Republican platform: Keep wages low or else Robots will replace you

What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?

Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

Once again these American business's are the one's paying us working folks. It is clear though you have no clue abut that subject!!
Ok Moron tell me ONE business that would do determent to the USA and less see what type of business you would thank that would be and how it would hurt America!!
What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?

Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

Once again these American business's are the one's paying us working folks. It is clear though you have no clue abut that subject!!

Because they pay us is your answer of why they are more important than America?
What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?
I will not respond to a deflection.
Answer my very simple question. That is the only acceptable response.
Once more. What is the primary function of a business?

The primary function of a business is to make as much money as it possibly can, without regard to anything other than what it can get away with.

Happy now?
Correct up until you added your lefty viewpoint.
The primary function of a business is to realize a positive return on investment for the owners of said business.
Without business, there are no jobs.
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

According to the Democrats unemployment produces more money and stimulates the economy, so Democrats want a higher unemployment rate to stimulate economic growth.
Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

Once again these American business's are the one's paying us working folks. It is clear though you have no clue abut that subject!!

Because they pay us is your answer of why they are more important than America?

See,this is why I don't participate in your asinine discussions, ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID??

If there were no business's to provide pay checks, do you think the government can just keep on printing worthless money to doll out??
No, all you have to do is apply our standards of labor compensation, working conditions, etc., to any foreign country that wants to import to the US,

and if their goods aren't being produced at acceptable levels comparable to ours, you slap a tariff on their goods that makes up the difference.
That bell cannot be unrung.
Would you be in support of a closed market?
That for example all autos imported be saddled with tariffs?
And would you be happy with paying $70,000 for a new car?
Genius, trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Protectionism is impossible for this country. Consumers would never stand for it.

Will you be happy when the global free market catches up with the US and the average American worker makes somewhere between what he makes now and what the Chinese worker (for example) makes?

btw, who is building cars outside the US for less than they're being built here, on average?
To answer your question, that has already happened. IN fact this globalization has forced our traditional smoke stack factories which required far too much labor to produce products out of business and be replaced with modern plants which pollute far less and use high technology to produce far more and better quality products.
All foreign car manufacturers here spend about half the cost of labor to produce an automobile.
For example, A typical vehicle produced by a UAW GM plant has around $2000 per unit in wages and benefit costs built in. A Non union plant per unit cost is about half that.
All the while the wages are equal to or even MORE than union scale.
Where the savings exist is in the elimination of costly pensions and somewhat higher employee contributions to health and retirement benefits.
BTW, I can buy a Toyota Avalon( large sedan) for about $10,000 LESS than a comparably equipped Chevy SS.
2014 Chevrolet SS Reviews, Pictures and Prices | U.S. News Best Cars
2014 Toyota Avalon Reviews, Pictures and Prices | U.S. News Best Cars
That's a no brainer
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

According to the Democrats unemployment produces more money and stimulates the economy, so Democrats want a higher unemployment rate to stimulate economic growth.

Once again these American business's are the one's paying us working folks. It is clear though you have no clue abut that subject!!

Because they pay us is your answer of why they are more important than America?

See,this is why I don't participate in your asinine discussions, ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID??

If there were no business's to provide pay checks, do you think the government can just keep on printing worthless money to doll out??

I keep asking you for answers and you keep asking more questions. IF you respond again could you make a point of why business interest is more important than the US.
WOW, that was dumb

but, I might hire a robot over you after seeing thread...sheeesh
:lol: This is their argument made by Health and others. As if Robots and Automation will only be used IF wages go up.

Their stance is literally dont want or request more money because more money will hurt you. Then, like RandallFlagg, they defend Walmart and McD's paying low wages AND oppose welfare. The low wages paid sends people to welfare via their Employee hotline!

But thats ok...They dont support higher wages which will get more people off of welfare but want the right to complain about the results of paying shit wages :lol: They want everything and nothing all at once.

According to the Democrats unemployment produces more money and stimulates the economy, so Democrats want a higher unemployment rate to stimulate economic growth.


Look up your dear leader Nancy Pelosi, she is the one that has claimed it.
What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?

Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

That's because Republicans don't have to have the obvious hammered into them like Democrats. America as you know it and like it, can't exist without business. Without business, you'll be living in a mud hut trying to protect yourself from some warlord with nothing more than a stick. See Afghanistan for an example or any other third world country with no business.
Once again these American business's are the one's paying us working folks. It is clear though you have no clue abut that subject!!

Because they pay us is your answer of why they are more important than America?

See,this is why I don't participate in your asinine discussions, ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID??

If there were no business's to provide pay checks, do you think the government can just keep on printing worthless money to doll out??

What is the primary function of a business?

What is the primary function of a government established to protect the general welfare of the People?

