Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

Action is the only word she used, not military coup.

Disobedience is one action. Blowing the whistle on him is another.

They did it to Bush. Why not Obama?

This is what I was looking for. Someone finally came up with a plausible theory other than a military coup. So she was calling for treason instead of a military coup?
No matter how you slice it, repub/t-party voters melt-down/are seditious when they lose elections (see my thread: )
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Eh? Why a military coup? There is a legal option that respects the constitution and doesn't result in pointless bloodshed - it's called an impeachment vote. Worked with Nixon.

Doesn't work anymore. Clinton's crimes were far more serious than those of Nixon - but the Khmer Rouge democrats and their press circled the wagons and claimed perjury, destroying evidence, intimidating witnesses, bribing witnesses, etc. was "just about sex."

Nixon resigned because men of integrity in the GOP vowed to hold him responsible for his actions. There are no men of integrity in the democratic party - not a one.
How could the military overthrow a president when the nation is without a legitimate one?
When did asking a question which is what she did become the same as calling for something?
The same day that asking a question can goad people into action.
I can recall no instance in my lifetime where asking someone something has made them do it.
You must have never played sports or you lack the knowledge of how this tactic works on the human mind. My coach frequently goaded us to action by asking us questions like.."are you going to just let them beat you in your own home?"
I understand that is an apples and oranges comparison trying to compare a coach attempting to motivate or goad if you prefer you to play better is not in the same league as trying to goad people into a military overthrow of a President. This a case of person asking dumb question and others trying to turn it into something it's not nothing more nothing less. Oh FYI I have played sports.
How could the military overthrow a president when the nation is without a legitimate one?
This is what I was looking for. Someone finally came up with a plausible theory other than a military coup. So she was calling for treason instead of a military coup?

So, disobedience to Obama is treason?
Yes stupid. There is a philosophy in the military. Goes something like this. "We may protect a democracy but the military is not a democracy." Disobey a a lawful order from anyone above you and see what happens. There is no one above the POTUS. Thats why he is called the commander in chief. Hes the boss.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
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Yes stupid.

I'm curious, did you even realize that the United States has a Constitution? I realize that you yearn for central African style thug rule situation, if only Obama could be America;s Mugabe, eh?

There is a philosophy in the military. Goes something like this. "We may protect a democracy but the military is not a democracy." Disobey a a lawful order from anyone above you and see what happens. There is no one above the POTUS. Thats why he is called the commander in chief. Hes the boss.

What lawful order of Dear Leader was disobeyed? BTW, the POTUS is a CIVILIAN, he cannot give an order in the military chain of command.

No matter how much you wish it were, this ain't Uganda, sploogy.
How could the military overthrow a president when the nation is without a legitimate one?

Obama is a criminal. Operation Choke Point is felony, interstate extortion. He belongs in prison, after impeachment for probably the most serious criminal act by any POTUS in history.

BUT - until the criminal fuck is impeached and frog marched to a cell, he is a legally elected president. He is legitimate until prosecuted.
He is not a vet. That's why I called him a fake marine. Again if you dont like that tough shit.

Ok how do you know he is not a vet? As a matter of fact how do I know you are a vet?
Because he told me. Again I'm not concerned with what you think of me being a vet. You can take it or leave it. Doesnt matter to me what you believe to be honest.

This is Assplaster.....gets called on his jive, tries to lie his way out of it.....Maybe our resident wigger could provide us with a link I "told him" anything of the kind....but he won't because he can't. This putz should be shunned....I for one will never reply to another thing he says.
Yes stupid.

I'm curious, did you even realize that the United States has a Constitution? I realize that you yearn for central African style thug rule situation, if only Obama could be America;s Mugabe, eh?

There is a philosophy in the military. Goes something like this. "We may protect a democracy but the military is not a democracy." Disobey a a lawful order from anyone above you and see what happens. There is no one above the POTUS. Thats why he is called the commander in chief. Hes the boss.

What lawful order of Dear Leader was disobeyed? BTW, the POTUS is a CIVILIAN, he cannot give an order in the military chain of command.

No matter how much you wish it were, this ain't Uganda, sploogy.
Please tell me you are not this retarded? :lol:

War Powers for Dummies
He is not a vet. That's why I called him a fake marine. Again if you dont like that tough shit.

Ok how do you know he is not a vet? As a matter of fact how do I know you are a vet?
Because he told me. Again I'm not concerned with what you think of me being a vet. You can take it or leave it. Doesnt matter to me what you believe to be honest.

This is Assplaster.....gets called on his jive, tries to lie his way out of it.....Maybe our resident wigger could provide us with a link I "told him" anything of the kind....but he won't because he can't. This putz should be shunned....I for one will never reply to another thing he says.
You dont even have the integrity to admit you are lying? Figures. you are not worth the effort to dig up your admission you were not in the military. Oh well pussy.
You dont even have the integrity to admit you are lying? Figures. you are not worth the effort to dig up your admission you were not in the military. Oh well pussy.

One last're white trash....garbage in a pair of sweat don't work, don't have any friends, don't have a nag and pester your betters here....but your most obvious fault is that you're a terrible liar. Nobody wants anything to do with you.....borrow a belt and hook it over the closet door, around your neck and end it....your parents will feel nothing but relief.
You dont even have the integrity to admit you are lying? Figures. you are not worth the effort to dig up your admission you were not in the military. Oh well pussy.

One last're white trash....garbage in a pair of sweat don't work, don't have any friends, don't have a nag and pester your betters here....but your most obvious fault is that you're a terrible liar. Nobody wants anything to do with you.....borrow a belt and hook it over the closet door, around your neck and end it....your parents will feel nothing but relief.

You always say one last time. We all know I'm in your head and you cant help but address me. No one believes you wont say something to me again. i play you like a puppet. Its humorous watching you meltdown like a feral simian of your type ultimately does. You are used to blowing bullshit out your mouth and thinking you can bluster your way through life. I have your number fake marine. Now lets see how you deal with the truth.
Please tell me you are not this retarded? :lol:

I misjudged you - while you are a racist, I had thought you intelligent at one time. My mistake.

He's the posterboy of the "hope and change" ZERO....a poser, a liar, a hateful little cocksucker with no future. I've destroyed his lies and fake "blackness" so many times he became my chew-toy. You'd think he'd slink off from the beatings he gets here....but he won't because he's been banned every place else, by his own admission. Just ignore him...without attention, maybe he'll finally kill himself.

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