Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

Unfortunately when you are born dumb, ignorant and clueless. When life is just a challenge to subsist then any direction has to be up. Unfortunately you have masses of single parent families, women who had an itch, a man who had the sperm but is no where to be found today. The problem is not in the minimum wage but in the people who need to work. The parents were so self centered, so involved in fulfilling their own self centered needs that the children have been forgotten. The parents were most likely children themselves, not only did they not have the skills to take care of themselves, they did not have the skills to be successful parents. I don't just mean that they were able to keep them fed and alive but they were able to educate them and give them a good societal footing so that that their lives were actually better than their parents.
Now those children have grown up and are NOT ENTERING the work force to become productive members of society. I am sure there will be some moron who will throw out a talking point that the Republicans are not creating jobs ... so there are no Democratic Business owners who can create jobs??
See this is where the flies start to swarm your pudding, Democrats don't own business's?? They can not create enough jobs to turn the tide?? What about the lack of participation in the work force?? The highest is in the black race, not a racist comment, just a plain ole fact supported by the current admin.
How do you cry for higher minimum wages when you don't even want to work?? Kind of like me wanting a rocket car while still riding a bicycle.
Why do you folks believe all these moronic urban myths you ruin constantly on this forum?? Do you really think if you keep telling the lie enough times it will become true??
Most of the western industrial nations have raised wages for the working class faster than the US. Yet automation in the work place in those same countries, has not increased faster than the US, where wages have been flat for three decades.

"Although economic growth in the United States continues to be as strong as in many other countries, or stronger, a small percentage of American households is fully benefiting from it. Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.
In European countries hit hardest by recent financial crises, such as Greece and Portugal, incomes have of course fallen sharply in recent years.

The income data were compiled by LIS, a group that maintains the Luxembourg Income Study Database. The numbers were analyzed by researchers at LIS and by The Upshot, a New York Times website covering policy and politics, and reviewed by outside academic economists.
The struggles of the poor in the United States are even starker than those of the middle class. A family at the 20th percentile of the income distribution in this country makes significantly less money than a similar family in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland or the Netherlands. Thirty-five years ago, the reverse was true.
Robotics have been on the increase at a steady pace for decades. Here's a very good article on the subject.
How Technology is Destroying Jobs
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs | MIT Technology Review

So we know that technology is on the rise, what do you suggest, we stop technological advances?? Geez I really want people who think like you the next time I have a need for complex surgery and sophisticated equipment.
Unfortunately instead of studying harder to improve ourselves we watch TV, play video games and participate in the latest social media's. These other countries understand that stupid children are not the status quot of an industrialized nation. Instead of embracing technology you monkeys act like you are scared of it, kind of like when cave man invented fire ....

Instead you come before this forum and act like you have some intelligence others don't!!
You fail to take into account the burden of taxation by this nation in contrast to others....
You fail to take into account the lack of work force participation fueled by complacency and apathy.
You fail to mention that there are mandatory salaries in some of these countries and if you really insist on perusing this childish insistence that life is better under any of these systems, I will be more than glad to re-post the article talking about high taxation and depressing life under those governments!!

So your talking points may sound like utopia in you small little corner of some psychotic universe, but I will beg to differ with you.

"So we know that technology is on the rise, what do you suggest, we stop technological advances?? Geez I really want people who think like you the next time I have a need for complex surgery and sophisticated equipment." I'd love to know how you came to that assumption. You are simply putting words in my mouth. How about trying to be intellectually honest?
Now getting past your post that deals with nothing I posted which was. Any argument that conclusively states that a raise in the minimum wages or wages generally will increase the use of robotics fails to look at the world stage My previous post simply demonstrated that other western countries have raised their wages at a faster pace than the US, yet their private sector hasn't increased their automation at a greater rate than the US to counter rising wages. This was all based on facts.
Now continue your rant.
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....

If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!
Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....

If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Don't laugh. You know that legalized child prostitution is coming. Legalize prostitution, lower the age of consent as child predators want to do, and you have legalized child prostitution under the same laws that govern child labor. Once pedophilia was reclassified as a sexual orientation instead of a disorder, a giant leap was taken towards the legal child sex market.
Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....

If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Okay, so you agree that the free market cannot be relied upon to do what's best, right, moral, decent, or the like,

therefore the free market cannot be relied upon to protect the general welfare of the People,

therefore it is wholly justifiable that the Government should intervene to control markets. all that's left is to decide what the 'free market' can be trusted with.
If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Don't laugh. You know that legalized child prostitution is coming. Legalize prostitution, lower the age of consent as child predators want to do, and you have legalized child prostitution under the same laws that govern child labor. Once pedophilia was reclassified as a sexual orientation instead of a disorder, a giant leap was taken towards the legal child sex market.

See? This poster recognizes what a 'free market' will do if given its freedom.
ah the joys of a service economy...

I think service robots are kind of cool. I mean, right now we can only scream profanities at a rather simple vending machine when it rips us off. Imagine what the world will look like with more advanced service robots!
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Bottom line

How is that nation better off by companies adopting uncompetitive business practices, eventually going out of business? If we took that to the logical conclusion we would be building cars with hammers and anvils.

No, all you have to do is apply our standards of labor compensation, working conditions, etc., to any foreign country that wants to import to the US,

and if their goods aren't being produced at acceptable levels comparable to ours, you slap a tariff on their goods that makes up the difference.

