Republican hypocrisy

Two biggest causes right now:

1. Undermining Western democracy.

2. Promoting Donald Trump to finish the destruction of the USA Democracy and overturn the Constitutionnn.
The Founding Fathers created a Constitutional Republic. You morons are the ones trying to overturn the Constitution by insisting that the US is a Democracy.

You guys remember these statements?

Where is Moscow Mitch now? He's awfully quiet lately, don't you think?

The whole system is full of hypocrites. But they don't think they're hypocrites because the only thing that matters is to make loads of money.
Two biggest causes right now:

1. bankrupting America funding Ukraine

2. preventing and shouting down any talk of impeaching Traitor Joe
Biden will send US troops to die in Ukraine, knowing that there cannot be a presidential election if US is at war. So Biden remains president.

Raking in more corruption money and enriching himself more, is more important to the diabolical Biden than the deaths of thousands of young US men & women. Rarely has there been so shallow and low-life a national leader, as is the disgusting Joe Biden.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. I like my Constitutional Republic. In a Democracy the loons would have already gutted the Constitution.

I disagree.

The most stable countries use Proportional Representation.

1) Denmark
2) Norway
3) Canada
4) Switzerland
5) Australia
6) Sweden
7) Finland
8) Germany
9) The Netherlands
10) Japan

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands have Proportional Representation.

Most free countries have PR too

Freedom in the World 2023
Norway, Sweden, Finland are the only ones with a score of 100. A lot of other PR countries in the 90s. The US has 83.

Index of economic freedom

Singapore doesn't have PR. Switzerland does, Ireland does, Taiwan does.

Press freedom

Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands..... etc use PR.

Democracy index

Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand.... etc use PR

Literally with PR countries are more likely to be free places. The US doesn't have it.

It comes in way down the list for freedoms. And yet Americans think they're the most free.... because... get this... people tell them they're free and they believe it.

Literally, PR often goes hand in hand
All I can say is: do it, Democrats. Go all the way. Get your perp walk and your mugshot and let's get this party started.

DO IT. Bring it.
Or they are who manipulting Democrat election officials CHOSE.


Every time you make a bullshit post about "rigged elections" you prove yourself to be stupid and gullible, because there is no evidence whatsoever that any election has been "rigged". Why don't you have Republicans come up with a platform other than Trump, Trump, Trump!!!!

Republicans have now given up on sound governance and fully embraced authoritarianism and minority rule, as well as prosecuting Democrats.

In passing deadly abortion bans and anti-democratic legislation which ignores the rights and the wishes of their voters, Republicans are driving moderate voters away in droves.

American women are now dying in due to the complications of pregnancy and child birth at the rate of 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. In the Southern States, with 6 week abortion bans, that rate is double the nation average - 60 deaths per 100,000 live births. These stats are from 2020. Since that time, the American rate of death has gone up by 30%, and it goes higher every time a state bans abortion.

OB/GYNS are fleeing these states because they cannot properly care for patients under these laws, leaving the women in these states even MORE vulnerable and unable to find a doctor, should they get pregnant. And fewer medical students are going into women's health specialities since the laws that are being passed could see them charged and imprisoned for performing an abortion, as well as being unable to properly treat patients.

80% of Americans want bans for AR Weapons, and no open carry. Republicans are passing laws pushed by the NRA to sell more guns. Every state that has loosened gun restrictions, passed "stand your ground" laws, or open carry, has seen murders and gun crime spike. Every time there is a spike in gun sales, there is an even greater spike in gun crime, or worse, in stupid shootings - like people turning around in driveways, or knocking on the wrong doors.

In the 1930's machine guns were endangering the public, and they were banned. After Columbine, AR weapons were banned and there were no school shootings during that time. Now you're having mass shootings at a rate of more than 1 per day, and Republicans are refusing to ban the mass shooter's weapon of choice, and they're pushing for more open carry laws.

Sanity, logic, and reason are not character traits I would apply to today's Republican voter. When Republicans start legislating FOR THE PEOPLE, instead of against them, they'll win elections.
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1. The Democrats are the ones who overturned the election, won by Trump.

2. Trump did nothing wrong regarding the election in Georgia.

3. Democrats are hypocrites for blaming Trump for doing exactly the things that THEY DID.

4. We all know the ludicorous indictments are nothing more than an attempt to derail Trump's candidacy for POTUS in 2024. That's why they waited 2 1/2 years to proceed with these shams.
It must be nice to live in an alternate reality.

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