Republican Plot Against Trump

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After much thought, I've decided to change my name to "Ukraine"

Who knows, maybe one of those Swamp moonbats will mistakenly deposit a Billion or so dollars in my bank account by accident.

No one would even care since it is all monopoly money to them.
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The War Lobby is starting to run out of excuses. What ever happened to "saving democracy" and "regime change" in Russia? By November, military aid to Ukraine will be a dead duck.
The War Lobby is starting to run out of excuses. What ever happened to "saving democracy" and "regime change" in Russia? By November, military aid to Ukraine will be a dead duck.

Make him stop talking!!!

The Democrats have lost all sense of ethics, honor, fair play. But I have been saying for years now that the only real difference between the two major parties is the constituency each serve. Because the Republicans serve those who mostly respect the Constitution, believe people should be willing to work for what they have, who value law and order and share a vision of a strong, secure America where the citizens have maximum liberty, choices, options, opportunity, Republicans throw the people better and less damaging bones than do the Democrats.

But when it comes to demanding destructive legislation, the Democrats are fearless and ruthless.
When it comes to demanding legislation that actually does good for America, the Republicans are too often timid and feckless.

Which of course is why the Democrats and old guard Republicans fear and hate Donald Trump who is neither timid nor feckless and who demands policy that actually fixes problems and does good for all Americans.
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America's future hegemony is dependent on defeating Russia. That should have taken precedence over everything else, and especially the border non-issue.

But now it's too late as it's become evident that Russia will never accept defeat and will turn to nuclear war if a last resort is necessary. There's no indication that will become necessary, especially in light of America too considering out of the question and defeatist in any case.

America's politicians will have to eventually move to finding some alternative to fighting Russia. Putin, in the interview with Tucker Carlson, laid out the steps necessary to bring that about. Russia's only remaining goal is the elimination of Nazis and that's a task that the Ukraine itself can accomplish.

In fact, the Zelensky regime is already showing signs of cracks developing and efforts to eliminate him.

Therein is the facesaving mechanism for America that Putin told us was necessary for the US/Nato. It only requires that Americans come to an understanding that Putin is ready for peace on mutually negotiable terms.
The Democrats have lost all sense of ethics, honor, fair play. But I have been saying for years now that the only real difference between the two major parties is the constituency each serve. Because the Republicans serve those who mostly respect the Constitution, believe people should be willing to work for what they have, who value law and order and share a vision of a strong, secure America where the citizens have maximum liberty, choices, options, opportunity, Republicans throw the people better and less damaging bones than do the Democrats.

But when it comes to demanding destructive legislation, the Democrats are fearless and ruthless.
When it comes to demanding legislation that actually does good for America, the Republicans are too often timid and feckless.

Which of course is why the Democrats and old guard Republicans fear and hate Donald Trump who is neither timid nor feckless and who demands policy that actually fixes problems and does good for all Americans.
The American war establishment will never allow Trump to interfere with the war's progress, or lack of. If America can't win then it's forever in the backseat as the Brics alliance drives the world's future. America must salvage what pieces it can out of the war. There's no other alternative when nuclear war is prohibitive.
America's future hegemony is dependent on defeating Russia. That should have taken precedence over everything else, and especially the border non-issue.

But now it's too late as it's become evident that Russia will never accept defeat and will turn to nuclear war if a last resort is necessary. There's no indication that will become necessary, especially in light of America too considering out of the question and defeatist in any case.

America's politicians will have to eventually move to finding some alternative to fighting Russia. Putin, in the interview with Tucker Carlson, laid out the steps necessary to bring that about. Russia's only remaining goal is the elimination of Nazis and that's a task that the Ukraine itself can accomplish.

In fact, the Zelensky regime is already showing signs of cracks developing and efforts to eliminate him.

Therein is the facesaving mechanism for America that Putin told us was necessary for the US/Nato. It only requires that Americans come to an understanding that Putin is ready for peace on mutually negotiable terms.
Unfortunately we have a Congress who seems to not care whether or not there is world peace but only what is in their individual self interests. That's what happens when you elect professional politicians instead of public servants to high office. There is big money and big profits to be made in war. So what if thousands of people die? Who really cares about them anyway? It is one way to reduce over population of the Earth. But mostly it lines the pockets of those few who have the power to keep war going and no conscience re the consequences.

In his farewell address, President Eisenhower famously warn us:
"Eisenhower warned that the United States must “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex,” which included members of Congress from districts dependent on military industries, the Department of Defense (along with the military services), and privately owned military contractors—e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Eisenhower believed that the military-industrial complex tended to promote policies that might not be in the country’s best interest (such as participation in the nuclear arms race), and he feared that its growing influence, if left unchecked, could undermine American democracy."

One more reason to re-elect Donald Trump who opposes endless wars and has the negotiation skills to end them and prevent them from happening. And he accomplished that with a mostly hostile Congress and a 98% hostile media.
After much thought, I've decided to change my name to "Ukraine"

Who knows, maybe one of those Swamp moonbats will mistakenly deposit a Billion or so dollars in my bank account by accident.

