Republican Senator - family values!

Where the hell did I say I think you are a "neocon bush loving conservative?" What I said was, "Keep throwing stones you shit stained motherfucker because your shit stinks as bad as anyone elses. Let me be as clear as I can so you can dismiss me as just another person who hates you or who is intolerant. You are a piece of shit, you have demonstrated that you are a bastard, and that you think you are better than everyone else. It is also obvious that you are an egocentric bastard who gets off on thinking you are on some moral high ground and you accuse others of resorting to ad hominems in the same post where you call their attitude shitty. If that isn't hypocrisy than I don't know what is but I do know that you are a fucking idiot and that those who say this about you are right and that you are wrong in your assessment of yourself. Of course you don't want to believe you are a fucking idiot and that is why on election day you cast a vote for those who talk out of their asses and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside about yourself. I suggest you wipe the shit off your face because you are starting to smell as bad as those you vote for."

I could really give a rat's ass what your political affiliation is. All I care about is that you are a retarded bastard who votes for retarded bastards whether they are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents or just plain motherfuckers like you. :rofl: So try again bitch because your conclusion that I think you are a neocon is incorrect. It's apparent that you love to jump to conclusions about what others think but I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror because you will be looking at a bastard.

I will leave that to you so that you CAN JUMP TO THE CONCLUSION THAT I AM JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS. :cuckoo: You have demonstrated that you are a fucking moron and I am more than happy to jump to conclusions about you including that you are an asshole in the ballot box, at home, at work, at church, at the supermarket and even when you fucking your whore of a wife. Even with my reptilian brain I can still see you for what you are. If you have a problem with that bitch than shut the fuck up and go vote for yourself, a family member or some bastard who is willing to make you feel good about yourself but don't think for a minute that I have ever said Republicans are evil and that Democrats are not. I am just as likely to say the same thing about Democrats as I am about Republicans. Keep applying your double standards shit for brains (or in your words your "reptilian brain" is that of a hypocrite) because I am more than willing to call you on it regardless of your political affiliation. Democrats are just as likely to get their kicks from being able to vote for bastards as are Republicans. It's the same kicks that those who elected the British Parliment got before 1776. :shock:

Why thank you so much. SO IS THIS YOUR FINAL VOTE ON ME BEING HOOKED ON PHONICS OR WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE ANOTHER IN FOUR YEARS. :rofl: Even if I had a hooked on phonics coach his dumbest student could kick your ass and the ass or those who you vote for in terms of the amount of knowledge they possess. :rofl: So why don't you get busy name calling but make sure you don't use the exact words "fucking idiot" so that you can always say, "there's nothing quite like calling someone a fucking idiot." :rofl: If you want to talk shit bird brain I am more than willing to talk it right back at you and when election day comes around cocksucker makes sure you have someone as retarded as you to vote for so you can feel all fuzzy inside. :eusa_naughty: I am just as likely to have Republicans and Democrats attack me because I am willing to call all of them shit for brains regardless of their political affiliation. All that matters to me is that they support a system of government that was modeled after the British form of government prior to 1776. If and when they get a fucking brain and a clue and realize that this kind of government is twisted and choose a democratic republic over the consolidated empire that was created in 1789 than and only then will we be able to talk and to vote like civilized human beings. Now go eat some shit for breakfast and remember to vote. :rofl:

Just so you know.. I didn't even bother reading your post. I'd be willing to bet that very few who have checked out this thread have either. If you removed every UNCREATIVE ad hominem the remainder would probably look like the tantrum you threw last night when your mommy told you it was time to stop nursing because she had to scramble to work and go make the rent at Gap Tooth Steve's Bike shop and Juice Bar. In fact, it is people like you who make valid conservative observations of the left. If I were a politician Id tell you not to vote for me. I'm sure that your frstrated childish angst is the result of a whole lotta self doubt and a pattern of being shunned by those with whome you seek affirmation. But hey, don't get too bent out of shape. If the christians have fred phelps and the conservatives have pat robertson then it only stands to reason that the left would get stuck with people like you.

Go read a book. Maybe discover what female attention feels like. Come back after you've learned a few interesting things and gained some perspective beyond creaming your panties when TRL is on MTV.
I speak for no one but myself. His "gayness" is of ZERO consequence to me.
His hypocrisy is.
As Jillian so eloquently said:
"The difference is that Clinton wasn't running around trying to get laws passed outlawing oral sex.
Had he done so, then he would have been acting hypocritically and would have been rightfully accused of same."

