Republican Senator - family values!

By the outrage over the hypocrisy from those who were outraged over Gore's hypocrisy?....what a surprise.

What hypocrisy might that be? There are so many with him.

And yeah he is gay. Or are you all in the habit of playing footsie with other men while taking a shit?

Then the poor guy is obviously confused because according to him, he isn't. Guess you need a frickin hand book these days before using a public men's room lest someone get the wrong idea.
Then the poor guy is obviously confused because according to him, he isn't. Guess you need a frickin hand book these days before using a public men's room lest someone get the wrong idea.

Gee...hes a Republican Senator who has a reputation of very anti-Gay stances...lets think for just a SECOND about what he would say in public about his sexuality?

I dunno you need a handbook to know not to play footstie with someone in the mens room?...if so I'd say something is severely lacking in your basic education.
again, I don't see you pouncing on hypocrits that share your political ideology. But let a gay elected republican come along after fulfilling the desires of his constituency and all of a sudden you call for a modern inquisition. What certainly isn't beyond my comprehension is your willingness to keep polishing a turd while the good ole boys club is in session.

I'll say this one last time, very slowly so even you can understand....

I don't care if he's gay. I don't care if anyone is gay.


T-H-A-T I-S W-H-A-T M-A-K-E-S H-I-M A H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!

When you spend your life pretending you're holier than thou and then get busted for being a skank picking up men in public restrooms, you have to take what goes with it.

Dems don't pretend to be the party of Jesus.
Okay, this thread has officially become some of the funniest sh*t I've ever read:

Who'd thunk that republican posters would be trying to spin for Craig, and argue that he's not guilty, and in fact he wasn't even trying to solicit gay sex?

I'm sure it was just all a big misunderstanding.

Truthfully, I couldn't care less that he is gay. That he quite possibly has been cheating on his wife is troublesome and this story bothers me for two other reasons.

1: Why did it take almost three months for this story to come out?


2: What kind of person goes trolling for man meat in a public restroom in an airport? It's not exactly the most sanitary of locales. WTF?

My guess is that he will resign by Friday, middle of next week at the latest.

As I am not familiar with his voting record nor am I familiar with any speeches he has made concerning gays, I would be interested in seeing some evidence that he has "spent his career vilifying gays."

If you tell me he voted against gay marriage, I in turn will ask you how that makes him a hypocrite? Isn't possible for someone who is gay to be opposed to gay marriage? If you tell me he voted against gays serving openly in the military (something I personally think should reconsidered, in this day and age there is no reason that I can see against open service), I in turn will ask you how that makes him a hypocrite? As a veteran of the National Guard, isn't it possible that he believes that gays serving openly in the military could be a problem?

Just because he doesn't vote "nay" on every issue concerning gays doesn't make him a hypocrite.

Dems don't pretend to be the party of Jesus.

During the campaign season they sure as hell do, how else do you explain their sudden appearances every damn Sunday at any church that will have them?
During the campaign season they sure as hell do, how else do you explain their sudden appearances every damn Sunday at any church that will have them?

I think she meant the party of right-wing Christian moralism. For better or for worse "Christianity" in this country is now associated with the type of anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-war neoconservative movement.
Gee...hes a Republican Senator who has a reputation of very anti-Gay stances...lets think for just a SECOND about what he would say in public about his sexuality?

Sort of begs the question as to why he would be gay then doesn't it?

I dunno you need a handbook to know not to play footstie with someone in the mens room?...if so I'd say something is severely lacking in your basic education.

The crap you come up with sometimes makes it really hard for me to remember that suppossedly you're the one with the superior intellect. Would it be bazaar behavior? Yeah. But before today I would have thought he was just wierd and/or being silly. I had no idea (and perhaps he didn't either) that footsie is yet another form of gay sign language.

He voted on every issue against matter what. Its very interesting that we are finding more and more of the very anti-gay crowd are turning out to be Gay. I always thought it was a stupid theory that homophobics are just hiding something, but maybe its true.

Larkin, thanks for the link.

While his voting record does consistantly fall against gay issues, and while I can certainly understand people labeling him a hypocrite for this reason, I maintain that, if he is gay (and I believe he is), it is possible that he truly believes his votes were the right thing to do. For one thing, he is sent there to represent the people of Idaho, represent their wants and needs.

If a black man votes against affirmative action issues, this does not mean he is a hypocrite or anti-black, at least not as far as I'm concerned.

Now, I'm not saying that Craig isn't a hypocrite, I am simply arguing that it is possible for a person to hold certain beliefs and ideas that may run contrary to what others may believe they should be based on that persons nature. He may very well be the biggest hypocite on the Hill, until Monday I had never heard of the man.

