Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.

That was a great attempt at an explanation but had nothing to do with the point. Your opinion regarding whether or not it is in the same league is not relevant. The point is that you can goad someone to action via asking questions. Its how the human mind works.
Please tell me you are not this retarded? :lol:

I misjudged you - while you are a racist, I had thought you intelligent at one time. My mistake.

He's the posterboy of the "hope and change" ZERO....a poser, a liar, a hateful little cocksucker with no future. I've destroyed his lies and fake "blackness" so many times he became my chew-toy. You'd think he'd slink off from the beatings he gets here....but he won't because he's been banned every place else, by his own admission. Just ignore him...without attention, maybe he'll finally kill himself.

Talking to me through another poster is a sign of weakness fake marine.

At least be man enough to admit you simply have to engage me even if its at the cowardly level of using a proxy.
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.

That was a great attempt at an explanation but had nothing to do with the point. Your opinion regarding whether or not it is in the same league is not relevant. The point is that you can goad someone to action via asking questions. Its how the human mind works.
You can only goad someone into doing something if they are highly immature or weak willed which is something the military is not. This was a nothing story yesterday it still is today and will be tomorrow.
the clingers in this thread need to get a grip and NOT on a broomstick-handled, Mauser. Win an election bitchez!!! (and stop :crybaby: :itsok: )
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.

That was a great attempt at an explanation but had nothing to do with the point. Your opinion regarding whether or not it is in the same league is not relevant. The point is that you can goad someone to action via asking questions. Its how the human mind works.
You can only goad someone into doing something if they are highly immature or weak willed which is something the military is not. This was a nothing story yesterday it still is today and will be tomorrow.
Not true. You can goad people into doing something because a high majority of people are sheep. In the military that quality is encouraged and trained for. You do what you are ordered to do immediately and ask questions later.

It may be a nothing story and I agree but that doesnt take away from the fact she was advocating a military coup or treason.
One last're white trash....garbage in a pair of sweat don't work, don't have any friends, don't have a nag and pester your betters here....but your most obvious fault is that you're a terrible liar. Nobody wants anything to do with you.....borrow a belt and hook it over the closet door, around your neck and end it....your parents will feel nothing but relief.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.

That was a great attempt at an explanation but had nothing to do with the point. Your opinion regarding whether or not it is in the same league is not relevant. The point is that you can goad someone to action via asking questions. Its how the human mind works.
You can only goad someone into doing something if they are highly immature or weak willed which is something the military is not. This was a nothing story yesterday it still is today and will be tomorrow.
Not true. You can goad people into doing something because a high majority of people are sheep. In the military that quality is encouraged and trained for. You do what you are ordered to do immediately and ask questions later.

It may be a nothing story and I agree but that doesnt take away from the fact she was advocating a military coup or treason.
AND the eXtreme Righties on this forum refuse to repudiate her zanery.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.

That was a great attempt at an explanation but had nothing to do with the point. Your opinion regarding whether or not it is in the same league is not relevant. The point is that you can goad someone to action via asking questions. Its how the human mind works.
You can only goad someone into doing something if they are highly immature or weak willed which is something the military is not. This was a nothing story yesterday it still is today and will be tomorrow.
Not true. You can goad people into doing something because a high majority of people are sheep. In the military that quality is encouraged and trained for. You do what you are ordered to do immediately and ask questions later.

It may be a nothing story and I agree but that doesn't take away from the fact she was advocating a military coup or treason.
Asking a question is neither advocating a coup or advocating treason. If it were she would have been charged as such.
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.

Action can mean any number of a lot of little things.
Like what in the context of her words? We already have 2 suggestions treason and a military coup.

She could want the members of the military to ACTIVELY speak out against the president.
An elected official in Missouri is trying to explain herself after penning a Facebook post that ponders why the military hasn't deposed President Barack Obama in a coup d'etat.

Debbie Dunnegan Waters, a Republican serving as Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch she had "no ill intent toward the president" when she asked why the military hasn't "taken action against our domestic enemy," who she identified as "supposedly the commander in chief."

Her Facebook page is private, however her comments were reposted on social media:


More: Debbie Dunnegan Waters, Missouri Official, Wonders Why Military Can t Launch Coup Against President Obama

Republicans are scary. First, they impeached Clinton over a personal matter; and now, they want to incite a military coup to overthrow our duly-elected president. Republicans are pushing America more and more toward a third-world banana republic.
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.

Action can mean any number of a lot of little things.
Like what in the context of her words? We already have 2 suggestions treason and a military coup.

She could want the members of the military to ACTIVELY speak out against the president.
How could they do that? They would be breaking a lawful order from their superior. Thats still treason.
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.

Action can mean any number of a lot of little things.
Like what in the context of her words? We already have 2 suggestions treason and a military coup.

She could want the members of the military to ACTIVELY speak out against the president.
How could they do that? They would be breaking a lawful order from their superior. Thats still treason.
It is not Treason to speak out you dumb ass. it may be a crime under the UCMJ depending on what they say but not treason. Do you even understand what treason is? Perhaps you should read the Constitution it spells it out plain and simple.

Further I think any General that has been ordered to do unlawful things or participate in irregular acts should speak out.
Already a thread on this perhaps if you spent more time actually reading threads instead of making shit up to be scared of you wouldn't make this mistake.
Already a thread on this perhaps if you spent more time actually reading threads instead of making shit up to be scared of you wouldn't make this mistake.

Well, sparky, I did a brief search before I posted it. I searched "coup" "overthrow" "military" and found nothing on the first two pages.
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"What am I missing?" -- Well, dear, you just defined treason.

Another Tea Bagging Traitor who only respects the constitution when candidates she supports win elections. That's not how it works in America.
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.

Action can mean any number of a lot of little things.
Like what in the context of her words? We already have 2 suggestions treason and a military coup.

She could want the members of the military to ACTIVELY speak out against the president.
How could they do that? They would be breaking a lawful order from their superior. Thats still treason.
It is not Treason to speak out you dumb ass. it may be a crime under the UCMJ depending on what they say but not treason. Do you even understand what treason is? Perhaps you should read the Constitution it spells it out plain and simple.

Further I think any General that has been ordered to do unlawful things or participate in irregular acts should speak out.
It is if you are given an order to maintain silence dumb ass. If you were in the military you should know this.
Please tell me you are not this retarded? :lol:

I misjudged you - while you are a racist, I had thought you intelligent at one time. My mistake.

He's the posterboy of the "hope and change" ZERO....a poser, a liar, a hateful little cocksucker with no future. I've destroyed his lies and fake "blackness" so many times he became my chew-toy. You'd think he'd slink off from the beatings he gets here....but he won't because he's been banned every place else, by his own admission. Just ignore him...without attention, maybe he'll finally kill himself.
Looks like someone needs a hug. :smiliehug:
It is not Treason to speak out you dumb ass. it may be a crime under the UCMJ depending on what they say but not treason. Do you even understand what treason is? Perhaps you should read the Constitution it spells it out plain and simple.

Further I think any General that has been ordered to do unlawful things or participate in irregular acts should speak out.

Yep, and now when you're not around he'll claim you told him you never served.

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