This guy has made denying gays any rights at all one of his focal points. If he does that, and then gets caught trolling for man on man buttsex in the airport restroom.... he gets called a hypocrite.

again, who appointed you the keeper of the sacred gay flame? You don't think that log cabin republicans ALSO vote against gay issues? What, does it also blow your mind when a black man votes republcian too? Your postition smears the left. How many times have you said, "well, clinton only got a blowjob and bush invaded a country"? Yea, clinton ALSO tried to lie while under oath. We don't ever mention that, do we? It's very telling when it is clear whose political hypocricy becomes your focus while whose goes quietly under the rug. Gay elected republicans be on the lookout... There's anew klan in town and they have decided to segregate political parties into gay and non-gay status. They will get their own water fountains soon.
Shows your reading comprehension is a bit lacking. In fact it is the the left members of this board such as yourself and MM claiming as fact that he was indeed trying to solicite sex. Something you couldn't possibly know.

Maybe he really was, maybe he really wasn't. If he was then the Republican party will most likely be done with him. Not for being gay, but for his conduct. Republicans have no problem calling to task there own. When was the last time the same could be said of the dems?

claiming as fact that he was indeed trying to solicite sex. Something you couldn't possibly know. Maybe he really was, maybe he really wasn't.

LMAO! Are you for real? This is one of the most kool-aid drenched, desperate partisan defenses of a republican, ever!

How often do you play footsy with another dude in a bathroom stall? How often do you stand outside a stall, and peek through the crack at a guy, for two minutes?
This sounds like a big thing to do about nothing. All that the plainclothes police officer had to say was “Do you have a nerve twitch on your right foot or are you asking me for sex? If you are asking me for sex, I’m not interested. Leave me alone.

What percentage of Republicans are “fucking perverts”? You are starting to sound like the liberal equivalent of “Red States Rule”. Be careful about generalizing.

He should be removed from office if he really did what he is accused of. We do not need people like this in either party. Our leaders should be held to a higher standard.
Sort of begs the question as to why he would be gay then doesn't it?

Only if you assume its a choice.

The crap you come up with sometimes makes it really hard for me to remember that suppossedly you're the one with the superior intellect. Would it be bazaar behavior? Yeah.

Bizarre? Its a bit more than that. Its playing footsie with another MAN while in the bathroom. Thats physical contact while NAKED. Sorry put if someone starts playing with my foot while I am in the bathroom, I am going to assume its a come on. You don't need a handbook to know things which are patently obvious.

But before today I would have thought he was just wierd and/or being silly.

"no, sticking my hand down your pants wasn't a come on...I was just being silly!".

I had no idea (and perhaps he didn't either) that footsie is yet another form of gay sign language.

Sure he didn't. Just like all of the other accusations are false as well, right?

posted by hj

While his voting record does consistantly fall against gay issues, and while I can certainly understand people labeling him a hypocrite for this reason, I maintain that, if he is gay (and I believe he is), it is possible that he truly believes his votes were the right thing to do. For one thing, he is sent there to represent the people of Idaho, represent their wants and needs.

Yes, that is possible. I honestly don't think this is cause for his resignation or anything like that, it is Republicans who want him to resign...I mostly just find this amusing.

Now, I'm not saying that Craig isn't a hypocrite, I am simply arguing that it is possible for a person to hold certain beliefs and ideas that may run contrary to what others may believe they should be based on that persons nature. He may very well be the biggest hypocite on the Hill, until Monday I had never heard of the man.

I agree. However to be honest I don't really have the time for a substantive argument of the issue, which is why I was just poking fun at him. School has started for me again and while its not the hell everyone said it would be, it is a crapload of work. So, I was just having a bit of fun at the rights expense.

posted by RGS
Remind me again, when was the last time the democrats EVER ask a member to resign for ANY thing?

Wow you asked someone to resign because they were gay. Awesome...congratulations for you!
Larkinn your ignorant, you know it and I know it, Your word games don't win you points, except with liberals that play the same damn games.

Quote me where I said he should resign, dumb shit. I pointed out that my party does in fact take to task people they feel violated their principles or broke the law and I ask for even just ONE example of the Democrats doing the same. You can not provide an example because no LIBERAL is ever ask to resign, never forced out and never talked against. Hell being accused of breaking the law is a badge of honor for Democrats, they use it to drum up support and get reelected.

Go ahead idiot, twist that.
I'd hate to see how you people would string up an elected black man who voted against Affirmative Action.
Larkinn your ignorant, you know it and I know it, Your word games don't win you points, except with liberals that play the same damn games.

