Republican new defense: There aren't any qualified people available that don't have Russian ties

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RaTz...just like the recounts.

Trump didn't win by a landslide. In fact, the GOP pulled ahead by a HAIR in the battleground areas with few exceptions. And this was done by the MIDDLE VOTERS. They are a fickle bunch. They leaned to the right this year only because the platform on the left had become so awful with the LGBT cult stuff that they were like "anything but that". That's hardly a firm toe-hold on the middle electorate.

The GOP needs to be very careful advertising it's deep deep ties with 1% & BigOil. The middle does not give a warm embrace to the folks responsible for making their tapwater catch on fire....& forcing recalls on their beloved little diesel or electric commuter cars that get 60mph +...all so the only choices they have get 25 mpg or worse... Gee I wonder if old Rex T. will be actively suppressing deals where high efficiency foreign cars can enter the US markets from Europe & elsewhere? Think he stands to gain by squeezing them out? You BET he does.. And we all know BigOil was/is deep in bed with Detroit..

You may like the $2.50/gallon gas you think old Rex T. is going to bring you. But when he recalls that efficient daily-driver you have parked out front and you're having to fill up twice as much, that $2.50/gallon is going to not be such a great it?

The GOP strategists have always amazed me. They could've held onto this middle group. But instead they are so extremely myopic as to think the middle exudes loyalty to them and will not defect in 2018. Perhaps they just don't care if the middle defects and they (perhaps once and for all?) are rejected wholesale again.

Most voters don't have a strong party affiliation. They only have a weak one and tend to vote on what's really upset them recently. And that could be just about anything. Especially now with the internet at anyone's fingertips as a world library to instantly and in real time, research anything said to see if it's bullshit or not... Word to the wise.
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Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Keep practicing that whine Closet Communist. You get to dance for at least 4 years, probably 8. Then Pence will be number 46. Please cite the documentation from those 17 agencies...not some "off the record" source from the "Hellary in a landslide" media.

Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.
It was obummer who said on a hot mic that when he got into his last term he would be able to help the Russki's more. ...
That was a lame or naive retort, or are you Putin's sucker too? Which is it?
Obama's "secret" remarks in 2012's election year were an example of normal politics & diplomacy, where lying is part of the game. Trump supporters understand the positive aspects of lying.
Since we all know Putin hates Obama & the Clintons and what Reagan did to the USSR, the release of that tape was meant to embarrass Obama and con suckers fell for it with partisan relish.
We'll see how Trump will continue to kiss Putin's tricky ass ... or not?
ZZPupps admits the evidence is out there but is too lazy to look up himself yet opposes the intel agencies for doing just that.

You have no game, man: back to the sand lots for you.

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Keep practicing that whine Closet Communist. You get to dance for at least 4 years, probably 8. Then Pence will be number 46. Please cite the documentation from those 17 agencies...not some "off the record" source from the "Hellary in a landslide" media.

Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.
Americans are not going to be happy with Trump's ass kissing of Putin. They were quite happy with Reagan and the Clintons kicking Russian ass. That has not changed.

It was obummer who said on a hot mic that when he got into his last term he would be able to help the Russki's more. ...
That was a lame or naive retort, or are you Putin's sucker too? Which is it?
Obama's "secret" remarks in 2012's election year were an example of normal politics & diplomacy, where lying is part of the game. Trump supporters understand the positive aspects of lying.
Since we all know Putin hates Obama & the Clintons and what Reagan did to the USSR, the release of that tape was meant to embarrass Obama and con suckers fell for it with partisan relish.
We'll see how Trump will continue to kiss Putin's tricky ass ... or not?
ZZPupps admits the evidence is out there but is too lazy to look up himself yet opposes the intel agencies for doing just that.

You have no game, man: back to the sand lots for you.

Keep practicing that whine Closet Communist. You get to dance for at least 4 years, probably 8. Then Pence will be number 46. Please cite the documentation from those 17 agencies...not some "off the record" source from the "Hellary in a landslide" media.

Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

You lack reading comprehension, Flake. He admitted he has no evidence for his position. Keep white knighting him though.
President Trump and SOS Tillerson are liberals', Globalists' and neo-cons' worst nightmare.
BTW, why aren't liberals concerned about Clinton's real (not alleged!) ties to Saudis and Qatar?????
Still trolling for papa Putin, i see.
You still "live" in eastern Ukraine, or have you been promoted to Moscow after Trump's victory?
Tillerson gets picked and the righties here want you to believe that Trump just has to surround himself with Russian fuck boys because there just isn't anyone around who is Qualified AND has not received a medal from the Kremlin!

Show Republicans a ink blot by Hillary and they see corruption, foreign ties, servers and child sex in a pizza parlor. Show those same Republicans a picture of Tillerson toasting Putin and receiving a friendship forever ring and they go...:eusa_think: hmm not sure what that means.

Suddenly their Inspector Gadget hat falls off.

