'm beginning to think he is in this thread just to "yank people's chains":tongue:

yep especially when a person makes this claim without providing a link to verify that claim.

"The First U. S. Congress and the first U. S. President didn't believe in constitutional government."

May be talking about things like the the first national bank that was created in 1791.
"The General Welfare" does not mean welfare programs.

What does it mean?

Indeed this is part of the problem, isn't it?

Was it in the general welfare to give western land grants to settlers?

It doesn't say that can be done in the Constitution. It's a kind of welfare, too. Incidently that means everyone living in lands that were formerly owned by out government are welfare moochers. Do you westerners feel like moochers?

Should we have not done that because it isn't specifically mentioned in the constitution?

How about building the Panama canal?

Not mentioned in the Constitution, should we not have done that?

How about buying Alaska? Again, this isn't authorized in the Consitution, was that ALSO illegal?

I can do on if you'd like, but I think you're getting my point.

Actually, you don't seem to have a point. None of the things you mention are for the personal enrichment of any individual as the present-day welfare system is. Is it so hard to understand that those things that we ALL benefit from are the "general" welfare, and taking money from one man to give to another man isn't for the general welfare, but for the purpose of handing a sop to those ne'er-do-wells who want to live without earning a living?
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What do you interpet 'general welfare' to be? I take it mean the welfare of all people, not just the rich.

"General Welfare" didn't mean the same back then as it does now. And, it didn't mean the redistribution of wealth. We have had threads on this very subject, already

Welfare, as we know it today as government assistance is not redistribution of wealth.

The hell you say!

Words are generally to be understood in their usual and most known signification; not so much regarding the propriety of grammar, as their general and popular use.


GENERAL, (jen'-er-al) a. Comprehending many species or individuals ; not special ; not particular.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785
Right...GENERAL welfare.

Not specific programs targeted to specific favored constituencies or other politically -shall we say- "untouchable" groups of individuals, i.e. the poooooooooor and the chiiilllldrrreeeeennnnn, for the confiscation and redistribution scams of central authoritarian do-gooders.

Welfare checks are not redistribution of wealth because the poor are still poor, but when rich people gain wealth they hardly lose anything. Poor people don't own and control wealth.

Welfare recipients, by and large, are not "poor" people; they live just as comfortably as just about everyone else with all the tax-paid assistance they steal from us taxpaying citizens. That fat lady in front of you in the grocery store check-out line who is paying for those steaks, chops and other expensive items with her food-credit card has probably just left her hairweaver and custom fingernail technician after her short visit to the package store to get some alcoholic beverages and play the lotto because, by God, she has a right to do all the things other people who work for a living do, even if she has to scam the system of The Man to do it. How many fat old ladies using the welfare system do you imagine also sell weed and crack cocaine on the side and are bringing in more money than the poor working stiff who buys her groceries for her?

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