RGS, its not word games. You are far too simplistic and stupid to understand these as complex concepts and so you call them "word games". Justify your stupidity however it makes you feel better, but to the rest of us who aren't at your low level, it is quite obvious.

Quote me where I said he should resign, dumb shit. I pointed out that my party does in fact take to task people they feel violated their principles or broke the law and I ask for even just ONE example of the Democrats doing the same. You can not provide an example because no LIBERAL is ever ask to resign, never forced out and never talked against. Hell being accused of breaking the law is a badge of honor for Democrats, they use it to drum up support and get reelected.

Go ahead idiot, twist that.

When I said "you" I was talking about Republicans generally. As I told hj, I don't take this seriously and mostly find this amusing how yet ANOTHER anti-gay homosexual Republican gets caught with his pants down.

As for no liberal being "ever ask(ed) to resign, never forced out and never talked against, I'd think since you love to bring up Jefferson you would know what happened to him and how Pelosi asked him to resign from the ways and means committee. And if you think breaking the law is a badge of honor for Democrats, you are a fucking moron. And while you are incredibly stupid, I don't think you are quite that stupid. Instead its just more rhetorical bullshit.

Now excuse me, I have to attend a class that you would never, ever, understand. But its ok because they would never, ever, let you in. Have a nice day =).
I'd hate to see how you people would string up an elected black man who voted against Affirmative Action.

I'd love to see you and all the Republicans defending an environmentalist who has a big house....
again, who appointed you the keeper of the sacred gay flame? You don't think that log cabin republicans ALSO vote against gay issues? What, does it also blow your mind when a black man votes republcian too? Your postition smears the left. How many times have you said, "well, clinton only got a blowjob and bush invaded a country"? Yea, clinton ALSO tried to lie while under oath. We don't ever mention that, do we? It's very telling when it is clear whose political hypocricy becomes your focus while whose goes quietly under the rug. Gay elected republicans be on the lookout... There's anew klan in town and they have decided to segregate political parties into gay and non-gay status. They will get their own water fountains soon.

If you have any links that would show members of the log cabin republicans - who are gay, please show them. I would suggest that log cabin republicans are republicans because of the priority they place on other republican values, not out of a desire to publicly affirm some sense of self loathing. If you have any record of an openly gay log cabin republican legislator who voted against gay issues, I would love to see it.

It is possible to be a democrat and not agree with every stance of the democratic party. I find it ridiculous to assume that gay republicans agree with their party's stance on homosexuality.

And I love it when republicans are getting their asses kicked on a current events issue, they bring up Clinton. He ain't a part of this discussion, unless Nixon and Harding and Grant are as well. Clinton was a hypocrite... he let his dick do the thinking whenever it stood up.... and he tainted his legacy because of it. I have no glowing praise for Bill Clinton.... and, as I said, we are not talking about they hypocrisy of Clinton, but the hypocrisy of Senator Craig.

And again...I could give a fuck if he is gay, but I give a fuck that he IS a hypocrite.
Only if you assume its a choice.

Wrong, yet again. I don't beleive gay is a choice. If gay was a choice it would be less likley that he would be pass anti-gay legislation, not more. If gay isn't a choice and he turns out to be gay it begs the question why he would constantly pass legislation? There are more plausible theories than the drivel you come up with. Currently the most plausible one would be he isn't gay, beleives being gay is wrong, and passes legilsation reflecting that. Or, he is gay, but as a any good congressman he represents the views of his constiunecy when he votes.

Bizarre? Its a bit more than that. Its playing footsie with another MAN while in the bathroom. Thats physical contact while NAKED. Sorry put if someone starts playing with my foot while I am in the bathroom, I am going to assume its a come on. You don't need a handbook to know things which are patently obvious.

Where you come from people strip down to their birthday suit to take a shit? Now that's bizarre.

"no, sticking my hand down your pants wasn't a come on...I was just being silly!".

i see, now sticking my hand do your pants is the same as touching your foot. Makes perfect sense.

Sure he didn't. Just like all of the other accusations are false as well, right?

Never said they were false. Only that there is significant info lacking for your accusation that it's true.

Your ability to exaggerate and assume in an attempt to make truly asanine points never ceases to amaze.
RGS, its not word games. You are far too simplistic and stupid to understand these as complex concepts and so you call them "word games". Justify your stupidity however it makes you feel better, but to the rest of us who aren't at your low level, it is quite obvious.

