Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

that rw broad is, sadly, representative of a goodly portion of today's repub-voters :(

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."

you'[re pretty smart ;)
I asked for a specific quote where she called for a coup, I notice none of you have provided one.
She doesnt have to use the word coup moron. Anyone with a 5th grade education knows what she is talking about.

But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority,"

What do you think she is talking about? Sending him some flowers?

Before you accuse someone of treason or being treasonous, you should practically erase all doubt first.

Another hyper partisan moron who "loves this country" so much she wants a military coup. What hypocrisy, what utter stupidity, what a treasonous position.

Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.
I did attempt to erase all doubt. I asked what else could she possibly be talking about? So far no one has provided an alternate theory on why she called the POTUS a domestic threat and asked the military if there was some action they could take. Do you have plausible theory as to why she would say something like that?
Yes the average military member, current, former and retired know what the oath means and will uphold. But I guess free speech only matters when you agree with it, right......? Otherwise it's hate speech or treason, right......? :rolleyes:

We all swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies....foreign AND DOMESTIC. Seven Days in May might arrive in November this year.
Hope you enjoy your prison sentence....... If you survive the coup attempt........ :eusa_whistle:

Ain't a prison that can hold a man who's done the right thing....I proved that at Long Binh. I'm no longer active duty and as far as the NSA creep who's reading this might wonder, have no intention of throwing anything but insults at the muslim piece of crap in our WH. But I'd show up for a parade for those who went in and dragged his ass out.
so you are full of shit.
that rw broad is, sadly, representative of a goodly portion of today's repub-voters :(

I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."

you'[re pretty smart ;)
I asked for a specific quote where she called for a coup, I notice none of you have provided one.
She doesnt have to use the word coup moron. Anyone with a 5th grade education knows what she is talking about.

But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority,"

What do you think she is talking about? Sending him some flowers?

Before you accuse someone of treason or being treasonous, you should practically erase all doubt first.

Another hyper partisan moron who "loves this country" so much she wants a military coup. What hypocrisy, what utter stupidity, what a treasonous position.

Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.
I did attempt to erase all doubt. I asked what else could she possibly be talking about? So far no one has provided an alternate theory on why she called the POTUS a domestic threat and asked the military if there was some action they could take. Do you have plausible theory as to why she would say something like that?
She thought it was allowed by the Constitution. She was wrong, but doesn't change the fact she asked a question. She did not call for a coup.
Ah, one of those conspiracy theorists..... Never mind....... Have a good day. Before I go should I call the evening nurse for your meds?

Not "conspiracies".....known facts. But whatever.....nah, I don't need any meds....enjoy your evening of TV dinners and wine in a box, "doc". :bye1:
What "known facts" are you peddling today?
If the military does indeed act to overthrow Obama, will you be recalled to get the plywood thru!!

LOL the military isn't going to overthrow Obama, you people are nuts
This would have been a perfect opportunity for an eXtreme rightie like The T to :blowup: No matter, 007 filled in for him. :D
Can you imagine if Bush was secretly dropping off infected kids in American cities and golfing during an Ebola outbreak?
Yes I can imagine Bush doing this. The current POTUS not so much.


Wear out your Obama Kneepads? Obola is actually doing that!!!
Okay, CF has gone bye, bye.

Calling nurse Ratched, calling nurse Ratched!

Why did Obama disperse infected kids throughout the USA?
The military is not going to overthrow the presidunce. It just should overthrow the presidunce while there is still a country to be presidunce of.
What else are you supposed to do when POTUS is revealed to be a bioterrorist?
Go back , take another dose of your meds and stfu until your sanity returns....

Al Qaeda would LOVED to have spread an infectious disease in our schools, Obama did it for them
Reread post #169...

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?

Another hyper partisan moron who "loves this country" so much she wants a military coup. What hypocrisy, what utter stupidity, what a treasonous position.

I really don't think the simple minded imbeciles / useful idiots who run around call themselves Liberals fully comprehend the seriousness of what is being done to our Nations future . They are so caught up in their love affair with their simple minded Alice in wonderland ideologies that they are oblivious to reality.

Ev'rywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
Cause summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the street - Mick Jagger
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What else are you supposed to do when POTUS is revealed to be a bioterrorist?
Go back , take another dose of your meds and stfu until your sanity returns....

Al Qaeda would LOVED to have spread an infectious disease in our schools, Obama did it for them
Reread post #169...

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?


Keep reading the "Turner Diaries", it's as close to reality as you'll ever get...
What else are you supposed to do when POTUS is revealed to be a bioterrorist?
Go back , take another dose of your meds and stfu until your sanity returns....

Al Qaeda would LOVED to have spread an infectious disease in our schools, Obama did it for them
Reread post #169...

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?

Not only did obola bring infected kids here but he kept the sick with the healthy in holding pens so there would be more sick kids to be carriers. Not just kids. obola has ordered that adults be admitted as students. Adults are perfect. Not many adults have died. But they can transmit disease to children who do.
Bill Ayers told the public not long ago that he didn't do enough when he led a band of anarchists in the 70's and bombed corporate headquarters and Military recruiting centers and robbed banks and killed guards and Cops. Anti-war protesters called for the violent overthrow of the government and hanged President Bush in effigy barely ten years ago but you gotta fear and respect the power of today's left wing propaganda network when they come up with shit like this.

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