Republican new defense: There aren't any qualified people available that don't have Russian ties

There is a civil right one's privacy in his own matters.

The JimmaJohanns will not have their way.

We'll let Trump's supreme court decide that one.

When people molest children, they don't have a right to privacy.

Because the right to privacy doesn't extend to infamous, disgusting and illegal acts.
SCOTUS has already opined, and it won't be re-opened. The lower courts will block all such attempts.

You confuse homosexuality/heterosexuality with child molestation. The LEO and courts will continue to deal with such perverts.
Do you get this crap from the voices in your head which seem to have reached a fevered pitch since you and your beast got "analized" five weeks ago?
You are the one who goose steps in front of your bedroom mirror in your SS get up and then is dominated by your master.

JimmaJohanna and Meathead believe their opinions about peoples' private behavior means anything in law in and of itself.

It does not, and they hate that fact.
I don't give a rat's ass about people's private behavior although I do find your channeling of demented pathology at least amusing. It is your legal conclusions and patent ignorance which are worthy of comment. You are certainly one of the most bizarre and universally derided posters on this site, though JoeB does give you a run for your money.
You are confused, yet again.
We'll let Trump's supreme court decide that one.

When people molest children, they don't have a right to privacy.

Because the right to privacy doesn't extend to infamous, disgusting and illegal acts.
SCOTUS has already opined, and it won't be re-opened. The lower courts will block all such attempts.

You confuse homosexuality/heterosexuality with child molestation. The LEO and courts will continue to deal with such perverts.

Lower courts can try to block, but you can appeal to the Supreme Court directly.

Don't underestimate Trump's ability to find someone conservative enough to revisit the case. It will be reopened, as will Abortion.

Homosexuality and Pedophilia are related. Why was Jerry Sandusky raping little boys and not little girls?

Because he was a faggot.

fags represent 3% of the country, but more than 55% of all people with HIV. In fact, more than 67% of of those newly infected, according to the CDC, are homosexual. So the proportion of of the AIDs carrying population concentrated in the Homosexual community is growing at a rapid pace. 1 in 6 homosexuals have AIDs at this point. Many of them don't even know they carry the disease.

Let's call it what it really is -- GRIDS.
You do not understand the characters that make up a solid portion of the GOP.

No Alitos or Scalias will be confirmed for the Court.

You make silly announcements with silly stats that you don't document. You have no idea about you are talking.

Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

There's your documentation.

Altios and Scalias will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. They have before and they will again. Maybe even a new justice Thomas Clarence.
Not in this administration. Graham, McCain, Rubio, and Paul have made it quite clear their aversion to Trump will rule their actions in the Senate. There are three or four more in their corner.

Trump's vice president is Mike Pence. He fries gays to try to make them straight.

Most of his cabinet is that way. and you think Ted 'Mr. Conservative' Cruz is going to do anything but champion and push for another Clarence Thomas?

I think you're wrong. They may not like Trump, but they're still hard core Republicans and aren't going to give the dems an opportuniy to fuck over the supreme court.
Trump is systematically putting the transnational corporations in charge of the federal government.
Did Trump tell Tillerson that Exxon's imports to this country are going to have a 35% tariff on them?
Liberal excuse Russia did it!!!!!

Tillerson will be confirmed, nothing you or your fag boys can do.

Liberal aka 17 intel agencies

Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.
SCOTUS has already opined, and it won't be re-opened. The lower courts will block all such attempts.

You confuse homosexuality/heterosexuality with child molestation. The LEO and courts will continue to deal with such perverts.

Lower courts can try to block, but you can appeal to the Supreme Court directly.

Don't underestimate Trump's ability to find someone conservative enough to revisit the case. It will be reopened, as will Abortion.

Homosexuality and Pedophilia are related. Why was Jerry Sandusky raping little boys and not little girls?

Because he was a faggot.

fags represent 3% of the country, but more than 55% of all people with HIV. In fact, more than 67% of of those newly infected, according to the CDC, are homosexual. So the proportion of of the AIDs carrying population concentrated in the Homosexual community is growing at a rapid pace. 1 in 6 homosexuals have AIDs at this point. Many of them don't even know they carry the disease.

Let's call it what it really is -- GRIDS.
You do not understand the characters that make up a solid portion of the GOP.

No Alitos or Scalias will be confirmed for the Court.

You make silly announcements with silly stats that you don't document. You have no idea about you are talking.

Gay and Bisexual Men | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

There's your documentation.

Altios and Scalias will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. They have before and they will again. Maybe even a new justice Thomas Clarence.
Not in this administration. Graham, McCain, Rubio, and Paul have made it quite clear their aversion to Trump will rule their actions in the Senate. There are three or four more in their corner.

Trump's vice president is Mike Pence. He fries gays to try to make them straight.

Most of his cabinet is that way. and you think Ted 'Mr. Conservative' Cruz is going to do anything but champion and push for another Clarence Thomas?