When I said "you" I was talking about Republicans generally. As I told hj, I don't take this seriously and mostly find this amusing how yet ANOTHER anti-gay homosexual Republican gets caught with his pants down.

As for no liberal being "ever ask(ed) to resign, never forced out and never talked against, I'd think since you love to bring up Jefferson you would know what happened to him and how Pelosi asked him to resign from the ways and means committee. And if you think breaking the law is a badge of honor for Democrats, you are a fucking moron. And while you are incredibly stupid, I don't think you are quite that stupid. Instead its just more rhetorical bullshit.

Now excuse me, I have to attend a class that you would never, ever, understand. But its ok because they would never, ever, let you in. Have a nice day =).

Yes yes we are all aware that your just so much smarter than us damn dumb hicks, us poor neanderthal knuckledraggers are lucky to have enlightened intelligent betters to run things for us. Doesn't it just gall you we do not stoop and bow when you pass by?
I'd love to see you and all the Republicans defending an environmentalist who has a big house....

have you seen me witch hunt any environmentalists that owns a large house?

Al Gore comes to mind. Ironic since I don't see anyone from the left angry about hypocricy there. He must not be gay enough.
"If you have any links that would show members of the log cabin republicans - who are gay, please show them."
Are you asking for specific members? Do you dispute that this organization is, in fact, a republican organization meant to serve gay conservatives? Do you think that no one of they're membership voted for bush in 04?

but here you go:
Pro-Gay, Pro-Values, Pro-Bush
Rich Tafel, former executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, writing in National Review Online:
The one statistic confounding pundits in this election is the number of gays who voted for George W. Bush. Polls show that the president received anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 million gay votes, up from 1 million votes in 2000 and double the number of gay votes for Bob Dole in 1996. This dramatic increase comes despite the fact that no gay organization endorsed him, no gay journalist editorialized on his behalf, and no gay leader supported him.


"I would suggest that log cabin republicans are republicans because of the priority they place on other republican values,"

and this guy CANT subsribe to the exact same political opinion? So, if a Log Cabin Republican gets elected should he be required to perform according to what you think gays should or face the retribution of being dragged out of the closet? See above article.

"not out of a desire to publicly affirm some sense of self loathing."

Can YOU speak for anyone besides yourself in regards to motive? You really think that a gay elected republican is voting his record because of self loathing RATHER THAN BECAUSE OF HIS CONSTITUANTS?

"If you have any record of an openly gay log cabin republican legislator who voted against gay issues, I would love to see it."

do you want to narrow your requirement down to only those with red hair, who are left handed and part their hair on the right side? See above article.

"It is possible to be a democrat and not agree with every stance of the democratic party. I find it ridiculous to assume that gay republicans agree with their party's stance on homosexuality."

Some do as noted above. Sit back and let the reality BLOW YOUR MIND.

"And I love it when republicans are getting their asses kicked on a current events issue, they bring up Clinton. He ain't a part of this discussion, unless Nixon and Harding and Grant are as well. Clinton was a hypocrite... he let his dick do the thinking whenever it stood up.... and he tainted his legacy because of it. I have no glowing praise for Bill Clinton.... and, as I said, we are not talking about they hypocrisy of Clinton, but the hypocrisy of Senator Craig."

Would you like to look back and see who broughtup clinton first?

"And again...I could give a fuck if he is gay, but I give a fuck that he IS a hypocrite."

Obviously your concern over hypocricy ends at a common political ideology. Likewise, your lack of uniform application and quickness to discount gay conservatives as the next loch ness monster or bigfoot conveys exactly what criteria sparked your interest. It's not mere hypocricy.
Mr. Tafel is exactly right.

As both a gay man and a conservative, there are issues on which I disagree with this president. But above all else, I love my country; I believe America is a unique nation in history, that she is, as Ronald Reagan observed, the "last, best hope of mankind," and that her survival is essential to the cause of human freedom. I believe Mr. Bush believes that too, which is why I voted for him. I trust Mr. Bush to keep America safe. I did not trust Mr. Kerry to do likewise.

The debate about gay rights will go on. But it will go on, thanks in part to more than a million gays and lesbians, in an America protected from the barbarians who would deny a free people the ability to even express their ideas. The left-leaning gay intelligentsia told homosexual citizens to ignore everything else and vote their own interests. To this admonition, 1 in 4 gays and lesbians responded: "But a safe and free America is my interest."

