Republican Senator - family values!

"If you have any links that would show members of the log cabin republicans - who are gay, please show them."
Are you asking for specific members? Do you dispute that this organization is, in fact, a republican organization meant to serve gay conservatives? Do you think that no one of they're membership voted for bush in 04?

but here you go:
Pro-Gay, Pro-Values, Pro-Bush
Rich Tafel, former executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, writing in National Review Online:
The one statistic confounding pundits in this election is the number of gays who voted for George W. Bush. Polls show that the president received anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 million gay votes, up from 1 million votes in 2000 and double the number of gay votes for Bob Dole in 1996. This dramatic increase comes despite the fact that no gay organization endorsed him, no gay journalist editorialized on his behalf, and no gay leader supported him.


"I would suggest that log cabin republicans are republicans because of the priority they place on other republican values,"

and this guy CANT subsribe to the exact same political opinion? So, if a Log Cabin Republican gets elected should he be required to perform according to what you think gays should or face the retribution of being dragged out of the closet? See above article.

"not out of a desire to publicly affirm some sense of self loathing."

Can YOU speak for anyone besides yourself in regards to motive? You really think that a gay elected republican is voting his record because of self loathing RATHER THAN BECAUSE OF HIS CONSTITUANTS?

"If you have any record of an openly gay log cabin republican legislator who voted against gay issues, I would love to see it."

do you want to narrow your requirement down to only those with red hair, who are left handed and part their hair on the right side? See above article.

"It is possible to be a democrat and not agree with every stance of the democratic party. I find it ridiculous to assume that gay republicans agree with their party's stance on homosexuality."

Some do as noted above. Sit back and let the reality BLOW YOUR MIND.

"And I love it when republicans are getting their asses kicked on a current events issue, they bring up Clinton. He ain't a part of this discussion, unless Nixon and Harding and Grant are as well. Clinton was a hypocrite... he let his dick do the thinking whenever it stood up.... and he tainted his legacy because of it. I have no glowing praise for Bill Clinton.... and, as I said, we are not talking about they hypocrisy of Clinton, but the hypocrisy of Senator Craig."

Would you like to look back and see who broughtup clinton first?

"And again...I could give a fuck if he is gay, but I give a fuck that he IS a hypocrite."

Obviously your concern over hypocricy ends at a common political ideology. Likewise, your lack of uniform application and quickness to discount gay conservatives as the next loch ness monster or bigfoot conveys exactly what criteria sparked your interest. It's not mere hypocricy.

are you being intentionally obtuse?

Did you not read where I said that log cabin republicans can be republicans and still disagree with their party's stance on gay rights?

I do not agree with everything in the democratic platform but that doesn't send me running to the other side.

I understand that there are openly gay republicans. I understand that there are openly gay republicans elected to office. Do you have any record of any openly gay republican legislator voting against any bill that dealt with increasing or confirming homosexual rights?

I'll wait.
are you being intentionally obtuse?

Did you not read where I said that log cabin republicans can be republicans and still disagree with their party's stance on gay rights?

I do not agree with everything in the democratic platform but that doesn't send me running to the other side.

I understand that there are openly gay republicans. I understand that there are openly gay republicans elected to office. Do you have any record of any openly gay republican legislator voting against any bill that dealt with increasing or confirming homosexual rights?

I'll wait.

How many openly gay republicans do I have to pick from? Does it SHOCK you that a gay elected republican has priorities other than the gay agenda? How disingenuous is it to ask for an example, be given said example, and then split hairs about qualifiers like having to be ELECTED. Was my evidence not gay enough? Rich Tafel seemed capable of juggling his sexuality with his political identity without needing someone like you to drag him out of the closet because you don't think a gay person should observe anything more important than sexuality. Are the only elected gay people that count those who follow the liberal party line?

1.5 million to 2 million gays voted for bush in 04. You can dig them up out of the internet and tell them what their priorities SHOULD be.

ps, Make sure you give me a list of criteria that will narrow my options a little further, eh? Can only be born during the summer solstice, be circumcized, have a bald spot in the shape of new zealand AND be the second coming incarnation of god? yea, I might not find that guy.
How many openly gay republicans do I have to pick from? Does it SHOCK you that a gay elected republican has priorities other than the gay agenda? How disingenuous is it to ask for an example, be given said example, and then split hairs about qualifiers like having to be ELECTED. Was my evidence not gay enough? Rich Tafel seemed capable of juggling his sexuality with his political identity without needing someone like you to drag him out of the closet because you don't think a gay person should observe anything more important than sexuality. Are the only elected gay people that count those who follow the liberal party line?