As far as homophobic men having something to hide, I couldn't say, though I am reminded of a Shakespeare quote that I am inspired to, for the sake of this discussion, changes lightly, "The man (lady) doth protest too much, methinks."
The punchline of your entire rant being that you seem to think im a neocon bush loving conservative just because I can see how this RETARDED thread would be taken by the right.

Where the hell did I say I think you are a "neocon bush loving conservative?" What I said was, "Keep throwing stones you shit stained motherfucker because your shit stinks as bad as anyone elses. Let me be as clear as I can so you can dismiss me as just another person who hates you or who is intolerant. You are a piece of shit, you have demonstrated that you are a bastard, and that you think you are better than everyone else. It is also obvious that you are an egocentric bastard who gets off on thinking you are on some moral high ground and you accuse others of resorting to ad hominems in the same post where you call their attitude shitty. If that isn't hypocrisy than I don't know what is but I do know that you are a fucking idiot and that those who say this about you are right and that you are wrong in your assessment of yourself. Of course you don't want to believe you are a fucking idiot and that is why on election day you cast a vote for those who talk out of their asses and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside about yourself. I suggest you wipe the shit off your face because you are starting to smell as bad as those you vote for."

I could really give a rat's ass what your political affiliation is. All I care about is that you are a retarded bastard who votes for retarded bastards whether they are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents or just plain motherfuckers like you. :rofl: So try again bitch because your conclusion that I think you are a neocon is incorrect. It's apparent that you love to jump to conclusions about what others think but I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror because you will be looking at a bastard.

Indeed, tell me how narrow minded those EVIL republicans are while showing us how spactacular your reptilian brain is at jumping to conclusions.

I will leave that to you so that you CAN JUMP TO THE CONCLUSION THAT I AM JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS. :cuckoo: You have demonstrated that you are a fucking moron and I am more than happy to jump to conclusions about you including that you are an asshole in the ballot box, at home, at work, at church, at the supermarket and even when you fucking your whore of a wife. Even with my reptilian brain I can still see you for what you are. If you have a problem with that bitch than shut the fuck up and go vote for yourself, a family member or some bastard who is willing to make you feel good about yourself but don't think for a minute that I have ever said Republicans are evil and that Democrats are not. I am just as likely to say the same thing about Democrats as I am about Republicans. Keep applying your double standards shit for brains (or in your words your "reptilian brain" is that of a hypocrite) because I am more than willing to call you on it regardless of your political affiliation. Democrats are just as likely to get their kicks from being able to vote for bastards as are Republicans. It's the same kicks that those who elected the British Parliment got before 1776. :shock:

I tellya, nothing says pertinent quite like calling someone a fucking idiot. Your hooked oh phonics coach must be real proud of ya!

Why thank you so much. SO IS THIS YOUR FINAL VOTE ON ME BEING HOOKED ON PHONICS OR WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE ANOTHER IN FOUR YEARS. :rofl: Even if I had a hooked on phonics coach his dumbest student could kick your ass and the ass or those who you vote for in terms of the amount of knowledge they possess. :rofl: So why don't you get busy name calling but make sure you don't use the exact words "fucking idiot" so that you can always say, "there's nothing quite like calling someone a fucking idiot." :rofl: If you want to talk shit bird brain I am more than willing to talk it right back at you and when election day comes around cocksucker makes sure you have someone as retarded as you to vote for so you can feel all fuzzy inside. :eusa_naughty: I am just as likely to have Republicans and Democrats attack me because I am willing to call all of them shit for brains regardless of their political affiliation. All that matters to me is that they support a system of government that was modeled after the British form of government prior to 1776. If and when they get a fucking brain and a clue and realize that this kind of government is twisted and choose a democratic republic over the consolidated empire that was created in 1789 than and only then will we be able to talk and to vote like civilized human beings. Now go eat some shit for breakfast and remember to vote. :rofl:
You are indeed a rare wit.

Yesterday, I was annoyed with you. Today, I am just tired.

You want middle ground. Fine. Tell me what it is you think, and we can always discuss it.

Is it generalizations that you have a problem with? That would be simple. I don't think the generalization in question was even made. If you do, we have a simple interpretative disagreement. We can just agree to disagree.

Is it calling out hypocrisy in general?

What exactly is this conversation we are having about?

It is about him. :badgrin: It's always about him. :eusa_clap: You aren't alone in being annoyed and tired of him. He gets his kicks from trying to make other people look less than he is so that when he votes he can rationalize and justify his actions. We may not always agree on things Reilly but in this we can agree. This guy is a fucking idiot. He hasn't said much of substance except to insult people while claiming that they are the ones insulting him. You are correct in taking issue with his "holier than thou" attitude and pointing out that he is talking in circles. He goes after people for calling other people names while he does the exact same fucking shit. It's a perfect example of hypocrisy. It is so wrong for other people to call him what he is but when he does the same sort of thing that is somehow different. Why is it different? Because its all about him. :badgrin: I only wish I had the patience you have with him because than we might get somewhere but my patience ends with people like him. You should point out his hypocrisy since it is so evident in his posts.
Your opinion of my intellectual capacity is about as relevant as dog leash on a grizzly bear. For a guy whose moral compass tells him that elected republican homosexuals are fair game to unmask over a misdemeanor with the excitement of archie bunker at a lynching you are maybe a little too quick to call anyone slow.