We, as a nation, do insist on certain basic levels of human rights from our trading partners. Example: No one is opening a Nike factory in "legal slavery" Sudan.
But we cannot abandon global trade for a new age of mercantilism.

The argument that a minimum wage somehow prevents the US from competing in a global marketplace is an absurd appeal to fear and/or spite. That argument requires an incredibly narrow analysis of our economy and also enjoins us to "race to the bottom" in terms of wages. The argument only holds true if we nearsightedly view our total economy through some very narrow blinders and also embrace a "race to the bottom".

The fact is we can actually raise the real wage across the globe by way of global trade, and encourage our own people to take on new skills and new jobs in new industries. This means we march forward in technology and innovation, not backwards.
Maintaining our minimum wage is essential to this prospect. Maintaining our minimum wage with respect to inflation will maintain our standard of living. This standard of living sets a bar that developing countries strive to reach.
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:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Well, they do have a point.

The cotton gin helped to put the slaves out of work and they didn't even get paid for their labor.

Imagine what a burger making robot will do to the poor minimum wages slobs.
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Well, they do have a point.

The cotton gin helped to put the slaves out of work and they didn't even get paid for their labor.

Imagine what a burger making robot will do to the poor minimum wages slobs.

Is the assertion that even though slaves were paid no wages, the slaves were still replaced when the job could be automated?
Because that sounds right.
If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Okay, so you agree that the free market cannot be relied upon to do what's best, right, moral, decent, or the like,

therefore the free market cannot be relied upon to protect the general welfare of the People,

therefore it is wholly justifiable that the Government should intervene to control markets. all that's left is to decide what the 'free market' can be trusted with.

Good people with good morals keep the perverts like you in check, the corrupt fucking politicians such as the current regime would be the last fucking people to have the masses "best interest" in mind. Why spread your malicious propaganda, you are both advocating prostitution and child prostitution / sex.

May your wayward soul enjoy it's eternity in HELL!!
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

Well, they do have a point.

The cotton gin helped to put the slaves out of work and they didn't even get paid for their labor.

Imagine what a burger making robot will do to the poor minimum wages slobs.

WRONG! The cotton gin made slave labor vastly more profitable.
Here's a clue, in case anyone missed it. Nearly everything ultimately faces automation. When I entered the IT world, American programmers would get paid top dollar for writing something as basic as I/O routines. Not now. Now you just grab a pre-written chunk of code off the shelf, drop it into your program and call it. Presto, an already debugged and working routine that cost you nothing. Better yet, install some routines and just call them, no need to grab code. If you want to survive in today's job market, look ahead. Don't expect to be doing the same job in the same way for more than 2 years. If you are, you're working yourself into a replaceable position. And if you get replaced, don't waste time complaining about it, get out in front of the change wave again.
That bell cannot be unrung.
Would you be in support of a closed market?
That for example all autos imported be saddled with tariffs?
And would you be happy with paying $70,000 for a new car?
Genius, trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Protectionism is impossible for this country. Consumers would never stand for it.

Will you be happy when the global free market catches up with the US and the average American worker makes somewhere between what he makes now and what the Chinese worker (for example) makes?

btw, who is building cars outside the US for less than they're being built here, on average?
To answer your question, that has already happened. IN fact this globalization has forced our traditional smoke stack factories which required far too much labor to produce products out of business and be replaced with modern plants which pollute far less and use high technology to produce far more and better quality products.
All foreign car manufacturers here spend about half the cost of labor to produce an automobile.
For example, A typical vehicle produced by a UAW GM plant has around $2000 per unit in wages and benefit costs built in. A Non union plant per unit cost is about half that.
All the while the wages are equal to or even MORE than union scale.
Where the savings exist is in the elimination of costly pensions and somewhat higher employee contributions to health and retirement benefits.
BTW, I can buy a Toyota Avalon( large sedan) for about $10,000 LESS than a comparably equipped Chevy SS.
2014 Chevrolet SS Reviews, Pictures and Prices | U.S. News Best Cars
2014 Toyota Avalon Reviews, Pictures and Prices | U.S. News Best Cars
That's a no brainer

Bad comparison, really. The SS doesn't compete with the is an appliance, one is a performance car. A better comparison is a Charger SXT (to the Avalon) or a Charger SRT8 (to the SS).
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....

If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Troll, troll, troll your boat...
If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Don't laugh. You know that legalized child prostitution is coming. Legalize prostitution, lower the age of consent as child predators want to do, and you have legalized child prostitution under the same laws that govern child labor. Once pedophilia was reclassified as a sexual orientation instead of a disorder, a giant leap was taken towards the legal child sex market.

Please stop listening to the voices in your head.
Well morale less scum would be the first thought that comes to mind!!

Don't laugh. You know that legalized child prostitution is coming. Legalize prostitution, lower the age of consent as child predators want to do, and you have legalized child prostitution under the same laws that govern child labor. Once pedophilia was reclassified as a sexual orientation instead of a disorder, a giant leap was taken towards the legal child sex market.

See? This poster recognizes what a 'free market' will do if given its freedom.

No, that poster is batshit insane.
Don't laugh. You know that legalized child prostitution is coming. Legalize prostitution, lower the age of consent as child predators want to do, and you have legalized child prostitution under the same laws that govern child labor. Once pedophilia was reclassified as a sexual orientation instead of a disorder, a giant leap was taken towards the legal child sex market.

See? This poster recognizes what a 'free market' will do if given its freedom.

No, that poster is batshit insane.

I recognize you and those like you as degenerates.

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