1.5 million to 2 million gays voted for bush in 04. You can dig them up out of the internet and tell them what their priorities SHOULD be.

ps, Make sure you give me a list of criteria that will narrow my options a little further, eh? Can only be born during the summer solstice, be circumcized, have a bald spot in the shape of new zealand AND be the second coming incarnation of god? yea, I might not find that guy.

This post bears almost no relation to the post you are responding to. Are you being willfully obtuse?

By the way, approximately 1.1 million self-identified gay people voted for Bush in 2004. (I know how important accuracy is for you.)
How many openly gay republicans do I have to pick from? Does it SHOCK you that a gay elected republican has priorities other than the gay agenda? How disingenuous is it to ask for an example, be given said example, and then split hairs about qualifiers like having to be ELECTED. Was my evidence not gay enough? Rich Tafel seemed capable of juggling his sexuality with his political identity without needing someone like you to drag him out of the closet because you don't think a gay person should observe anything more important than sexuality. Are the only elected gay people that count those who follow the liberal party line?

1.5 million to 2 million gays voted for bush in 04. You can dig them up out of the internet and tell them what their priorities SHOULD be.

ps, Make sure you give me a list of criteria that will narrow my options a little further, eh? Can only be born during the summer solstice, be circumcized, have a bald spot in the shape of new zealand AND be the second coming incarnation of god? yea, I might not find that guy.

you really ARE that obtuse.

1. No one is doubting that there are gay republicans.
2. No one is suggesting that there is anything wrong with gays who are republicans and who value many MORE things about the republican party and can live with their stance against gays as one area that they disagree upon
3. No one is suggesting that there are not openly gay republican elected legislative officials in all levels of government.
4. No one is questioning their priorities or castigating them for being republican when the republican party is, at its core, and in its actions, openly anti-gay. I understand and accept the fact that there can be - and undoubtely are - many many gay men and women in America who embrace and value the republican agenda in toto and can disregard the fact that the party differs from them on the one issue having to do with THEIR sexuality- because that issue is not the most important issue for them.
5. NO ONE is telling them that they ought to put gay issues above all others...NO ONE is trying to tell them what their priorities are! If gay men and women want to vote for republicans because they embrace the vast majority of the party's agenda....That's GREAT! Good for them!
6. I AM questioning your assertion that openly gay republican legislators follow their party leadership on each and every issue and vote with their caucus on issues such as gay marriage or gays in the military or civil unions or the defense of marriage act.... and you have YET to show me ONE vote by ONE openly gay republican legislator that was AGAINST gay rights, REGARDLESS OF HOW THE REST OF HIS PARTY VOTED.
7. I am not suggesting that such a vote makes that openly gay republican legislator a bad person or a bad republican.
8. I AM saying, that when a gay republican legislator is IN THE CLOSET and repeatedly votes WITH his party's leadership AGAINST gay rights issues - AND THEN GETS CAUGHT TROLLING FOR MAN ON MAN ASS SEX IN AN AIRPORT RESTROOM, he rightfully deserves all the public condemnation that we can heap on him - not because he is gay, BUT BECAUSE HE IS A FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that would make a modicum of sense if the only legislative issue dealing with homosexuality that Craig had voted on - or spoken on - was gay marriage.
Fair enough. How many times did he vote to ban gay sex?

be serious. a gay man in the closet who condemns gays...denies being gay... votes against the interests of gays....and then gets caught trolling for sex in a restroom....and you want to suggest that is not hypocrisy?

Lets just agree that Larry Craig isn't a hypocrite, that its only the cops word against his, and its entirely possible that he wasn't trolling for gay sex. It might have all just been some bizarre misunderstanding.

Personally, I want Craig to stay in the Senate. And have to run against a pretty strong Democrat: that Larry Larocco guy. It'd be sweet to have a (D) senator from a deep red state.

Please don't resign Larry Craig!
be serious. a gay man in the closet who condemns gays...denies being gay... votes against the interests of gays....and then gets caught trolling for sex in a restroom....and you want to suggest that is not hypocrisy?


