Republican policies don't work? Scott Walker in big trouble.

I wouldn't call going back into the red going over the fiscal cliff. But add going into the red with poor job growth and huge cuts in education and Walker is in trouble.

riiiighhhttttt and they state has plunged over the fiscal cliff overnite LLMMAAOOOO
they hate him because he whipped them(unions, occupiers, Democrats) bad when they put all that money out into re-calling him

now that was sweet to watch that defeat
What does that have to do with his failings?

they hate him because he whipped them(unions, occupiers, Democrats) bad when they put all that money out into re-calling him

now that was sweet to watch that defeat
What does that have to do with his failings?

well, lets look at this way. Walkers approvals are higher than Obama's a Democrat.
So it could make you think, it's the Democrats polices that don't work.
Or you can read more than what one article says
The Obama record going into 2012 was worse than what some are saying of Walkers now and he was reelected that pretty much says it all.
Scott Walker in serious trouble yet again?! He's been toast more times than I can count. :blahblah:
What stats are you basing that on? I would think job growth would be a pretty important stat of a strong economy.

Yet Wisconsin's economy still seems to be doing better than the overall economy of the country which has been the result of Democratic polices for pretty much the same time period.
The number of jobs that are now part time instead of full time stagnant wages and the very poor labor participation rate.

Generally, part time jobs are all that's available to people without the requisite education. Ever notice how those on the right don't seem to understand that? A couple of years ago, unfilled jobs requiring skilled labor was over 3.2 million. The last time I posted the stats, it was over 4 million.

It's called "Hoist on your own petard". There is a cost for hating education and trying to keep people from getting it.

It's why business wants immigrants with degrees. To fill jobs Republicans will NEVER be qualified for.
I love the title of this thread. We've been hearing from the left for years now that Scott Walker's in "big trouble".
Give it a rest for gods sake, you've been wrong about Walker over and over.

Get the fuck over it !

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