Republican Scum.

Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
Half of these Republicans want to gain standing as leaders with the Biden years coming right on up. Others actually bought the Trump bad movement
Gain standing with the Biden administration? That's just one more reason they will be hounded out of office, NAZI
What do you mean by hounded?

Peacefully breaking into their offices and stealing their shit.
NO, that isn't what I mean, NAZI.
My bad. Sorry for touching a nerve.

Ten Republicans is at least a start.
Do you really still pretend to be a libertarian? Do you support destroying anyone who served in the Trump administration? Do you support preventing Republican candidates for raizing money? Can you name a single recent atrocity proposed by Biden and his filthy party that you don't support?
Can you name a single recent atrocity proposed by Biden and his filthy party that you don't support?

Sure. Pretty much everything. If I dug really hard, I might be able to find something Democrats are proposing that I agree with, but I'm way too lazy to do that much work.

See, the problem is that your tiny mind tells you that anyone who opposes Trump is a Democrat. Sorry.
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
They are the only decent members if the caucus lowlife. They don’t exist to protect the criminal in the White House. See what happens when you invite the trash into the capital?

Now be quiet loon

or do you want them go after like your white trash dis the capital?
They are douchebag RINOs who sold out their constituents.
And you don't like people that don't tow the line for yous, eh?

Democrats ALWAYS tow the party line. That is the difference between free-thinking Republicans and you lefty lemmings.
Spoken by a dull that does every thing an orange fool tells him to do. HILLARIOUS
You're a fucking NAZI. The proof is that you support censoship and persecuting everyone in the Trump administration and anyone who supports him.
Bla, bla, bka from the idiot dick that supports the swastika weaving proud boys. Like I give a fuck what your idiot ass thinks. Ya I look forward to seeing that fat orange fool wearing an orange jump suit. I also have enjoyed listening to seditious fools cry for the past few months and act like the little pussies you are . Have a nice dY fool.
What have the Proud Boys ever done? You support Antifa, BLM and other assorted NAZI thugs.
Swastikas bitch. Nazi symbol. The poor little proud boys just like you blame everyone else for their problems . The black man, the immigrants, and who ever else they can find. Guess they just can't take the fact they ain't special like their movies told them and I am sure she told you. What a convenient little gig the Trumpsters have in the face of all real evidence in front of their face they bitch and cry like little babies that it is just fake news. No matter how many in your party have finally abandoned the big lie , they are just rinos. I got a couple idiot just like you on my family. I have enjoyed cutting them off from family money and isolating them from the rest of us who actually pay the bills. Then one of the little bitches came at for cutting them off. That little idiot thought it was that time. Half my age yet I put my boot on his throat and giggled while he sobbed like the spoilt little bitch he is and I am sure you are too.. We will see how he and you like it as people black ball your seditious little asses and quit doing business with you. Thats what you get for following an orange god that tells you only he tells the truth and all else is fake news. Trump is that girl that tells you after you have heard of her duplicity, " you need to trust me". While any one with any brain knows that no bitch it is you that needs me to trust you . Mean while in my mind I am planning on going and banging her best friend. Grow a fucking brain
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
They are the only decent members if the caucus lowlife. They don’t exist to protect the criminal in the White House. See what happens when you invite the trash into the capital?

Now be quiet loon

or do you want them go after like your white trash dis the capital?
They are douchebag RINOs who sold out their constituents.
And you don't like people that don't tow the line for yous, eh?

