Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?
Regardless of the current minimum wage, if automation can replace your will

Of course...Why wouldn't it?
A machine doesn't call in sick, have childcare issues, doesn't get stuck in traffic, doesn't get called to their kid's school for a meeting with the principal, Doesn't get wrecked over the weekend and refuse to work because they have a hangover, doesn't need to go to Dubuque because "my best friend just found out she is pregnant", is at work on time every day and does not require an emotional time out because their favorite band broke up.
Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

I see the usual leftist fanatics are trying to fool people once again into believing their lies about Republicans.

You people really need some new material. Don't you get tired of reciting the same old tripe without end?

This is typical of the attack approach used by libs.
They spew unsubstantiated accusations in order to set a tone.
The idea is to deflect the issue by compelling their opponent to defend against the accusation.
I say to hell with that. Don't respond to the bullshit. Let the lib stew in their anger.
Eventually the lib will be unable to resist saying "you mean you DON'T CARE if people think...?".....The answer is NO....We don't care.
meanwhile President is shutting down coal mining and working on shutting down that actually pay a
" living wage"

Oh but those jobs are "dirty money"...
The lib's idea of a "good job" is some overweight slug who works in the public sector being paid $60k per year with 35 days of vacation and every time it snows 2" they are told to stay home and get paid anyway.
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Bottom line

How is that nation better off by companies adopting uncompetitive business practices, eventually going out of business? If we took that to the logical conclusion we would be building cars with hammers and anvils.
Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

Straw man much?
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.


I wouldnt neccesarily call Health a strawman

That tells me that the minimum wage needs to rise.

And that tells me a portion of the above will be fired and replaced by robots or other low skilled processes as the economics of the situation for the majority of small businesses, mom and pop restaurants for example WON"T be able to keep these low skilled workers.
WTF does health have to do with anything?
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

The conservacons are always trying to convince that they are the same as the republicans that fought slavery. Yeah right. If that were true, why do they defend wage slavery and jeer at occupied wall streeters.
Deflect much?
Define "wage slavery"....
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Bottom line

How is that nation better off by companies adopting uncompetitive business practices, eventually going out of business? If we took that to the logical conclusion we would be building cars with hammers and anvils.

No, all you have to do is apply our standards of labor compensation, working conditions, etc., to any foreign country that wants to import to the US,

and if their goods aren't being produced at acceptable levels comparable to ours, you slap a tariff on their goods that makes up the difference.
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Bottom line

What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Already happening in Europe.

McDonald's hires 7,000 touch-screen cashiers - CNET
Bottom line

How is that nation better off by companies adopting uncompetitive business practices, eventually going out of business? If we took that to the logical conclusion we would be building cars with hammers and anvils.

No, all you have to do is apply our standards of labor compensation, working conditions, etc., to any foreign country that wants to import to the US,

and if their goods aren't being produced at acceptable levels comparable to ours, you slap a tariff on their goods that makes up the difference.
That bell cannot be unrung.
Would you be in support of a closed market?
That for example all autos imported be saddled with tariffs?
And would you be happy with paying $70,000 for a new car?
Genius, trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Protectionism is impossible for this country. Consumers would never stand for it.
Bottom line

What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?
I will not respond to a deflection.
Answer my very simple question. That is the only acceptable response.
Once more. What is the primary function of a business?
What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?
I will not respond to a deflection.
Answer my very simple question. That is the only acceptable response.
Once more. What is the primary function of a business?

The primary function of a business is to make as much money as it possibly can, without regard to anything other than what it can get away with.

Happy now?
How is that nation better off by companies adopting uncompetitive business practices, eventually going out of business? If we took that to the logical conclusion we would be building cars with hammers and anvils.

No, all you have to do is apply our standards of labor compensation, working conditions, etc., to any foreign country that wants to import to the US,

and if their goods aren't being produced at acceptable levels comparable to ours, you slap a tariff on their goods that makes up the difference.
That bell cannot be unrung.
Would you be in support of a closed market?
That for example all autos imported be saddled with tariffs?
And would you be happy with paying $70,000 for a new car?
Genius, trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Protectionism is impossible for this country. Consumers would never stand for it.

Will you be happy when the global free market catches up with the US and the average American worker makes somewhere between what he makes now and what the Chinese worker (for example) makes?

btw, who is building cars outside the US for less than they're being built here, on average?
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....
Bottom line

What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?

Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

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