Republican hypocrisy


Every time you make a bullshit post about "rigged elections" you prove yourself to be stupid and gullible, because there is no evidence whatsoever that any election has been "rigged". Why don't you have Republicans come up with a platform other than Trump, Trump, Trump!!!!

Republicans have now given up on sound governance and fully embraced authoritarianism and minority rule, as well as prosecuting Democrats.

In passing deadly abortion bans and anti-democratic legislation which ignores the rights and the wishes of their voters, Republicans are driving moderate voters away in droves.

American women are now dying in due to the complications of pregnancy and child birth at the rate of 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. In the Southern States, with 6 week abortion bans, that rate is double the nation average - 60 deaths per 100,000 live births. These stats are from 2020. Since that time, the American rate of death has gone up by 30%, and it goes higher every time a state bans abortion.

OB/GYNS are fleeing these states because they cannot properly care for patients under these laws, leaving the women in these states even MORE vulnerable and unable to find a doctor, should they get pregnant. And fewer medical students are going into women's health specialities since the laws that are being passed could see them charged and imprisoned for performing an abortion, as well as being unable to properly treat patients.

80% of Americans want bans for AR Weapons, and no open carry. Republicans are passing laws pushed by the NRA to sell more guns. Every state that has loosened gun restrictions, passed "stand your ground" laws, or open carry, has seen murders and gun crime spike. Every time there is a spike in gun sales, there is an even greater spike in gun crime, or worse, in stupid shootings - like people turning around in driveways, or knocking on the wrong doors.

In the 1930's machine guns were endangering the public, and they were banned. After Columbine, AR weapons were banned and there were no school shootings during that time. Now you're having mass shootings at a rate of more than 1 per day, and Republicans are refusing to ban the mass shooter's weapon of choice, and they're pushing for more open carry laws.

Sanity, logic, and reason are not character traits I would apply to today's Republican voter. When Republicans start legislating FOR THE PEOPLE, instead of against them, they'll win elections.
In red states with abortions bans abortions are legal if medically necessary for the health of the mother, and also in cases of rape, incest, and severe fetal deformity.

When abortions are performed outside of these cases (abortion on demand), every one of these is Americans dying (the preborn people), and in some states like California they have even legalized killing babies up to 28 days old.

Your claims about guns are FALSE, and probably came to you as the result of left wing media bullshit. Where crime has spiked in recent years, is in BLUE CITIES, notorious for severe gun control laws, taking guns way from law-abiding citizens, and leaving only the criminals possessing them.

Your claim of 80% of Americans wanting to ban AR weapons is ludicrous. An AR-15 shoots ONE SHOT with each pull of the trigger, If it actually was a machine gun (fully automatic), there are cases where it would be necessary to possess these. What do you do if 100 Antifa creeps show up at your house with molotov cocktails about to be thrown at you, to burn your house down ?? Offer them lollipops ?

How about if THESE GUYS show up on your front lawn (in a large group) ?


or THESE guys >>

Sing them a song ?

When did you decide to be wilfully blind and stupid?

No President in American history has EVER done the things that Donald Trump did. NONE. Even Nixon didn't try to overthrow the government.

Trump rapes women and say's he's allowed to do it because he's a "star". Trump literally says that the law does not apply to him and then he gives some high concept idea wherein bribery coercion and threatening people is "free speech". And it's all bullshit.
Neither did Trump, DUPO.

Show evidence that Trump ever raped anybody (Note - idiotic leftwing propaganda poppycock doesnt qualify)

Trump never said he's allowed to rape because of being a star. He didn't say anything about himself - he said stars (celebrities) can do things ordinary people can't. He didnt say it was right or acceptable, despite the DUPE talk from left media.

I notice none of your wild claims is accomoanied by a source link. What a pile of brainwash jibberish.

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