Republican only paid Fusion GPS for domestic research. Only D's paid for Russian dossier You own it


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
The timeline here is really important. The R whoever it is only paid Fusion GPS for domestic opposition research against Trump.

I've been ready to throttle any R that would have been involved in hiring Russian informants. So this information is a great relief that no R at least turned to the Russians for dirt on Trump. Only the D's.

So all you liberals who've been saying "well the Republicans started this dossier" you are wrong.

"As David Corn reported:

This was for an opposition research project originally financed by a Republican client critical of the celebrity mogul. (Before the former spy was retained, the project’s financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.)

Until now, though, the dossier had not been tied specifically to the Clinton campaign or the DNC.

2) Yes, the dossier was funded by Democrats

Some of the pushback on the left has focused on the fact that a still-unidentified Republican client retained Fusion GPS to do research on Trump before the Clinton campaign and the DNC did. Thus, they argue, it's wrong to say the dossier was just funded by Democrats.

But the dossier's author, Steele, wasn't brought into the mix until after Democrats retained Fusion GPS. So while both sides paid Fusion GPS, Steele was only funded by Democrats."

Analysis | The Clinton camp and DNC funded what became the Trump-Russia dossier: Here’s what it means
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

They have broken the law by paying for two foreign entities. Steel and the Russian informants.
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

There may not have been Russian officials who provided "the information". Steel has been known as a very dirty creator of fake news about Russia and Putin.

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin said. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.
By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.
People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes." "They have no moral scruples," he said.
‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

Another funny display of PROG hypocrisy. They don't mind LIES being spread about people they don't like, but they can't take a joke when you lampoon their lies.

They really are a fucking bite in the ass.

They are corrupt and morally bankrupt.
Here's the law that would have been broken by paying Steel and informants in Russia.The fun thing about this is that this is what everyone was claiming Don Jr. had done.


Comes back to bite them in the ass.

“To the extent you’re using the resources of a foreign country to run your campaign — that’s an illegal campaign contribution,” Nick Akerman, an assistant special prosecutor during the Watergate investigation who now specializes in data crime, says.

Here’s the second important passage of the statute: “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by [this law].”

52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510

Legal experts say Donald Trump Jr has just confessed to a federal crime
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

There may not have been Russian officials who provided "the information". Steel has been known as a very dirty creator of fake news about Russia and Putin.

Those anti-Trump forces in the US also want to "bind hand and foot" the newly-elected leader, Putin said. He said that in this way, they aim to interfere with the domestic and international policies outlined in Trump's presidential campaign.
By doing so, these forces "severely harm US interests," Putin said.
People who stand behind "fabrications" being used against Trump "are worse than prostitutes." "They have no moral scruples," he said.
‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’

I don't believe anyone anywhere near the Kremlin was involved but Steel did pay people to help make up this fairy tale that reads like a sick spy/sex novel. And now the D's are in really really big shit.
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

in that case, how much did Jr pay the Russian Attorney for dirt on Clinton?
Another question to ponder.

What frightened the Clinton Law Firm so bad that they ratted out their own clients?
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

in that case, how much did Jr pay the Russian Attorney for dirt on Clinton?

Nothing or we would know by now. Why? Because she worked for Fusion GPS.

Another question to ponder.

What frightened the Clinton Law Firm so bad that they ratted out their own clients?

The subpoenas for Fusion GPS bank account records. All credit goes to Rep. Devin Nunnes. Brilliant.

The committee's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, has sought information from Fusion about who paid for the dossier alleging ties between Trump's campaign team and Russia.

The firm behind the Trump-Russia dossier is fighting to shield its bank records from Devin Nunes
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

in that case, how much did Jr pay the Russian Attorney for dirt on Clinton?

Nothing or we would know by now. Why? Because she worked for Fusion GPS.


I can't figure out if the Progs are being intentionally obtuse, or if they are just fucking stupid.
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

in that case, how much did Jr pay the Russian Attorney for dirt on Clinton?

Nothing or we would know by now. Why? Because she worked for Fusion GPS.


I can't figure out if the Progs are being intentionally obtuse, or if they are just fucking stupid.

They can only count to potato. Nuff said. When I get a brain cramp trying to follow their convoluted logic I reply with this. :)

My fake Dossier says that I have a 10 inch penis and can throw a football 300 yards underwater.

This so called dossier was written like a crappy spy novel. Sheesh they didn't even get the right Michael Cohen in Prague. Trump's lawyer's passport debunked their bullshit.
My fake Dossier says that I have a 10 inch penis and can throw a football 300 yards underwater.

This so called dossier was written like a crappy spy novel. Sheesh they didn't even get the right Michael Cohen in Prague. Trump's lawyer's passport debunked their bullshit.

I can't believe McCain sent someone to England to pick up the Dossier so McCain could distribute it. That's very disappointing, to say the least.

The whole golden showers thing being included should have been a (yellow) flag that it was nonsense.

I won't hold my breath for true justice being served, but the truth is out there now for anyone who wants to be honest with themselves.
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The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

They have broken the law by paying for two foreign entities. Steel and the Russian informants.
The payment figure is over 9 million dollars now.... This thing is getting to the point of ridicules in the extent they were making up lies..
The Russians who provided information didn't do it for free so the fact Hillaryous paid them proves there's a crime committed by her and the DNC. You can't pay people who aren't American.

Just the facts.

They have broken the law by paying for two foreign entities. Steel and the Russian informants.
The payment figure is over 9 million dollars now.... This thing is getting to the point of ridicules in the extent they were making up lies..

9 million for that fairy tale? Holy toledo. And they are still trying to claim that $100,000 in Facebook ads killed Hillary's chances?


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