Republican Lawmaker Stands By Claim That Islam Is 'a Cancer' In America

From the some things never change department:

During the Cold War republicans sought to exploit the fear that was generated as a result of Americans' ignorance of 'communism.'

With the myth of 'communism' no longer available, republicans now seek to exploit the fear that manifests as a consequence of Americans' ignorance of Islam.
al Qaeda only dreams of doing the damage to this country that Republican policies have caused. The GOP list of US targets have been so wide ranging. The GOP didn't ever dream they could be this effective at causing so much damage. The spectrum of damage has been especially impressive. From the ruined economy, to the job loss, to the fake war, to the attack on the very foundation of democracy. And I suspect they are nowhere near finished.
America was not founded upon Christianity.

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity
Wrong again idiot.

Wrong? How so? The founders gave us a Godless Constitution. Also, have you read the Treaty of Tripoli?
The treaty was only in effect for eight years. The Arabic version of the treaty apparently excluded article 11. Proves nothing.
It proves nothing?? It proves President John Adams and the US Senate who ratified the treaty did not disagree with the statement "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"; Being God fearing Christians surely the US Senate and the president wouldn't lie now would they?
America is a melting pot of all people and all religions. Our Constitution allows that.

And 25% - 30% of the members of one of those groups is going to destroy this country as we know it and love it.

Do you even care?
America is a melting pot of all people and all religions. Our Constitution allows that.
America has never before been confronted with large-scale immigration by people of a non-Christian Warrior Religion which is a Law unto itself and whose adherents drift away from Western constitutional and parliamentary rule and backwards towards canon law so readily and so quickly and so pervasively worldwide.

That new situation calls for new approaches to confronting and confounding the new threat vector.

Apparently you don't know much about the violent Christian history. Native Americans sure do.

That is unimportant in terms of protecting us from the announced threat posed by 25% - 30% of their membership.

Do you think being of Native American blood lineage will earn you an honorary Muslim card you can flash when you are being oppressed by the Religious Police?
I'd rather have Islam in American than Lakhota. At least you know where you stand with Islam.

Just between two guys over a couple of brews, yeah. I know what you mean.

Speaking officially, there is no greater threat to America and Americans than violent AND NON-VIOLENT Islamic Jihadists from without and within.

Even if Muslim populations in the U.S. don't increase in the next few years (and how likely is THAT to happen?) we might possibly have too many Muslims in America already!

Too many?

What is "too many?"

With this new "Green Light" from ISIS for individual Muslims in the West, including those inside the US, to begin killing civilians inside America.

Every one of them has been told to not ask anyone's permission. Don't collaborate with anyone else.

In essence, a bizzarro world use of the term, "Just do it."

So, if there are 6,000,000 Muslims currently in the US and 25 - 30% of them are violent jihadists, that means 1.5 million Islamic warriors ALREADY inside the USA.
America was not founded upon Christianity.

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity
Wrong again idiot.

Wrong? How so? The founders gave us a Godless Constitution. Also, have you read the Treaty of Tripoli?
The treaty was only in effect for eight years. The Arabic version of the treaty apparently excluded article 11. Proves nothing.
It proves nothing?? It proves President John Adams and the US Senate who ratified the treaty did not disagree with the statement "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"; Being God fearing Christians surely the US Senate and the president wouldn't lie now would they?

How would you propose we protect the American people, government and way of life from Jihadists?
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

Islam is a 'cough due to cold', compared the its sinister cousin: Left-think.

Like Islam, Leftism is a virulent infection of foreign Ideas that are hostile to natural, American principle.

I get it that you are anti-Liberal. A lot of us are here at USMB.

But there is no kidding around now.

The Green Light has been given to Muslims inside America to begin targeting individual American citizens in our workplaces, our shopping areas, our civic centers, our homes.

Liberals can wait.

We are under a threat of attack by Muslims.

Here in the United States.

Not good.
The biggest problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Cruelty in the Quran

Which is more violent - the Bible or the Quran?

You think this is like a Chinese Martial Arts flick where students of one karate school are going to go and kick ass on the students of a competing karate school to prove which one is better!

That is beside the point!

However, for the sake of demonstrating my point, let's imagine that the argument were settled and Islam was proven to be the Best Religion. And that there were no instances where islam wasn't superior to Christianity.

Now that THAT is settled...

What are you planning to do to protect America from Islamic Jihad?
From the some things never change department:

During the Cold War republicans sought to exploit the fear that was generated as a result of Americans' ignorance of 'communism.'

With the myth of 'communism' no longer available, republicans now seek to exploit the fear that manifests as a consequence of Americans' ignorance of Islam.

You miserable dribble, Conservatives have been urging, imploring, cajoling, persuading, enticing and inducing our fellow Americans on the Left AND Right to learn more and become better informed about Islam from the perspective of understanding the threat it poses and why and what to do about it.

We WANT Americans to be better informed about Islam.
He was incorrect..... Islam is a cancer on Earth.....

If we could only undestand the pathetic , backwards bastards "better" ! Lol

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