Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

'Debbie Dunnegan Waters, a Republican serving as Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch she had "no ill intent toward the president" when she asked why the military hasn't "taken action against our domestic enemy," who she identified as "supposedly the commander in chief."'

This sort of unwarranted hatred for the president is indeed bizarre.
with today's repub-voters its apparently par for the course given the acceptance of their off-the-scale cray cray statements.
I doubt Obama could be elected to a third term.

He's lost his base.

However I would not entirely rule out a manufactured Ebola "crisis" which would bring on martial law and no election taking place.

Libs, look up "entirely" before making a total ass of yourself (again).
"What am I missing?" -- Well, dear, you just defined treason.

Another Tea Bagging Traitor who only respects the constitution when candidates she supports win elections. That's not how it works in America.

Liberals were writing books on and making movies on assassinating Bush.

We were told that was "freedom of expression." and we should just accept it.

But when the shoe is on the other foot, look at hypocrite liberals go NUTS--And this Republican isn't talking about assassination like liberals!

Remember "Snipers wanted" on CNN????


Remember the Kill Bush T-shirt?


Or how about all these other death threats

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years zomblog

Republicans are scary, maybe, but liberal hypocrisy is always hilarious!

It's always ONLY okay when they do it!

Please name the Liberals who were writing books and making movies on assassinating Bush. And in what countries?

I gave you the LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But if you want more exact links, here you go!

The Assassination of George W. Bush A Love Story Krandall Kraus 9781430321354 Books

Death of a President 2006 - IMDb

And AGAIN, the link of other death threats against Bush made by liberals INCLUDING THE CBS "SNIPERS WANTED."

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years zomblog

Kilborn CBS Target Bush The Smoking Gun
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Having the HBH troll post immediately after you doesn't do much in the way of helping your position teepeesamurai.
Looks like I'm a thread killah. Self righteous liberals have no answer to their own hypocrisy.
Having the HBH troll post immediately after you doesn't do much in the way of helping your position teepeesamurai.

I don't need to help for my position, I crushed yours.

Unless you've come up with a way to spin how liberals howled for the death of Bush while taking to their smelling salts the minute there is one word against Obama.
Having the HBH troll post immediately after you doesn't do much in the way of helping your position teepeesamurai.

As to my OP, that Repub-voting h8r is pretty much typical of today's repub voters.
Like what in the context of her words? We already have 2 suggestions treason and a military coup.

She could want the members of the military to ACTIVELY speak out against the president.
How could they do that? They would be breaking a lawful order from their superior. Thats still treason.
It is not Treason to speak out you dumb ass. it may be a crime under the UCMJ depending on what they say but not treason. Do you even understand what treason is? Perhaps you should read the Constitution it spells it out plain and simple.

Further I think any General that has been ordered to do unlawful things or participate in irregular acts should speak out.
It is if you are given an order to maintain silence dumb ass. If you were in the military you should know this.
It is NOT treason read the fucking Constitution. You prove just how stupid you are. There are only 2 things that constitute treason under the Constitution and talking against orders is not one of them. Unless that talk aids or comforts the enemy.
Article III Section 3.
Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Article III Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute

Do try and keep up with reality and facts.

Now don't go confusing Asslips with facts...
I doubt Obama could be elected to a third term.

He's lost his base.

However I would not entirely rule out a manufactured Ebola "crisis" which would bring on martial law and no election taking place.

Libs, look up "entirely" before making a total ass of yourself (again).

I have heard this one so many times it has no impact on me. In 1988 I had a colleague who ran around telling everyone that the Republicans were going to make Reagan King and cancel elections.Then in 2000 I had others tell me that Clinton was going to spark a terrorist attack and use it to declare martial law and cancel the election. (Hey, maybe he just missed his mark by 7 months? :eek:) Then in 2008 and the AWE morons like Dog Cum were demanding that Bush would cancel the elections.

Now we hear it about Obama.

January 20, 2017 the long national nightmare will be over - Obama WILL be out of office.

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