Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Who says we can't buy the next election? Money talks, bullshit walks.

Take a hike, Democrats.

"The Republican National Committee (RNC) is expected to announce this week that it raised a record-setting $23.5 million in August and had $53.8 million cash on hand as of the end of that month -- signaling growing GOP momentum heading into the 2020 elections...."

"DNC fundraising has lagged behind the RNC this year. The Democrats raised just $7.7 million in July while the RNC brought in $20.8 million, according to FEC filings. The DNC, meanwhile, closed out July with a little over $9 million in cash, filings showed."

RNC raises record-setting $23.5M in August, as GOP momentum builds
I am old enough to remember the good old days when the Repubs complained about too much money in politics!

My how times change
Many of these are individual donors. Something the GOP never had in the past.

Of course, big money will come from big donors, but brought cash donations is a huge deal, especially when Trump won with far less money last time, and, they just won in NC where the DNC spent a ton Not to mention Georgia, Florida and Texas in the last key elections.
Who says we can't buy the next election? Money talks, bullshit walks.

Take a hike, Democrats.

"The Republican National Committee (RNC) is expected to announce this week that it raised a record-setting $23.5 million in August and had $53.8 million cash on hand as of the end of that month -- signaling growing GOP momentum heading into the 2020 elections...."

"DNC fundraising has lagged behind the RNC this year. The Democrats raised just $7.7 million in July while the RNC brought in $20.8 million, according to FEC filings. The DNC, meanwhile, closed out July with a little over $9 million in cash, filings showed."

RNC raises record-setting $23.5M in August, as GOP momentum builds

There are many varied stories in the news about Trump's off-the-charts fund raising
Silicon Valley held a secret fundraiser for Trump


Of course it was secret. The nerds don’t want the public to know who’s supporting the president. In fact, every one of his California stops is shrouded in secrecy for the same reason.

I think it’s wrong.

Californians need to know who’s supporting this president and his agenda. Once they do, it just might be what’s needed to turn the tide in so many counties outside of the Libtard strongholds of Smogville and Quakeyville.

Silicon Valley hosted a secretive fundraiser for President Trump in Palo Alto on Tuesday, with tickets costing as much as $100,000 per couple.

The Wall Street Journal reported that attendees weren't told in advance where the event would be or who would be hosting, in part over worries that protesters might turn up en masse.

Instead, attendees were asked to meet at a remote location before being shuttled to the host's house. Campaign aides and advisers declined to disclose the location and its host, because of privacy and security concerns.

More @ Silicon Valley held a secret fundraiser for Trump

RNC raises $23.5 million in August and President Trump raises $15 million in California @ RNC Announces Record-Setting Fundraising Haul, Trolls Democrats On Kavanaugh
Silicon Valley held a secret fundraiser for Trump

Silicon Valley hosted a secretive fundraiser for President Trump in Palo Alto on Tuesday, with tickets costing as much as $100,000 per couple.

The Wall Street Journal reported that attendees weren't told in advance where the event would be or who would be hosting, in part over worries that protesters might turn up en masse.

Instead, attendees were asked to meet at a remote location before being shuttled to the host's house. Campaign aides and advisers declined to disclose the location and its host, because of privacy and security concerns.
Of course its wrong THAT they have to hide from violent animal mongoloid left wing brown shirts

What country is this again you progressive asswipes fags
The lefts a national embarrassment

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