I think you're wrong. They may not like Trump, but they're still hard core Republicans and aren't going to give the dems an opportuniy to fuck over the supreme court.
Four of them certainly will join forces with the Dems. They will accept those like Merrick Garland.
Liberal aka 17 intel agencies

Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.
Yup, the intel agencies are after sum Donald.
Liberal aka 17 intel agencies

Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.
I'm beginning to think you need therapy CC. You're really losing it. To call the CEO if Exxon a Russian fuck boy is beyond the pale.
Yeah. That is really a sign of bad manners. We on USMB frown upon that kind of behaviour.
Headed by Obama appointees

They couldnt find hillarys emails, but fingered Russia in a month or two.
Its just more bs from liberals

Maybe the hearings will bring out what was IN the emails

17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.

The Department of Energy is not an "intel agency". Neither is the Treasury. Being a member of the "intelligence community" does not make one an "intelligence agency".

Carry on, dipshit.
17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.

The Department of Energy is not an "intel agency". Neither is the Treasury. Being a member of the "intelligence community" does not make one an "intelligence agency".

Carry on, dipshit.

Go ahead and tell them they arent intel agencies because you said so. I'm sure they'll pack their shit and leave after that
17 intel agencies arent all wrong because you can cast doubt on them. They're more credible than this tap dancing routine you and Trump are putting on.

Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.

The Department of Energy is not an "intel agency". Neither is the Treasury. Being a member of the "intelligence community" does not make one an "intelligence agency".

Carry on, dipshit.
theTitMouse, you are confused again.
Still regurgitating that lie? There aren't "17 intel agencies" to begin with. It was only DHS that made the claim, and they are the ones that actually hacked the election themselves.

Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.

The Department of Energy is not an "intel agency". Neither is the Treasury. Being a member of the "intelligence community" does not make one an "intelligence agency".

Carry on, dipshit.

Go ahead and tell them they arent intel agencies because you said so. I'm sure they'll pack their shit and leave after that

Most of them don't claim to be an intel agency to begin with.
Your link also only lists 16 members of the IC. Still waiting to hear the 17 agencies that back the claim.
Members of the IC

Stop wasting my time

LOL. The Department of Treasury? The Department of Energy? The rest are mostly military intel.

Which of these made the claims? Oh, you can't name them because it's "classified". In other words you're full of shit. None of them stands by the claim that Russia was behind any election hacking.

You are known to say things you dont know about. You said there arent 17 intel agencies. There are.

The Department of Energy is not an "intel agency". Neither is the Treasury. Being a member of the "intelligence community" does not make one an "intelligence agency".

Carry on, dipshit.

Go ahead and tell them they arent intel agencies because you said so. I'm sure they'll pack their shit and leave after that

Most of them don't claim to be an intel agency to begin with.
Your link also only lists 16 members of the IC. Still waiting to hear the 17 agencies that back the claim.

Thats why I'm saying you should go to them and tell them they are a bunch of fakers by decree of you. Once that happens they'll skip town immediately because their cover will be blown
Russia is actually pretty awesome.
They know how to deal with liberal protesters and homosexual supporters.
Are you homosexual?
Many "conservative" homosexual men try to hide their sexual orientation by attacking gays.
BTW, Russia sucks compared to most EU countries. I've been there multiple times, but Russia has improved a bit economically after the fall of USSR and oligarch exploitation of Russia's natural resources.
Russia is actually pretty awesome.
They know how to deal with liberal protesters and homosexual supporters.
Are you homosexual?
Many "conservative" homosexual men try to hide their sexual orientation by attacking gays.
BTW, Russia sucks compared to most EU countries. I've been there multiple times, but Russia has improved a bit after the fall of USSR and oligarch exploitation of Russia's natural resources.

Can't argue with "Russia sucks", but i'll say they know how to deal with the gays.

I'm not a faggot, no interest in children whatsoever. or men.
Americans are not going to be happy with Trump's ass kissing of Putin. They were quite happy with Reagan and the Clintons kicking Russian ass. That has not changed.

It was obummer who said on a hot mic that when he got into his last term he would be able to help the Russki's more. ...
That was a lame or naive retort, or are you Putin's sucker too? Which is it?
Obama's "secret" remarks in 2012's election year were an example of normal politics & diplomacy, where lying is part of the game. Trump supporters understand the positive aspects of lying.
Since we all know Putin hates Obama & the Clintons and what Reagan did to the USSR, the release of that tape was meant to embarrass Obama and con suckers fell for it with partisan relish.
We'll see how Trump will continue to kiss Putin's tricky ass ... or not?

I find it amusing that you think that won't be the case. You truly are a moron.
Says one of the Board's most damaged posters in its history. I find it amusing that you think Trump will not be held accountable, in the face of growing remorse by American voters.

:lmao:"damaged":rofl::rofl: So says the useless troll who has been caught lying so many times you give the shrilary a run for her money. Get real asshat. The trumpster is going to have the one thing that the obummer never had. A MSM that is following his every move. They will watch him like a hawk and they will actually INVESTIGATE claims made against hi. Unlike your hero the obumer who was given carte blanche to do his masters bidding.

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