No one would even care since it is all monopoly money to them.
The War Lobby is starting to run out of excuses. What ever happened to "saving democracy" and "regime change" in Russia? By November, military aid to Ukraine will be a dead duck.
Ukraine actually "disappeared "10 months ago when Bakhmut fell . Since then it has just been the domino effect.

Now the ME is the new Ukraine except likely on a much larger scale .
Throughout this year the money will funnel to Israel, all part of the manipulated False Flag to drag the US into a conflict that it can never win , which will bankrupt it, and in the process possibly destroy Israel .
That scenario , first aired on October 8 th , has held for over four months and increasingly looks likely to continue to be correct .
Moscow and Bejing particularly must be roaring with laughter .
Unfortunately we have a Congress who seems to not care whether or not there is world peace but only what is in their individual self interests.
It will evolve because money is in their individual self interests.
That's what happens when you elect professional politicians instead of public servants to high office. There is big money and big profits to be made in war. So what if thousands of people die? Who really cares about them anyway? It is one way to reduce over population of the Earth. But mostly it lines the pockets of those few who have the power to keep war going and no conscience re the consequences.
You're ignoring what I said about America's motive. World hegemony is to be won or to be lost. There's no denying that China and Russia and other Brics are a team, and that team has the same interests at stake. Although I would suggest that neither China or Russia have illusions of being able to defeat America.
In his farewell address, President Eisenhower famously warn us:
"Eisenhower warned that the United States must “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex,” which included members of Congress from districts dependent on military industries, the Department of Defense (along with the military services), and privately owned military contractors—e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Eisenhower believed that the military-industrial complex tended to promote policies that might not be in the country’s best interest (such as participation in the nuclear arms race), and he feared that its growing influence, if left unchecked, could undermine American democracy."
Eisenhower wasn't talking then with full understanding of the nuclear deterrent. On the basis of that, I would suggest that he would be wrong about America not being capable of winning the fight for all the marbles. Or at least wrong until a few years ago when China and Russia stood up. Then he became right.
One more reason to re-elect Donald Trump who opposes endless wars and has the negotiation skills to end them and prevent them from happening. And he accomplished that with a mostly hostile Congress and a 98% hostile media.
There's a lot more confidence and hope to be had in Trump!
But you're still not considering that America must defeat Russia and that will ensure that any interference by Trump and he will be eliminated.
Ukraine actually "disappeared "10 months ago when Bakhmut fell . Since then it has just been the domino effect.

Now the ME is the new Ukraine except likely on a much larger scale .
Throughout this year the money will funnel to Israel, all part of the manipulated False Flag to drag the US into a conflict that it can never win , which will bankrupt it, and in the process possibly destroy Israel .
That scenario , first aired on October 8 th , has held for over four months and increasingly looks likely to continue to be correct .
Moscow and Bejing particularly must be roaring with laughter .
That's cutting right to the chase with a quite probable theory. I only question whether or not the Zionist regime could gamble with war?
Their objective is to expand their country at the expense of Arab lands.
The war between WEF puppets Putin and Zelensyy is just a stepping stone towards the Great Reset. Putin let slip in his Carlson interview that the emerging bipolar world is like a single brain with two hemispheres.
The war between WEF puppets Putin and Zelensyy is just a stepping stone towards the Great Reset. Putin let slip in his Carlson interview that the emerging bipolar world is like a single brain with two hemispheres.
Can you explain your reasoning that Putin slipped on that?

I would suggest that the fight against Russia in the Ukraine is everything. l can agree that America could try to open more fronts as the war goes on.
So you are part of the war establishment?
That's a strange conclusion! The fact is that America is refusing to accept that it can't win the war against Russia. The US logic is that it's still wearing Russia down, and it doesn't consider that China won't allow that to happen.

Not to suggest that America could wear Russia down, but to suggest that China has vital interests in Russia not being defeated.

America defeating China alone could be seen as at least closer to possible than would be the alliance of the two.

We've been over all this before and I thought you would understand by now!

In any case, after hearing from Putin, there's no excuse anymore for not understanding.
After much thought, I've decided to change my name to "Ukraine"

Who knows, maybe one of those Swamp moonbats will mistakenly deposit a Billion or so dollars in my bank account by accident.

No one would even care since it is all monopoly money to them.
Plus, by using their formidable accounting skills, they’ll never figure out where the money went.
Plus, by using their formidable accounting skills, they’ll never figure out where the money went.
America can't quit it's war against Russia my friend. If it did then it would be handing victory of world dominance to Russia/China.

Better to keep doling out the money at least until America figures out a better tactic!
America can't quit it's war against Russia my friend. If it did then it would be handing victory of world dominance to Russia/China.

Better to keep doling out the money at least until America figures out a better tactic!
You’re so stupid, it hurts my eyes to read your imbecile posts.
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