Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."
I'm betting a lot of liberals would do away with the Constitution.
The woman was a republican lawmaker that was suggesting a military coup. it doesn't get any worse than that in doing away with the constitution..
She is NOT a lawmaker, she is a clerk of court. At least get your facts straight.

Thats what it says in the first sentence

A Republican Missouri lawmaker said that she meant "no ill intent" toward President Obama when she asked on her Facebook page if the U.S. military was able to oust the president.
that rw broad is, sadly, representative of a goodly portion of today's repub-voters :(

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."

you'[re pretty smart ;)
I asked for a specific quote where she called for a coup, I notice none of you have provided one.
She doesnt have to use the word coup moron. Anyone with a 5th grade education knows what she is talking about.

But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority,"

What do you think she is talking about? Sending him some flowers?
Question. Are they politically hostile because you disagree with many of them..........? Hell the lefties felt the same way about Bush........ Funny how that works....... Don't worry though, a coup will eventually come, could be 20 years, 50 years, a hundred years, two hundred from now but it will happen and it will put the final nail in the coffin sealing this countries fate, no longer a free nation ruled by laws based on our constitution though those in charge will continue to give lip service to it.

By a hostile Senate I mean a majority of the president's party who refuses to convict him regardless of the proof against him. Clinton was clearly guilty of treason for allowing Loral to trade missle telemetry secrets to the chi-coms for campaign funds. He had Ron Brown override the ban on transfer of the gyroscopes needed to guide a launch into space for cheap satellite deployment. The chi-coms immediately gave the information to their military and now have ICBMs that can strike us with pinpoint accuracy. Our Pentagon did NOTHING about it, even after Ron Brown's plane was run into the side of a mountain....his autopsy showed a wound to his head consistent with a .45 round.

Clinton also deployed 1st Cav helicopters from Ft. Hood to strafe the Mt.Carmel compound at Waco....a clear violation of posse comitatus, and clearly treason. His wife was up to her eyeballs in the Vince Foster murder and cover up. And to think he was impeached for lying to a grand jury....he could have cut algore's throat in the Rose Garden, on TV and not been convicted by that democrat Senate.
that rw broad is, sadly, representative of a goodly portion of today's repub-voters :(

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."

you'[re pretty smart ;)
I asked for a specific quote where she called for a coup, I notice none of you have provided one.
She doesnt have to use the word coup moron. Anyone with a 5th grade education knows what she is talking about.

But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority,"

What do you think she is talking about? Sending him some flowers?
I know right? How come rw'ers are 5-steps ahead of the President's next "supposed' tyrannical act :rolleyes-41: but have to be led by the hand to see what their Fox, brown acid-taking, officials are doing right in front of their faces :eusa_think: :dunno:
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Question. Are they politically hostile because you disagree with many of them..........? Hell the lefties felt the same way about Bush........ Funny how that works....... Don't worry though, a coup will eventually come, could be 20 years, 50 years, a hundred years, two hundred from now but it will happen and it will put the final nail in the coffin sealing this countries fate, no longer a free nation ruled by laws based on our constitution though those in charge will continue to give lip service to it.

By a hostile Senate I mean a majority of the president's party who refuses to convict him regardless of the proof against him. Clinton was clearly guilty of treason for allowing Loral to trade missle telemetry secrets to the chi-coms for campaign funds. He had Ron Brown override the ban on transfer of the gyroscopes needed to guide a launch into space for cheap satellite deployment. The chi-coms immediately gave the information to their military and now have ICBMs that can strike us with pinpoint accuracy. Our Pentagon did NOTHING about it, even after Ron Brown's plane was run into the side of a mountain....his autopsy showed a wound to his head consistent with a .45 round.

Clinton also deployed 1st Cav helicopters from Ft. Hood to strafe the Mt.Carmel compound at Waco....a clear violation of posse comitatus, and clearly treason. His wife was up to her eyeballs in the Vince Foster murder and cover up. And to think he was impeached for lying to a grand jury....he could have cut algore's throat in the Rose Garden, on TV and not been convicted by that democrat Senate.
Ah, one of those conspiracy theorists..... Never mind....... Have a good day. Before I go should I call the evening nurse for your meds?
Ah, one of those conspiracy theorists..... Never mind....... Have a good day. Before I go should I call the evening nurse for your meds?

Not "conspiracies".....known facts. But whatever.....nah, I don't need any meds....enjoy your evening of TV dinners and wine in a box, "doc". :bye1:
We all swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies....foreign AND DOMESTIC. Seven Days in May might arrive in November this year.
Hope you enjoy your prison sentence....... If you survive the coup attempt........ :eusa_whistle:

Ain't a prison that can hold a man who's done the right thing....I proved that at Long Binh. I'm no longer active duty and as far as the NSA creep who's reading this might wonder, have no intention of throwing anything but insults at the muslim piece of crap in our WH. But I'd show up for a parade for those who went in and dragged his ass out.
Here he goes with the fake Marine stories. :lol:
Last I checked making disparaging remarks to veterans and claiming they are lying is frowned on here by both sides, perhaps you didn't get the memo?
Dont really care yhat you frown on clown.. I'm a veteran so I can say what I want to,
So since veterans according to you are fair game care to provide proof your a veteran? I mean since you are accusing others of not being one.
that rw broad is, sadly, representative of a goodly portion of today's repub-voters :(

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."

you'[re pretty smart ;)
I asked for a specific quote where she called for a coup, I notice none of you have provided one.
you read the OP?
Yes I did and no where did she call for a coup. Care to provide the actual quote?
I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."
I'm betting a lot of liberals would do away with the Constitution.
The woman was a republican lawmaker that was suggesting a military coup. it doesn't get any worse than that in doing away with the constitution..
She is NOT a lawmaker, she is a clerk of court. At least get your facts straight.

Thats what it says in the first sentence

A Republican Missouri lawmaker said that she meant "no ill intent" toward President Obama when she asked on her Facebook page if the U.S. military was able to oust the president.
That does not call for a coup she asked a question about whether or not the Constitution allowed for it. Now be specific quote where she said the Military should stage a coup.

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