Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Well, they do have a point.

The cotton gin helped to put the slaves out of work and they didn't even get paid for their labor.

Imagine what a burger making robot will do to the poor minimum wages slobs.

WRONG! The cotton gin made slave labor vastly more profitable.

You're right, of course. I took the assertion to be that even if workers accepted "a slave's wages" that as soon as they could be replaced by robots they would be replaced by robots.

This thread started by mocking the argument that if workers demand more in wages they would be replaced by robots simply because they demanded more in wages.

The cotton gin did increase the demand for slave labor on the whole. Slaves were no longer needed to manually separate cotton fibers from seed. In spite of this fact, the demand for slaves to pick cotton and feed that cotton into the gin increased rapidly[1]. Before the cotton gin, one slave could produce one pound of cotton per day. After the cotton gin, one slave could produce 50 pounds of cotton per day[2]. This reduction in cost created opportunities in textiles which resulted in increased demand. The result was an net increase in demand for slave labor.

[1]Cotton gin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[2]The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, Junius P. Rodriguez, ABC-CLIO 1997, pp 694-695

If there was a slave who, for whatever reason, specialized in separating fibers from seeds through raw manual labor that slave was effectively replaced by the cotton gin. However, the demand for slave labor to feed the growing cotton industry grew like wild fire.

This illustrates two points:
1) "A slave's wages" does not stave off automation. If the friendly robots can do your job, the friendly robots will eventually do your job.
2) Automation does not necessarily decrease jobs as an aggregate. Certain jobs may be eliminated. However, labor to feed the machines may increase thus causing a net increase in jobs.

Look up your dear leader Nancy Pelosi, she is the one that has claimed it.


Why is it you never remember commonly known information that is public record. Only people who've had their head up their ass wouldn't know this.

Oh hell, I feel sorry for the ignorant and mentally retarded. Here's a freebie.

Nancy Pelosi: Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Create 600,000 Jobs | RealClearPolitics
Look up your dear leader Nancy Pelosi, she is the one that has claimed it.


Why is it you never remember commonly known information that is public record. Only people who've had their head up their ass wouldn't know this.

So here is the quote:

According to the Democrats unemployment produces more money and stimulates the economy, so Democrats want a higher unemployment rate to stimulate economic growth.

I remember Pelosi saying unemployment stimulates the economy but I dont ever ever ever remember her saying unemployment produces more money. He just slid a lie in between the truth and hope it passes.

So fucknuts....Link up or stfu.
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Democratic Platform: - Keep citizens on entitlements and uneducated low information voters otherwise republicans will replace us.
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.
This country has a free market system. Wages are a matter for private agreement between employers and employees. If you think you are underpaid, go find another job that pays more.

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