How can successful people in business, military, etc. possibly do any worse than the career politicians? Somehow I suspect that Tillerson is to smart to ever do a stupid and irresponsible one sided deal with Iran, like Obama & Kerry did!

A lot of ways. Next question
Americans are not going to be happy with Trump's ass kissing of Putin. They were quite happy with Reagan and the Clintons kicking Russian ass. That has not changed.

It was obummer who said on a hot mic that when he got into his last term he would be able to help the Russki's more. ...
That was a lame or naive retort, or are you Putin's sucker too? Which is it?
Obama's "secret" remarks in 2012's election year were an example of normal politics & diplomacy, where lying is part of the game. Trump supporters understand the positive aspects of lying.
Since we all know Putin hates Obama & the Clintons and what Reagan did to the USSR, the release of that tape was meant to embarrass Obama and con suckers fell for it with partisan relish.
We'll see how Trump will continue to kiss Putin's tricky ass ... or not?

I find it amusing that you think that won't be the case. You truly are a moron.
17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Keep practicing that whine Closet Communist. You get to dance for at least 4 years, probably 8. Then Pence will be number 46. Please cite the documentation from those 17 agencies...not some "off the record" source from the "Hellary in a landslide" media.

Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.
Tillerson gets picked and the righties here want you to believe that Trump just has to surround himself with Russian fuck boys because there just isn't anyone around who is Qualified AND has not received a medal from the Kremlin!

Show Republicans a ink blot by Hillary and they see corruption, foreign ties, servers and child sex in a pizza parlor. Show those same Republicans a picture of Tillerson toasting Putin and receiving a friendship forever ring and they go...:eusa_think: hmm not sure what that means.

Suddenly their Inspector Gadget hat falls off.

Liberal excuse Russia did it!!!!!

Tillerson will be confirmed, nothing you or your fag boys can do.

Liberal aka 17 intel agencies

Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.
Tillerson gets picked and the righties here want you to believe that Trump just has to surround himself with Russian fuck boys because there just isn't anyone around who is Qualified AND has not received a medal from the Kremlin!

Show Republicans a ink blot by Hillary and they see corruption, foreign ties, servers and child sex in a pizza parlor. Show those same Republicans a picture of Tillerson toasting Putin and receiving a friendship forever ring and they go...:eusa_think: hmm not sure what that means.

Suddenly their Inspector Gadget hat falls off.

Liberal excuse Russia did it!!!!!

Tillerson will be confirmed, nothing you or your fag boys can do.

Liberal aka 17 intel agencies

Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time
Keep practicing that whine Closet Communist. You get to dance for at least 4 years, probably 8. Then Pence will be number 46. Please cite the documentation from those 17 agencies...not some "off the record" source from the "Hellary in a landslide" media.

Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.
Cant talk about the topic? No problem talk about 8 years from now and ask for things you can google and then wait for them to produce them and roundly dismiss it.

No thanks, if you wanted the info you wouldnt ask me for it.

Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.

Can you tell me how I can show you information that is classified? That answer should be easy since you're requesting it
Russia is actually pretty awesome.

They know how to deal with liberal protesters and homosexual supporters.
Nice try to spin but you failed just like Hellary. You can't produce the evidence, because it doesn't exist. This is just more BS from the RatZ...just like the recounts.

You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.

Can you tell me how I can show you information that is classified? That answer should be easy since you're requesting it

You made a claim. The burden of proof for your position is on you. So PROVE have the floor.
You want the classified evidence and if you dont see it it dont exist? ROFL. The world is filled with things that exist that you havent seen stupid.

So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.

Can you tell me how I can show you information that is classified? That answer should be easy since you're requesting it

You made a claim. The burden of proof for your position is on you. So PROVE have the floor.

So you dont know. I rest my case.
So you admit there is no evidence that is available, which is my contention. Yet you proclaim that which you have NO evidence for to be FACT. So do snake oil salesmen.

You fold up quickly, CC. Now go ahead and call me something derogatory again...let the hurt flow out of you.

Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.

Can you tell me how I can show you information that is classified? That answer should be easy since you're requesting it

You made a claim. The burden of proof for your position is on you. So PROVE have the floor.

So you dont know. I rest my case.

You can't even surrender with grace. LOL

Maybe you need to take French.
Its classified. Next you're going to ask me to show you a gold bar from Fort Knox and when I cant you'll just claim gold doesnt exist because I didnt show you.

You made a claim, so prove it. It is as simple as that. It's also as simple as...YOU CAN'T. Prove your position or STFU.

Can you tell me how I can show you information that is classified? That answer should be easy since you're requesting it

You made a claim. The burden of proof for your position is on you. So PROVE have the floor.

So you dont know. I rest my case.

You can't even surrender with grace. LOL

Maybe you need to take French.

How should I show you evidence thats classified?
Prove your position. You stated it. Upon what info did you draw your conclusion? It really is a simple question. It's gets impossibly hard for liars though...since no proof exists.

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