His opinion of your intellectual capacity is relevant and correct but of course you feel that it isn't while maintaining that 'your opinion of his moral compass isn't about as relevant as a dog leash on a grizzy bear." This has nothing to do with Craig being a homosexual. This has been pointed out numerous times. Any person who sexually harrasses another person in a public bathroom at an airport deserves to be punished, and when he has said one thing and done another and holds a public office it is only fair to point out his hypocrisy (i.e., you condemning others for the very thing you do). So I suggest you cut the crap and accept that this has nothing to do with Craig being a homosexual or not. Had this been just some guy in a bathroom and not a police officer than how do you think they would have felt after finding out that the person who sexually harassed them was a member of Congress and worst talked about family values. How would that man feel about his own family, and that of his neighbors. The emotional and mental effects of sexual harassment do exist and you seem to want to belittle what took place. You have demonstrated time and again that you are a fucking idiot. I find it quite interesting that you get upset about him questioning your intellectual capacity but have no fucking problem questioning his moral compass. Why is that? I can answer for you: IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING HYPOCRITE SO IT IS NO WONDER THAT YOU WOULD DEFEND FUCKING HYPOCRITES.
I stumbled across this the other day. It's a bit dated, but given the number of Republican "family values" types that have been caught in...compromising seems appropriate.

<center><img src=></center>
Bet if I start yet another thread on "Monicagate" the same people hammering Craig would be defending Clinton.

And now I suppose you'll tell me there's a difference? Is that difference one was allegedly gay and one wasn't? Or is it just that one is a Republican and the other a Democrat?

No. The difference is that Clinton wasn't running around trying to get laws passed outlawing oral sex.

Had he done so, then he would have been acting hypocritically and would have been rightfully accused of same.
Yes remind me of Jilians statements after the democrat assaulted people in an airport. Remind me of her stinging rebuttals to the Democrats defense of Jefferson. Remind me of her complaints when the Democratic leadership planned to appoint Jefferson to high positions in the new Congress and even planned to fire the senior man to do it.

Pot... meet Kettle.

I made no comment with regard to the airport incident. I certainly didn't defend it. I also made no comment with regard to Jefferson. I didn't defend it either.

So, your point?
I'll say this one last time, very slowly so even you can understand....
I don't care if he's gay. I don't care if anyone is gay.
T-H-A-T I-S W-H-A-T M-A-K-E-S H-I-M A H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E!
When you spend your life pretending you're holier than thou and then get busted for being a skank picking up men in public restrooms, you have to take what goes with it.
Dems don't pretend to be the party of Jesus.


bullshit. You might as well have just said that a bipartisan commitee made of equal parts dems and repubs are an arm of the GOP.

I'll remind you that this was a MISDEMEANOR and was not watergate. Even if this guy is gay and WAS looking for sex it was no more dangerous to society than construction workers catcalling some gal on the sidewalk. You demonize his behaviour for one reason: because he is a gay elected republican and you think there is blood in the water. Not only are you acting just like those im sure you bitched about during the Ken Starr days but you allow the cycle to continue because you can't rise above the monkey dance when a scrap of political dirt comes your way. Again, who the fuck are you to determine that gay republicans forfeit their privacy? their perogative to come out on their own terms, IF EVER? Did some gay organization make you their knightly crusader to take back homosexuality from the republicans? This is such a NON ISSUE in light of every other piece of world news that your tenacious demand to throw him in the bonfire makes your political affiliation appear like the petty bitches they accuse conservatives of being while the cycle is favoring THEIR side. This guy didnt kill, rape, fuck a minor, steal money, intimidate or cause anyone harm outside of being busted for something that is hands down part of gay american culture. Acting like your only concern for fanning the bonfire is your opinion of his hypocricy is about as lame as when bill said he did not inhale. Bullshit then and bullshit now.
I speak for no one but myself. His "gayness" is of ZERO consequence to me.

His hypocrisy is.

As Jillian so eloquently said:

"The difference is that Clinton wasn't running around trying to get laws passed outlawing oral sex.

Had he done so, then he would have been acting hypocritically and would have been rightfully accused of same."

This guy has made denying gays any rights at all one of his focal points. If he does that, and then gets caught trolling for man on man buttsex in the airport restroom.... he gets called a hypocrite.

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