Democrats ALWAYS tow the party line. That is the difference between free-thinking Republicans and you lefty lemmings.
Spoken by a dull that does every thing an orange fool tells him to do. HILLARIOUS
You're a fucking NAZI. The proof is that you support censoship and persecuting everyone in the Trump administration and anyone who supports him.
Bla, bla, bka from the idiot dick that supports the swastika weaving proud boys. Like I give a fuck what your idiot ass thinks. Ya I look forward to seeing that fat orange fool wearing an orange jump suit. I also have enjoyed listening to seditious fools cry for the past few months and act like the little pussies you are . Have a nice dY fool.
What have the Proud Boys ever done? You support Antifa, BLM and other assorted NAZI thugs.
Swastikas bitch. Nazi symbol. The poor little proud boys just like you blame everyone else for their problems . The black man, the immigrants, and who ever else they can find. Guess they just can't take the fact they ain't special like their movies told them and I am sure she told you. What a convenient little gig the Trumpsters have in the face of all real evidence in front of their face they bitch and cry like little babies that it is just fake news. No matter how many in your party have finally abandoned the big lie , they are just rinos. I got a couple idiot just like you on my family. I have enjoyed cutting them off from family money and isolating them from the rest of us who actually pay the bills. Then one of the little bitches came at for cutting them off. That little idiot thought it was that time. Half my age yet I put my boot on his throat and giggled while he sobbed like the spoilt little bitch he is and I am sure you are too.. We will see how he and you like it as people black ball your seditious little asses and quit doing business with you. Thats what you get for following an orange god that tells you only he tells the truth and all else is fake news. Trump is that girl that tells you after you have heard of her duplicity, " you need to trust me". While any one with any brain knows that no bitch it is you that needs me to trust you . Mean while in my mind I am planning on going and banging her best friend. Grow a fucking brain
That's utter horseshit. Produce a photo of them wearing a swastika.

You don't know jack shit about the Proud Boys. What you know is NAZi propaganda.
Can you name a single recent atrocity proposed by Biden and his filthy party that you don't support?

Sure. Pretty much everything. If I dug really hard, I might be able to find something Democrats are proposing that I agree with, but I'm way too lazy to do that much work.

See, the problem is that your tiny mind tells you that anyone who opposes Trump is a Democrat. Sorry.
Name one. I've never seen you object to anything any Democrat ever said or did.
exactly the opposite,,,
Trump is the Republican party.

Republicans speak out against them.

Now they're scum.
There's a ton of storylines that we'll be able to watch going forward. One of the most interesting will be whether the GOP remains in one piece.

True, commie party may be too powerful to overcome.



Meathead was the bigger fool on The show.
That's ironic considering that his father produced the show.
White privileged Hollywood brat that is only famous because of who he was related to. Like the majority of celebrities.
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
They are the only decent members if the caucus lowlife. They don’t exist to protect the criminal in the White House. See what happens when you invite the trash into the capital?

Now be quiet loon

or do you want them go after like your white trash dis the capital?
They are douchebag RINOs who sold out their constituents.
And you don't like people that don't tow the line for yous, eh?

Democrats ALWAYS tow the party line. That is the difference between free-thinking Republicans and you lefty lemmings.
Spoken by a dull that does every thing an orange fool tells him to do. HILLARIOUS
You're a fucking NAZI. The proof is that you support censoship and persecuting everyone in the Trump administration and anyone who supports him.
Bla, bla, bka from the idiot dick that supports the swastika weaving proud boys. Like I give a fuck what your idiot ass thinks. Ya I look forward to seeing that fat orange fool wearing an orange jump suit. I also have enjoyed listening to seditious fools cry for the past few months and act like the little pussies you are . Have a nice dY fool.
What have the Proud Boys ever done? You support Antifa, BLM and other assorted NAZI thugs.
Swastikas bitch. Nazi symbol. The poor little proud boys just like you blame everyone else for their problems . The black man, the immigrants, and who ever else they can find. Guess they just can't take the fact they ain't special like their movies told them and I am sure she told you. What a convenient little gig the Trumpsters have in the face of all real evidence in front of their face they bitch and cry like little babies that it is just fake news. No matter how many in your party have finally abandoned the big lie , they are just rinos. I got a couple idiot just like you on my family. I have enjoyed cutting them off from family money and isolating them from the rest of us who actually pay the bills. Then one of the little bitches came at for cutting them off. That little idiot thought it was that time. Half my age yet I put my boot on his throat and giggled while he sobbed like the spoilt little bitch he is and I am sure you are too.. We will see how he and you like it as people black ball your seditious little asses and quit doing business with you. Thats what you get for following an orange god that tells you only he tells the truth and all else is fake news. Trump is that girl that tells you after you have heard of her duplicity, " you need to trust me". While any one with any brain knows that no bitch it is you that needs me to trust you . Mean while in my mind I am planning on going and banging her best friend. Grow a fucking brain
That's utter horseshit. Produce a photo of them wearing a swastika.

