Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

Unless it was elsewhere, she didn't actually use those words "overthrow" but said they should take action. idk Maybe, she wants more insubordination in the military as protest or something in between.
Again, where in the Constitution does it say the Military can be used to oust an unpopular politician.........? It doesn't.
Thanks for your service, my Marines called me Doc...... Obviously I was the smartest one in the bunch....... I know what the Constitution says and why the military is under civilian control...... Or would you prefer a return to ancient times (and some current third world countries) where assassination and military coup was/is a common and accepted tool of internal politics?

Thanks for you own service. The Constitution isn't a suicide pact...the "clear and present danger" of this dirtbag's criminal cabal is clear to all those who believe this Nation is worth saving. Nobody is suggesting a "coup" in the traditional sense. There would be a period of martial law, followed by the swearing in of Joe Biden. Upon seeing he is mentally unfit to hold the office, ol Boner would become the president. See? all nice and orderly. :eusa_angel:
Nope, still in violation of our oath no matter how we would like to twist it. Only the civil authorities have the authority to bring charges and prosecute under the law, the constitutional process is already laid out, that's what we're sworn to protect. Oh and the nation is beyond saving, we're already on the downward slide...... Life Cycle of Empires....... read it, history has a funny way of repeating itself....... humans are involved....... :D
She said something stupid but some on the left say some pretty stupid things too.
Like Gwyneth Paltrow who made a dumb remark about giving Obama all the power he needs.
We have a Republican wanting the military to do a coup.
We have a Democrat voter wanting the President to become a dictator.
In other words we have some stupid people in both parties.
That is the beauty of freedom of speech in this country. It gives you the right to make stupid comments. :)
the Repub hive mind are not saying she said something stupid. You must've not gotten the memo.

Anyone who thinks ANYTHING on TPM is real is a fucking retard.

Talking Points Memo is a pathetic hate site. What, was Stormfront down or something?

So, you're saying she did not actually call for treason and insurrection?

Is this source also lying?

Jefferson County official says she meant no ill intent to Obama in Facebook post News

HILLSBORO • Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds Debbie Dunnegan said Tuesday that she used a poor choice of words on a post on her personal Facebook page that some are interpreting as an attack on President Barack Obama.

"I have a question for all my friends who have served or are currently serving in our military … having not put on a uniform nor taken any type military oath, there has to be something that I am just not aware of. But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority. What am I missing? Thank you for your bravery and may God keep you safe," Dunnegan says in her post from early last week.
Be specific quote the actual statement where she called for a coup.
Nope, still in violation of our oath no matter how we would like to twist it. Only the civil authorities have the authority to bring charges and prosecute under the law, the constitutional process is already laid out, that's what we're sworn to protect. Oh and the nation is beyond saving, we're already on the downward slide...... Life Cycle of Empires....... read it, history has a funny way of repeating itself....... humans are involved....... :D

We'll have to agree to disagree....I believe there is a a paramilitary response to treason in the WH when it can not be prosecuted by a politically hostile Senate. Jefferson said the tree of liberty must sometimes be watered by the blood of tyrants.....the lords at the USSC would allow an obvious need to rid ourselves of a stink like Obozo in that circumstance.
Yes the average military member, current, former and retired know what the oath means and will uphold. But I guess free speech only matters when you agree with it, right......? Otherwise it's hate speech or treason, right......? :rolleyes:

We all swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies....foreign AND DOMESTIC. Seven Days in May might arrive in November this year.
Hope you enjoy your prison sentence....... If you survive the coup attempt........ :eusa_whistle:

Ain't a prison that can hold a man who's done the right thing....I proved that at Long Binh. I'm no longer active duty and as far as the NSA creep who's reading this might wonder, have no intention of throwing anything but insults at the muslim piece of crap in our WH. But I'd show up for a parade for those who went in and dragged his ass out.
Here he goes with the fake Marine stories. :lol:
Last I checked making disparaging remarks to veterans and claiming they are lying is frowned on here by both sides, perhaps you didn't get the memo?
I wonder how many conservatives here would agree with her?

I'm betting "a lot."
I'm betting a lot of liberals would do away with the Constitution.
The woman was a republican lawmaker that was suggesting a military coup. it doesn't get any worse than that in doing away with the constitution..
She is NOT a lawmaker, she is a clerk of court. At least get your facts straight.
Well.......looks a lot like this current government is lost in space right now and a large majority of the country think that the president is either out to lunch or golfing or otherwise not giving a fuck. And clearly his attitude is "FUCK THE CONSTITUTION!!!"

All I know is Ive been alive for many decades and have never seen the country so close to Ray Ricing their government. The left has no clue because they hang with other limpwristers only. There is enormous anger and passion out not to detail it here.:up:

Tell you this........if this moron pulls a significant stunt via executive order, we could well have pitchforks in DC within days. Not even near a stretch to think it........
Nope, still in violation of our oath no matter how we would like to twist it. Only the civil authorities have the authority to bring charges and prosecute under the law, the constitutional process is already laid out, that's what we're sworn to protect. Oh and the nation is beyond saving, we're already on the downward slide...... Life Cycle of Empires....... read it, history has a funny way of repeating itself....... humans are involved....... :D

We'll have to agree to disagree....I believe there is a a paramilitary response to treason in the WH when it can not be prosecuted by a politically hostile Senate. Jefferson said the tree of liberty must sometimes be watered by the blood of tyrants.....the lords at the USSC would allow an obvious need to rid ourselves of a stink like Obozo in that circumstance.
Question. Are they politically hostile because you disagree with many of them..........? Hell the lefties felt the same way about Bush........ Funny how that works....... Don't worry though, a coup will eventually come, could be 20 years, 50 years, a hundred years, two hundred from now but it will happen and it will put the final nail in the coffin sealing this countries fate, no longer a free nation ruled by laws based on our constitution though those in charge will continue to give lip service to it.
Unless it was elsewhere, she didn't actually use those words "overthrow" but said they should take action. idk Maybe, she wants more insubordination in the military as protest or something in between.
I have a sneaking suspicion JAG would have issues with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Yes the average military member, current, former and retired know what the oath means and will uphold. But I guess free speech only matters when you agree with it, right......? Otherwise it's hate speech or treason, right......? :rolleyes:

We all swore to defend the Constitution against all enemies....foreign AND DOMESTIC. Seven Days in May might arrive in November this year.
Hope you enjoy your prison sentence....... If you survive the coup attempt........ :eusa_whistle:

Ain't a prison that can hold a man who's done the right thing....I proved that at Long Binh. I'm no longer active duty and as far as the NSA creep who's reading this might wonder, have no intention of throwing anything but insults at the muslim piece of crap in our WH. But I'd show up for a parade for those who went in and dragged his ass out.
Here he goes with the fake Marine stories. :lol:
Last I checked making disparaging remarks to veterans and claiming they are lying is frowned on here by both sides, perhaps you didn't get the memo?
Dont really care yhat you frown on clown.. I'm a veteran so I can say what I want to,
Well.......looks a lot like this current government is lost in space right now and a large majority of the country think that the president is either out to lunch or golfing or otherwise not giving a fuck. And clearly his attitude is "FUCK THE CONSTITUTION!!!"

All I know is Ive been alive for many decades and have never seen the country so close to Ray Ricing their government. The left has no clue because they hang with other limpwristers only. There is enormous anger and passion out not to detail it here.:up:

Tell you this........if this moron pulls a significant stunt via executive order, we could well have pitchforks in DC within days. Not even near a stretch to think it........


I posted some Stunbmun stuff up in satire;

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