Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?


reconmark said:
Keep reading the "Turner Diaries", it's as close to reality as you'll ever get...

CrusaderFrank isn't a white supremacist, man. Just FYI, that. :thup:
Can you imagine if Bush was secretly dropping off infected kids in American cities and golfing during an Ebola outbreak?
Yes I can imagine Bush doing this. The current POTUS not so much.


Wear out your Obama Kneepads? Obola is actually doing that!!!
Okay, CF has gone bye, bye.

Calling nurse Ratched, calling nurse Ratched!

Why did Obama disperse infected kids throughout the USA?
Sorry but you've gone off the deep end this time.
When Democrats lose they protest &/or take it to the courts. When Repubs lose they call for armed insurrection. 'twas ever thus (the last 10+ years)
What else are you supposed to do when POTUS is revealed to be a bioterrorist?
Go back , take another dose of your meds and stfu until your sanity returns....

Al Qaeda would LOVED to have spread an infectious disease in our schools, Obama did it for them
Reread post #169...

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?


not really much different then his fast n furious action
It makes for a grand piece of propaganda at face value but it does nothing but preach to the low information left wing choir. The radical left is desperate and it has an immense (tax exempt) propaganda network digging up shit on (only) poor dumb assed public servants who have a (R) in front of their names whether they are elected or not. Be aware of this filth for the next couple of weeks.
Actually this thread is fun..... and very telling. It's a wonderful microcosm of election cycle antics........ On both sides.......
Keep up the good work folks!!! Your respective parties would be proud!!! :thup:

If that's what it takes we should be about it without delay.
That's a rather ironic sentiment for someone who supports the party that wants to replace the current APUSH curriculum with one that encourages "a respect of authority..." and discourages "civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law". But, hey. I've come to expect no consistency in the position of the MRP.
What else are you supposed to do when POTUS is revealed to be a bioterrorist?
Go back , take another dose of your meds and stfu until your sanity returns....

Al Qaeda would LOVED to have spread an infectious disease in our schools, Obama did it for them
Reread post #169...

Keep reading from "The Audacity of Hope" it's soul food for you

Infected kids are sent up from Central American, Obama secretly disperses them throughout the USA, the next week American kids get sick and some die from EV D-68.

Is it time for you to reorder your Obama Kneepads?
Not only did obola bring infected kids here but he kept the sick with the healthy in holding pens so there would be more sick kids to be carriers. Not just kids. obola has ordered that adults be admitted as students. Adults are perfect. Not many adults have died. But they can transmit disease to children who do.
you two need to get a room together. A Rubber Room :tinfoil: :thup:


Anyone who thinks ANYTHING on TPM is real is a fucking retard.

Talking Points Memo is a pathetic hate site. What, was Stormfront down or something?
Generalize and stereotype much? :cuckoo:

There is a reason they are called "hate sites" instead of "really true truth sites.."
I thought TPM was Pill O'Biley's site. Am I wrong?
Yes, you are wrong.

About TPM

Look at the footer.
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"

Action is the only word she used, not military coup.

Disobedience is one action. Blowing the whistle on him is another.

They did it to Bush. Why not Obama?

This is what I was looking for. Someone finally came up with a plausible theory other than a military coup. So she was calling for treason instead of a military coup?

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