You don't know jack shit about the Proud Boys. What you know is NAZi propaganda.
Next time I go by Westboro Baptist church I will take some.. go bite your self. If I think about it. I am normally to busy throwing a wrench in there shit. I love fucking those idiots over I do it about once a month.
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
Think about your post for a moment. Your allegiance isn't to Republicans, the Constitution, or this country. It's solely to trump. You are pathetic and the names listed are patriots. You ARE the epitome of "brainwashed."
Bullshit, NAZI. You sure as hell have no allegiance to the Constitution of the country. You and your filthy party just took a great big shit on the Constitution.

The names on the list will be out of office in 2 years.
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
They are the only decent members if the caucus lowlife. They don’t exist to protect the criminal in the White House. See what happens when you invite the trash into the capital?

Now be quiet loon

or do you want them go after like your white trash dis the capital?
They are douchebag RINOs who sold out their constituents.
And you don't like people that don't tow the line for yous, eh?

Democrats ALWAYS tow the party line. That is the difference between free-thinking Republicans and you lefty lemmings.
Spoken by a dull that does every thing an orange fool tells him to do. HILLARIOUS
You're a fucking NAZI. The proof is that you support censoship and persecuting everyone in the Trump administration and anyone who supports him.
Bla, bla, bka from the idiot dick that supports the swastika weaving proud boys. Like I give a fuck what your idiot ass thinks. Ya I look forward to seeing that fat orange fool wearing an orange jump suit. I also have enjoyed listening to seditious fools cry for the past few months and act like the little pussies you are . Have a nice dY fool.
What have the Proud Boys ever done? You support Antifa, BLM and other assorted NAZI thugs.
Swastikas bitch. Nazi symbol. The poor little proud boys just like you blame everyone else for their problems . The black man, the immigrants, and who ever else they can find. Guess they just can't take the fact they ain't special like their movies told them and I am sure she told you. What a convenient little gig the Trumpsters have in the face of all real evidence in front of their face they bitch and cry like little babies that it is just fake news. No matter how many in your party have finally abandoned the big lie , they are just rinos. I got a couple idiot just like you on my family. I have enjoyed cutting them off from family money and isolating them from the rest of us who actually pay the bills. Then one of the little bitches came at for cutting them off. That little idiot thought it was that time. Half my age yet I put my boot on his throat and giggled while he sobbed like the spoilt little bitch he is and I am sure you are too.. We will see how he and you like it as people black ball your seditious little asses and quit doing business with you. Thats what you get for following an orange god that tells you only he tells the truth and all else is fake news. Trump is that girl that tells you after you have heard of her duplicity, " you need to trust me". While any one with any brain knows that no bitch it is you that needs me to trust you . Mean while in my mind I am planning on going and banging her best friend. Grow a fucking brain
That's utter horseshit. Produce a photo of them wearing a swastika.

You don't know jack shit about the Proud Boys. What you know is NAZi propaganda.
Next time I go by Westboro Baptist church I will take some.. go bite your self. If I think about it. I am normally to busy throwing a wrench in there shit. I love fucking those idiots over I do it about once a month.
In other words, you have no evidence that any Proud boy has ever worn a swastika.

What has the Westoboro Baptist church got to do with anything other than your delusions of being rational.
Can you name a single recent atrocity proposed by Biden and his filthy party that you don't support?

Sure. Pretty much everything. If I dug really hard, I might be able to find something Democrats are proposing that I agree with, but I'm way too lazy to do that much work.

See, the problem is that your tiny mind tells you that anyone who opposes Trump is a Democrat. Sorry.
Name one.

They've been proposing new regulations on social media. I oppose that. Want more?
I've never seen you object to anything any Democrat ever said or did.

You haven't been paying attention.
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
They are the only decent members if the caucus lowlife. They don’t exist to protect the criminal in the White House. See what happens when you invite the trash into the capital?

Now be quiet loon

or do you want them go after like your white trash dis the capital?
They are douchebag RINOs who sold out their constituents.
And you don't like people that don't tow the line for yous, eh?