(For more, see Steve Miller.)
Wrong, yet again. I don't beleive gay is a choice. If gay was a choice it would be less likley that he would be pass anti-gay legislation, not more.

I don't care what you believe, but you said it "sort of begs the question", and it ONLY begs the question if you assume homosexuality is a choice. If you do NOT assume that than the question "why is someone gay" becomes incoherent.

If gay isn't a choice and he turns out to be gay it begs the question why he would constantly pass legislation? There are more plausible theories than the drivel you come up with.

Right...Republicans are crucifying one of their own in an implausible theory? Spin your bullshit elsewhere.

Currently the most plausible one would be he isn't gay, beleives being gay is wrong, and passes legilsation reflecting that. Or, he is gay, but as a any good congressman he represents the views of his constiunecy when he votes.

So the most plausible one is three? No, sorry, the most plausible one is that he is Gay. Do I get anything from you when it comes out that he is gay and apologizes ala Foley, Haggard, etc, etc?

Where you come from people strip down to their birthday suit to take a shit? Now that's bizarre.

When we speak of nude men, why are they nude? Are they nude because they don't have a shirt? No. Because they don't have socks? No. Because they don't have pants/shorts and underwear? Bingo! Now, trick question...which of the above does one remove to take a shit...

i see, now sticking my hand do your pants is the same as touching your foot. Makes perfect sense.

Did I claim that? Oh hey I didn't. How funny.

Never said they were false. Only that there is significant info lacking for your accusation that it's true.

Open your eyes. Its true.

Your ability to exaggerate and assume in an attempt to make truly asanine points never ceases to amaze.

Your stupidity no longer amazes me. I've experienced it far too much for me to be surprised by it anymore.

Yes yes we are all aware that your just so much smarter than us damn dumb hicks, us poor neanderthal knuckledraggers are lucky to have enlightened intelligent betters to run things for us. Doesn't it just gall you we do not stoop and bow when you pass by?

I'm curious...I was talking to YOU...but yet you keep referring to YOU as "us" you have schizophrenia or something?

posted by shogun

have you seen me witch hunt any environmentalists that owns a large house?

Al Gore comes to mind. Ironic since I don't see anyone from the left angry about hypocricy there. He must not be gay enough.

Why ask me a question if you are going to anwser it? By the way, for someone who claims to be attacking people because they are partisan, I can't help but notice that you attack only ONE side for being partisan. Both sides are being partisan are you.
posted by shogun
have you seen me witch hunt any environmentalists that owns a large house?
Al Gore comes to mind. Ironic since I don't see anyone from the left angry about hypocricy there. He must not be gay enough.[/b]

"Why ask me a question if you are going to anwser it? By the way, for someone who claims to be attacking people because they are partisan, I can't help but notice that you attack only ONE side for being partisan. Both sides are being partisan are you."

riight.. you got me. I'm just a good ole boy neocon looking out for the grand ole party! I'm so busted!

The fact that I identify with the left and have the gonads to tell those on the left that their logic is fucked up allows me to laugh at your observation. A couple MILLION gay bush supporters that didn't meet your opinion of what gays "should" have voted for should tell you something. Again, I'dhate to see how you'd treat a black conservative who doesn't vote for reperations and affirmative action.
The fact that I identify with the left and have the gonads to tell those on the left that their logic is fucked up allows me to laugh at your observation. A couple MILLION gay bush supporters that didn't meet your opinion of what gays "should" have voted for should tell you something. Again, I'dhate to see how you'd treat a black conservative who doesn't vote for reperations and affirmative action.

I have a few minutes, so I thought I would make just one quick request.

As one of the members of the left, would you be so kind to enlighten me as to what exactly is my "fucked up logic?" I don't need a whole paragraph. A sentence will do if you can say it concisely.

Also, please try to use the "quote" function. It will make your posts easier to read.
riight.. you got me. I'm just a good ole boy neocon looking out for the grand ole party! I'm so busted!

Well this clears some things up.

The fact that I identify with the left and have the gonads to tell those on the left that their logic is fucked up allows me to laugh at your observation. don't identify with the left. Unless you identify with self-described fucked up logic?

A couple MILLION gay bush supporters that didn't meet your opinion of what gays "should" have voted for should tell you something.

And when did I state that gays "should" have voted for anyone? Oh and by the way, Bush did not get a "couple of million" gay votes.

Again, I'dhate to see how you'd treat a black conservative who doesn't vote for reperations and affirmative action.

You think I might do all the terrible terrible things I've done to Craig in this thread? What have I done to him exactly which you would "hate" to see?

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