Republican Richard Burr quits as chairman of the influential Senate Intelligence Committee while he’s under investigation for stock trades he made

From the linked NYT article..........

WASHINGTON — For years, President Trump has derided the assessment by American intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to assist his candidacy, dismissing it without evidence as the work of a “deep state” out to undermine his victory.
But on Tuesday, a long-awaited Senate review led by members of Mr. Trump’s own party effectively undercut those allegations. A three-year review by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously found that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American democracy, was fundamentally sound and untainted by politics.
“The I.C.A. reflects strong tradecraft, sound analytical reasoning and proper justification of disagreement in the one analytical line where it occurred,” said Senator Richard M. Burr, Republican of North Carolina and the panel’s chairman. “The committee found no reason to dispute the intelligence community’s conclusions.”
Back to reality please.
I really wish you folks would get back to reality.

"In their report, senators essentially said they had asked the same questions that Mr. Durham is now examining and found that the intelligence agencies’ work stood up, even if it was conducted in a compressed time frame to be finished before President Barack Obama left office in January 2017."

Gee, what a coincidence that Burr has been taken out of commission at this time.
The Federal Bureau of intelligence goes after the Chairman of The Senate Intelligence Committee - the LAT article indicates, this action would have to be approved at the highest level of the DOJ. So, Billy the Bagman would have to sign off on it. Or initiate it.

Since Burr's committee's research has already discredited whatever Durham fabricates Barr certainly has reason to sideline Burr.
From the linked NYT article..........

WASHINGTON — For years, President Trump has derided the assessment by American intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to assist his candidacy, dismissing it without evidence as the work of a “deep state” out to undermine his victory.
But on Tuesday, a long-awaited Senate review led by members of Mr. Trump’s own party effectively undercut those allegations. A three-year review by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously found that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American democracy, was fundamentally sound and untainted by politics.
“The I.C.A. reflects strong tradecraft, sound analytical reasoning and proper justification of disagreement in the one analytical line where it occurred,” said Senator Richard M. Burr, Republican of North Carolina and the panel’s chairman. “The committee found no reason to dispute the intelligence community’s conclusions.”
You are BWK. You are a troll and you’re very ugly.
Back to reality please.

Go ahead, then. Wait... are you sure you've overcome your allergy to it? I mean, if you still haven't, you MUST know this won't end well, resulting in fits of spluttering apoplexy lasting weeks upon confrontation with even some tiny shards of reality. So, are you sure? If you are, listen to Berg80, he'll introduce you to an entire continent of facts making up what's commonly known as "reality" - you know, that unknown, completely-novel-to-you territory to explore.
Trumpleheads speaking of reality is like President Flim Flam taking about integrity. Neither have any experience with them.
guys like Burr are so full of shit. so corrupt!

Since Burr is one of the four bipartisan MOC's that prove the skidmark acted late in controlling the corona virus, this is going to be bad for the skidmark.

You really must be in junior high and the furthest thing to a 1% except in terms of IQ!

Burr had NOTHING to do with the response to COVID-19, but your Momma knew that and didn't read you that bedtime story while sucking her teat for dinner!

View attachment 336014
Which is really bad for your skidmark.
Since Burr is one of the four bipartisan MOC's that prove the skidmark acted late in controlling the corona virus, this is going to be bad for the skidmark.

You really must be in junior high and the furthest thing to a 1% except in terms of IQ!

Burr had NOTHING to do with the response to COVID-19, but your Momma knew that and didn't read you that bedtime story while sucking her teat for dinner!

View attachment 336014
Which is really bad for your skidmark.

The only skidmark is the one in the front of your underwear. You have no clue as to what you are parattling about, which is quite normal for you, since you rate in the lowest 1% of IQ.

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