Democrats ALWAYS tow the party line. That is the difference between free-thinking Republicans and you lefty lemmings.
Spoken by a dull that does every thing an orange fool tells him to do. HILLARIOUS
You're a fucking NAZI. The proof is that you support censoship and persecuting everyone in the Trump administration and anyone who supports him.
Bla, bla, bka from the idiot dick that supports the swastika weaving proud boys. Like I give a fuck what your idiot ass thinks. Ya I look forward to seeing that fat orange fool wearing an orange jump suit. I also have enjoyed listening to seditious fools cry for the past few months and act like the little pussies you are . Have a nice dY fool.
What have the Proud Boys ever done? You support Antifa, BLM and other assorted NAZI thugs.
Swastikas bitch. Nazi symbol. The poor little proud boys just like you blame everyone else for their problems . The black man, the immigrants, and who ever else they can find. Guess they just can't take the fact they ain't special like their movies told them and I am sure she told you. What a convenient little gig the Trumpsters have in the face of all real evidence in front of their face they bitch and cry like little babies that it is just fake news. No matter how many in your party have finally abandoned the big lie , they are just rinos. I got a couple idiot just like you on my family. I have enjoyed cutting them off from family money and isolating them from the rest of us who actually pay the bills. Then one of the little bitches came at for cutting them off. That little idiot thought it was that time. Half my age yet I put my boot on his throat and giggled while he sobbed like the spoilt little bitch he is and I am sure you are too.. We will see how he and you like it as people black ball your seditious little asses and quit doing business with you. Thats what you get for following an orange god that tells you only he tells the truth and all else is fake news. Trump is that girl that tells you after you have heard of her duplicity, " you need to trust me". While any one with any brain knows that no bitch it is you that needs me to trust you . Mean while in my mind I am planning on going and banging her best friend. Grow a fucking brain
That's utter horseshit. Produce a photo of them wearing a swastika.

You don't know jack shit about the Proud Boys. What you know is NAZi propaganda.
Next time I go by Westboro Baptist church I will take some.. go bite your self. If I think about it. I am normally to busy throwing a wrench in there shit. I love fucking those idiots over I do it about once a month.
In other words, you have no evidence that any Proud boy has ever worn a swastika.

What has the Westoboro Baptist church got to do with anything other than your delusions of being rational.
Center of Proud boy universe. In this area swastika wearing fools including a cousin of mine. I have to deal with the fucks on a regular basis. Most of them have covered their swastika tattoos with new ones but some still have the left. I'll get photos of them for some reason they like running around with there shirts off and checking out each other's bodies.
Last edited:
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
The scum are the MAGArat scum that voted to overturn an election hours after they were attacked by a MOB trying to overturn that election
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
The scum are the MAGArat scum that voted to overturn an election hours after they were attacked by a MOB trying to overturn that election

who voted and when???
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.

I dont know why they are called RINO's when this is standard for the republican party,,
either toe the party line or get attacked

the republican party has always been scum and friends of the dems,,
:thankusmile: I know,it used to be they called Ron Paul a RINO and now all of a sudden it’s the bush’s and Romney’s thst are RINOs:cuckoo: they had it right initially calling Paul a RINO, the last Republican president that was not scum and served the people,you got to go all the way back to the day and age of calvin coolidge to find one that served the people instead of the elite and did not put a lighter to the constitution,:cuckoo: both party’s are corrupt and have always been one in the
Last edited:
Here's the list of Republican RINOs to be hounded from office:

Trump's second impeachment is the most bipartisan in US history
  • Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the chair of the House Republican Conference and the third highest-ranking GOP lawmaker in the chamber.
  • Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler of Washington.
  • Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio.
  • Rep. John Katko of New York.
  • Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.
  • Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan.
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington.
  • Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina.
  • Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan.
  • Rep. David Valadao of California.
Think about your post for a moment. Your allegiance isn't to Republicans, the Constitution, or this country. It's solely to trump. You are pathetic and the names listed are patriots. You ARE the epitome of "brainwashed."
The only poster that did not laugh at your babble and liked this was a poster is a resident troll at usmb and a paid shill same as you.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl::laughing0301:

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