Republican mandate


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) accused Republicans of hypocrisy for pairing protests against a health care mandate with demands for increasingly invasive restrictions on women’s health.

“The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women,” O’Malley said Friday during a press call.

O’Malley was referring to bills like one proposed in Virginia that would have required the procedure for women seeking an abortion, part of a broader effort by pro-life groups to shame patients who wish to end their pregnancy. Other Republican-led states, like Pennsylvania and Alabama, have pushed for similar measures.

Gov. O’Malley: GOP Likes Mandates When They’re ‘Transvaginal Probes For Women’ | TPM2012
Great post on the GOP trash's hypocrisy. More "It's OK if we do it" BS from the right wing shitheads.
Great post on the GOP trash's hypocrisy. More "It's OK if we do it" BS from the right wing shitheads.

Oh, yes and the party of abortion on demand supporting outlawing salt, McDonald's Happy Meal Toys, circumcision, large soft drinks--yeah that isn't hypocritical at all. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This is yet another issue the left misrepresents their level of support, falsely acting as if they are the majority--in reality a majority of Americans are pro-life and view abortion as a contemptible act.
Yeah ok but if the dumbocraps do it its ok.

Yeah you know who the real hypocrits are
oh fuck off rotten crotch.
Don't sweat it Willow. I have three volunteers to be on the death panel that oversees your medicare coverage.

It is disgusting at how the left praises abortion--you aren't pro-choice you are pro-abortion. It is a symptom of their overall mentality that views humanity as a cancer on this planet. That is the common denominator among every liberal I have ever met, they all hold that belief. They loath humanity, and even more this country--only able to focus on negatives and an sick obsessive fascination with things like abortion.

If you want a prime example of the hatred and warped mentality of the left go to a local comedy club in your major city. You will be treated to countless dead baby jokes, the most disgusting anti-Christian jokes, abortion this, abortion that. They claim it is us that is obsessed with the issue, but it is them.

The left is hateful to the core.
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oh fuck off rotten crotch.
Don't sweat it Willow. I have three volunteers to be on the death panel that oversees your medicare coverage.

It is disgusting at how the left praises abortion--you aren't pro-choice you are pro-abortion. It is a symptom of their overall mentality that views humanity as a cancer on this planet. That is the common denominator among every liberal I have ever met, they all hold that belief. They loath humanity, and even more this country--only able to focus on negatives and an sick obsessive fascination with things like abortion.

If you want a prime example of the hatred and warped mentality of the left go to a local comedy club in your city. You will be treated to countless dead baby jokes, the most disgusting anti-Christian jokes, abortion this, abortion that. They claim it is us that is obsessed with the issue, but it is them.

The left is hateful to the core.
All you can do is deflect. Big surprise!
O'Malley is in charge of one of the worst-run states in the union. His opinion means squat.
Don't sweat it Willow. I have three volunteers to be on the death panel that oversees your medicare coverage.

It is disgusting at how the left praises abortion--you aren't pro-choice you are pro-abortion. It is a symptom of their overall mentality that views humanity as a cancer on this planet. That is the common denominator among every liberal I have ever met, they all hold that belief. They loath humanity, and even more this country--only able to focus on negatives and an sick obsessive fascination with things like abortion.

If you want a prime example of the hatred and warped mentality of the left go to a local comedy club in your city. You will be treated to countless dead baby jokes, the most disgusting anti-Christian jokes, abortion this, abortion that. They claim it is us that is obsessed with the issue, but it is them.

The left is hateful to the core.
All you can do is deflect. Big surprise!

to a rotten crotch truth is deflection.. go figure. :D
O'Malley is in charge of one of the worst-run states in the union. His opinion means squat.

I beg to differ. He saved the state from the financial mess the last Republican governor left. Yes, he raised some taxes, but he also made needed cuts. If the states are supposed to be the incubators for new ideas, it's proof positive that we have to both slow the growth of the budget and raise revenues, if we want to get our financial house in order. I'm sure true Republicans realize that too, but the party has been hi-jacked by ideologues who'd rather see us go over the brink than give an inch.
O'Malley is in charge of one of the worst-run states in the union. His opinion means squat.

I beg to differ. He saved the state from the financial mess the last Republican governor left. Yes, he raised some taxes, but he also made needed cuts. If the states are supposed to be the incubators for new ideas, it's proof positive that we have to both slow the growth of the budget and raise revenues, if we want to get our financial house in order. I'm sure true Republicans realize that too, but the party has been hi-jacked by ideologues who'd rather see us go over the brink than give an inch.

It's sad when partisan politics wins out over good government. No matter which side of the aisle is doing it.

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