Republican Iowa Caucus, January 15,2024

Over half? 50+% of a few thousand?


Iowa is a joke and...

It’s not quite an “Iowa caucus curse,” but winning the first nominating contest hasn’t worked out so well for Republican presidential candidates lately.

In fact, the last three Iowa GOP caucus winners each failed to capture the party’s nomination: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (2016), former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (2012) and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (2008)

Your meager attempts to mock a big win doesn’t fool anyone.
He is your next President. 😎
But today he's got to go back to court to find out how much money he's going to have to pay to one of the women he raped and then slandered.
Then later this month he gets to find out how many hundreds of millions of dollars he owes NY State for ripping it off for decades with fraudulent business practices.
And this month is just the warm up.
In February ge gets to find out from The SCOTUS if he even gets to remain on the ballots in every state or not, and that could go either way.
And then in March through late summer we get to the main event.
Multiple criminal trials with ironclad evidence proving his guilt and (so far) no real defenses proving his innocence.

Yeah.....looks like he's headed straight for The Oval Office to me.
The spin has been all about 2016 compared to 2024.

Well that man was not an incumbent or former prez in 2016. But he was in 2020:

Iowa caucus 2020 gop.png


... from 100% to 50%

Iowa caucus 2024 gop.png

Coming to any Home Theater:

2020 Redux :The Whine Will Continue.

Starring DJT as himself.

scene: The anti-MAGA government of Socialist Democrats seeds clouds, produces record cold and snow, and the heroic cultists brave the storm
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But today he's got to go back to court to find out how much money he's going to have to pay to one of the women he raped and then slandered.
Then later this month he gets to find out how many hundreds of millions of dollars he owes NY State for ripping it off for decades with fraudulent business practices.
And this month is just the warm up.
In February ge gets to find out from The SCOTUS if he even gets to remain on the ballots in every state or not, and that could go either way.
And then in March through late summer we get to the main event.
Multiple criminal trials with ironclad evidence proving his guilt and (so far) no real defenses proving his innocence.

Yeah.....looks like he's headed straight for The Oval Office to me.

Cry harder, loser.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

The spin has been all about 2016 compared to 2024.

Well that man was not an incumbent or former prez in 2016. But he was in 2020:

View attachment 888778


... from 100% to 50%

View attachment 888783

Coming to any Home Theater:

2020 Redux :The Whine Will Continue.

Starring DJT as himself.

scene: The anti-MAGA government of Socialist Democrats seeds clouds, produces record cold and snow, and the heroic cultists brave the storm

As Jussie Smollet says, "this is Trump country..."


Trump won in Iowa by more margin than any prior candidate.

Since the advent of the modern primary process in 1972, the previous record for margin of victory in a competitive GOP race in Iowa was set by Sen. Bob Dole, who beat evangelical heavyweight Pat Robertson by 13 points in the 1988 caucuses. Dole won 37.4% of the straw poll to Robertson's 24.6% and George H.W. Bush's 18.6%.

Other Iowa caucuses have been quite close. In 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz beat Trump by just three points. Trump went on to prevail elsewhere, clinch the GOP nomination, and win the presidency. Rick Santorum beat Mitt Romney by just 34 votes out of a total of 121,501 cast in 2012.

He's not going to make it to November anyway.

That would be Biden. The Dems have plans to replace him, but are dishonestly letting y'all vote for him anyway. They are stealing your votes for the candidate they will install. I'd be ticked off.

Just as they are trying to control my ballot by futilely attempting to disqualifying Trump, they are doing similar to you Dems by continuing the charade that if you vote for Biden, he will fulfill some of his term starting a year from now.

Ahem! Reality check:

Remind me: Why do we begin our presidential elections with a contest so twee that a candidate can win a massive landslide without capturing enough voters to fill a football stadium? After a lifetime of self-promotion, a hit TV show and four tumultuous years as president, Donald Trump persuaded fewer than 60,000 people to caucus for him on Monday — 10,000 short of capacity at an Iowa Hawkeyes home game.

Great piece. Aligns well with my own observations and thinking:

Trump's modest showing was a bit more than half the measly GOP turnout, which was down by more than a third from the number of voters in 2016. Yes, the weather was awful. Yes, Iowa is a lightly populated state. But if the MAGA multitude truly believed what Trump was saying on the stump — that America is hanging by a thread over a lake of fire — surely they would have bundled up to back their hero.

Yet there Trump was at the end of the night with a paltry 60,000.

What makes the whole thing ridiculous is that Trump’s win in Iowa will essentially end the Republican nomination process. By capturing a bare majority, Trump could declare himself stronger than all his opponents combined — and his opponents cooperated in the coup. Placing personal vanity and ambition ahead of any possible winning strategy, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley split most of the remaining vote, leaving neither with a persuasive claim to any momentum coming out of the frozen heartland.

The Republican Iowa Caucus is January 15, 2024. We're inside 4 weeks away from the 2024 Iowa Caucus. I don't remember the Iowa Caucus ever being such a non-event for the party not in power as this POTUS nomination election cycle has been. I don't imagine it's been much of a money-maker for Iowa as it usually is either. In past election cycles, news of candidates appearing in certain places and/or certain events in Iowa dominated the news coverage. Not this time around. I doubt anyone other than us political junkies even know an Iowa Caucus is on the calendar in January. Trump has not participated in any of the debates but he has thoroughly dominated the GOP nominating campaign. He's gonna beat Nikki Haley in SC. the race will be over before Super Tuesday.

Great piece:

Marc Thiessen: Well, it’s not over yet. He still has to win New Hampshire. Nikki Haley is in striking distance there. And then there’s South Carolina. He’s likely the nominee, but the game is not over. While 51 percent is a record for a Republican in the Iowa caucuses, he’s effectively the incumbent. And yet nearly half the party wants someone else.


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