Republican Lawmaker Stands By Claim That Islam Is 'a Cancer' In America

Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!

The problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!

The problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.

There now!

You've reached a conclusion.

Please tell us then, what is your plan to save America, and yourself, from Islamism in America?
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!

The problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.

There now!

You've reached a conclusion.

Please tell us then, what is your plan to save America, and yourself, from Islamism in America?

I'm still trying to save myself from Christianity in America. I'll worry about "Islamism" later...
From the some things never change department:

During the Cold War republicans sought to exploit the fear that was generated as a result of Americans' ignorance of 'communism.'

With the myth of 'communism' no longer available, republicans now seek to exploit the fear that manifests as a consequence of Americans' ignorance of Islam.
From the delusional left department

Some people refuse to see the truth because it might prove their dear leader to be an idiot.
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!

The problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.

There now!

You've reached a conclusion.

Please tell us then, what is your plan to save America, and yourself, from Islamism in America?

I'm still trying to save myself from Christianity in America. I'll worry about "Islamism" later...
Good luck loser.
America was not founded upon Christianity.

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

You are wrong. America was without a doubt founded upon Christian principals. And as a Jew I say thank god for that! I would not want to live in ANY country that wasn't founded on Christian principals!

Actually, Christianity is nothing more than a copycat religion.

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus

That is a stretch at best!
Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett (R) has not shied away from the controversial, anti-Islam comments he's made both on Facebook and at rallies in the past, and it seems like he won't anytime soon.

Bennett again defended the statements in an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday and said he'd argue Islam "is not even a religion."

"I stand behind them wholeheartedly," Bennett told host Alyona Minkovski. "First off, I never said Muslims were a cancer, I said Islam ... I would even submit to you that Islam is not even a religion. It's a social political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest. That's exactly what ISIS is doing now, and people that follow Islam are and will do the same thing."

Also joining the conversation was Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said he received death threats after Bennett's comments.

"I received a phone call from an individual who asked if I was the director of CAIR and I said yes. He said he thinks I should be beheaded and so should every other Muslim in America," Soltani said. "What he said about the holy Quran, the holy scripture of 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide is absolutely false. It's just lies, it's hatred, it's bigotry."

More: State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments Islam Is Not Even A Religion

According to the U.S. Constitution - Islam has as much right in America as Christianity.

As he should. Good for him. But he is wrong. Islam is a cancer on civilized Western society. It's has infected Europe and is spreading the infection to America!

The problem with Christianity and Islam is the perversion of both.

There now!

You've reached a conclusion.

Please tell us then, what is your plan to save America, and yourself, from Islamism in America?

I'm still trying to save myself from Christianity in America. I'll worry about "Islamism" later...

No you have it wrong. Christians will save you from Islam as they did from NAZISM (not doubt if Hitler took over the world and there were not more Jews left, the "savages" would be next) and International Communism. Christians will save you, as they will me, despite the fact neither of us are Christians!
I'd rather have Islam in American than Lakhota. At least you know where you stand with Islam.

Just between two guys over a couple of brews, yeah. I know what you mean.

Speaking officially, there is no greater threat to America and Americans than violent AND NON-VIOLENT Islamic Jihadists from without and within.

Even if Muslim populations in the U.S. don't increase in the next few years (and how likely is THAT to happen?) we might possibly have too many Muslims in America already!

Too many?

What is "too many?"

With this new "Green Light" from ISIS for individual Muslims in the West, including those inside the US, to begin killing civilians inside America.

Every one of them has been told to not ask anyone's permission. Don't collaborate with anyone else.

In essence, a bizzarro world use of the term, "Just do it."

So, if there are 6,000,000 Muslims currently in the US and 25 - 30% of them are violent jihadists, that means 1.5 million Islamic warriors ALREADY inside the USA.
So, what would be your plan to rid America of this great threat?
America was not founded upon Christianity.

The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

You are wrong. America was without a doubt founded upon Christian principals. And as a Jew I say thank god for that! I would not want to live in ANY country that wasn't founded on Christian principals!

Actually, Christianity is nothing more than a copycat religion.

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus

That is a stretch at best!

Bigotry drives Shitting Bull to say really stupid stuff.
For those morons claiming the United States was "founded on Christian Principals"
Show me ONE "Christian Prinicipal" in our Constitution that is not also a "principal" of a previous belief system or codes.

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