What if business, in performing its 'primary function' is doing detriment to the general welfare?

Not one republican has explained why business is more important than America. Which is ultimately what they are pulling for

It's not more important than the peeps, it IS the peeps. I'm pulling for America. What the hell are you doin'? :D
"After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life." - Calvin Coolidge
Evidently not the socialists among us.
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Most of the western industrial nations have raised wages for the working class faster than the US. Yet automation in the work place in those same countries, has not increased faster than the US, where wages have been flat for three decades.

"Although economic growth in the United States continues to be as strong as in many other countries, or stronger, a small percentage of American households is fully benefiting from it. Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.
In European countries hit hardest by recent financial crises, such as Greece and Portugal, incomes have of course fallen sharply in recent years.

The income data were compiled by LIS, a group that maintains the Luxembourg Income Study Database. The numbers were analyzed by researchers at LIS and by The Upshot, a New York Times website covering policy and politics, and reviewed by outside academic economists.
The struggles of the poor in the United States are even starker than those of the middle class. A family at the 20th percentile of the income distribution in this country makes significantly less money than a similar family in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland or the Netherlands. Thirty-five years ago, the reverse was true.
Robotics have been on the increase at a steady pace for decades. Here's a very good article on the subject.
How Technology is Destroying Jobs
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs | MIT Technology Review
Most of the western industrial nations have raised wages for the working class faster than the US. Yet automation in the work place in those same countries, has not increased faster than the US, where wages have been flat for three decades.

"Although economic growth in the United States continues to be as strong as in many other countries, or stronger, a small percentage of American households is fully benefiting from it. Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.
In European countries hit hardest by recent financial crises, such as Greece and Portugal, incomes have of course fallen sharply in recent years.

The income data were compiled by LIS, a group that maintains the Luxembourg Income Study Database. The numbers were analyzed by researchers at LIS and by The Upshot, a New York Times website covering policy and politics, and reviewed by outside academic economists.
The struggles of the poor in the United States are even starker than those of the middle class. A family at the 20th percentile of the income distribution in this country makes significantly less money than a similar family in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland or the Netherlands. Thirty-five years ago, the reverse was true.
Robotics have been on the increase at a steady pace for decades. Here's a very good article on the subject.
How Technology is Destroying Jobs
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs | MIT Technology Review

So we know that technology is on the rise, what do you suggest, we stop technological advances?? Geez I really want people who think like you the next time I have a need for complex surgery and sophisticated equipment.

Unfortunately instead of studying harder to improve ourselves we watch TV, play video games and participate in the latest social media's. These other countries understand that stupid children are not the status quot of an industrialized nation. Instead of embracing technology you monkeys act like you are scared of it, kind of like when cave man invented fire ....

Instead you come before this forum and act like you have some intelligence others don't!!
You fail to take into account the burden of taxation by this nation in contrast to others....
You fail to take into account the lack of work force participation fueled by complacency and apathy.
You fail to mention that there are mandatory salaries in some of these countries and if you really insist on perusing this childish insistence that life is better under any of these systems, I will be more than glad to re-post the article talking about high taxation and depressing life under those governments!!

So your talking points may sound like utopia in you small little corner of some psychotic universe, but I will beg to differ with you.
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Regardless of the current minimum wage, if automation can replace your will

And raising the minimum wage by a huge amount will bring it about FASTER.. because if unskilled labor price surpasses the price of the automation, it is not the automation that is going to be thrown away... it will be sought out while the labor is let go...

Simple concept

And lest ye forget.. as told to you, the idiot OP, and other leftist moonbats MANY TIMES... you think the others in the labor force at slightly higher and higher positions will not want their pay raised as well?? You think the supervisor that was making $12 an hour is going to be content making the same rate as those they are supervising? You think the apprentice plumber who was working in the business making $15 an hour wants to make minimum? You think the manager making $17 an hour will settle for only making $2 more an hour than the lowest skilled?? You think the HR person making $25 an hour is going to settle for no raise when others get a 30-50%-90% raise?? ... all you fucking idiots are doing is changing the numeric value of the salary floor, causing inflation, and bringing the cost of unskilled labor closer to the cost of automation...
The question here is simple.

What's more important to you? A religious adherence to and obedience of the 'free market', or,

the good of the nation?

Why you are as moronic and stupid as the original poster.

The sky is blue, babies eat pussy.

Just because the first part of my statement is true does not make the second automatically true.

How about the line should read "For the Good of the Nation, a religious adherence to and obedience of the "free market"!!"

There I fixed it for you, I know you retards just don't get it, but ....

If you're an absolute adherent to the sanctity of a free market, why don't you support legalizing child prostitution?

There's certainly a market for it. Am I wrong about that?

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