Wikipedia said:
One exhibits hypocrisy by condemning or calling for the condemnation of another person when the critic is guilty of the act for which he demands that the accused be condemned.

Who has Larry Craig ever condemned for soliciting gay sex in public restrooms?

Lets just agree that Larry Craig isn't a hypocrite, that its only the cops word against his, and its entirely possible that he wasn't trolling for gay sex. It might have all just been some bizarre misunderstanding.

Personally, I want Craig to stay in the Senate. And have to run against a pretty strong Democrat: that Larry Larocco guy. It'd be sweet to have a (D) senator from a deep red state.

Please don't resign Larry Craig!

I agree.... it was just a misdemeanor...and he certainly does not have a corner on the hypocrisy market....It'll just be one more on our march to 60.

Then, when we elect a democrat in '08, we can cram every fucking piece of progressive legislation we want down the senate republican's throats.... they might as well be staying home.... or hanging out in airport restrooms!

Who has Larry Craig ever condemned for soliciting gay sex in public restrooms?

That the best you can do? Silly to take that kind of position. Larry Craig has made a career out of demonizing gays... I'd say that's both hypocritical and self-hating. Very sad, actually. If he hadn't tried so hard to deny others' the right to be who they were born to be, I'd be very sympathetic to him.
If he hadn't tried so hard to deny others' the right to be who they were born to be, I'd be very sympathetic to him.

How did he try to deny them the right to be who they were born to be? Did he try to send them to “reprogramming camp”? He may have voted against “civil union” legislation. He may have even voted against sodomy. Yet, how did he try to deny them the right to be gay? That seems like an impossible task only feasible in the realm of science fiction movies or concentration camps.
hypocrisy abounds in politics. to try and deny that Craig is guilty of it is really just silliness.
How did he try to deny them the right to be who they were born to be? Did he try to send them to “reprogramming camp”? He may have voted against “civil union” legislation. He may have even voted against sodomy. Yet, how did he try to deny them the right to be gay? That seems like an impossible task only feasible in the realm of science fiction movies or concentration camps.

Don't expect an answer. Jillian is real good at making ludicrous claims and then vanishing.
That the best you can do?

Is what the best I can do? Using words correctly?

I am sorry for not indulging you in your attempt to demonize and denigrate 10% of the population, but I could not care less that Larry Craig might be gay (and Jillian, as much as I like you, that's what this is about - his sexual orientation, and not his supposed "hypocrisy").

I presume that being a queer in Idaho is pretty tough.

I have gay friends who struggled while coming out of the closet even here in progressive central California. I'm not perfect, I've used the word "fag" while engaging in obviously facetious hyperbolic rhetoric around here. Still, I won't betray them by using this to further a political agenda. And telling people how to live their lives in anathema to me - I'm a small l libertarian. Sorry.

As to the fact that this was in a public restroom - he splayed out his feet while taking a dump and picked up a piece of toilet paper that was on the floor. BFD.
Is what the best I can do? Using words correctly?

I am sorry for not indulging you in your attempt to demonize and denigrate 10% of the population, but I could not care less that Larry Craig might be gay (and Jillian, as much as I like you, that's what this is about - his sexual orientation, and not his supposed "hypocrisy").

I presume that being a queer in Montana is pretty tough.

I have gay friends who struggled while coming out of the closet even here in progressive central California. I'm not perfect, I've used the word "fag" while engaging in obviously facetious hyperbolic rhetoric around here. Still, I won't betray them by using this to further a political agenda. And telling people how to live their lives in anathema to me - I'm a small l libertarian. Sorry.

As to the fact that this was in a public restroom - he splayed out his feet while taking a dump and picked up a piece of toilet paper that was on the floor. BFD.

It might be that for the right since they're the ones clamoring for his resignation. If you knew me, you'd know I couldn't care less that he's gay. I very much care that he's gay and has misused his power to hurt other gays.

No denigrating gays there, kiddo. But you don't really believe the explanation about him having a wide stance, do you? And even if that were the case, the reason his hand went to the other stall? I don't believe the police report said anything about TP on the floor.. plus, I just heard the tape made at the police station.... nothing about picking up anything off the floor to my recollection.

And please tell RGS not to be jealous... :razz:
all y'all are so intollerant of the gay lifestyle.....

he wouldn't choose to be like this...he was born this way....cut the man some slack....

all yall forgave george michale and pee wee herman...

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