Republican Senators Say Their Phones Aren’t Ringing To Save The ACA

Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:
I want loud-mouthed people who just want to disrupt the meeting screened out. Nothing wrong with it and I don't want to be stuck in a crowded room when some liberal nut-job goes postal. That's just what it's come it or not.
Senators in the Party-of-liars (GOP) claim no one is calling them to tell them to save the Affordable Care Act.

The American people are definitely calling, but, as usual, the Republicans are ignoring us.

If you’ve ever tried to call a congressman’s (or woman’s) office, the results are busy signal after busy signal. This can only mean two things, there are people always trying to get through, or the “HOLD” buttons have all been pushed to keep the lines unavailable. (For Republican congressmen [and women] it is the “HOLD” button.)

So, to the Republican senators who want average Americans to believe no one wants to keep “Obamacare”. The truth is, everyone but the stupid conservatives (the minority) oppose “Trumpcare”, but you GOP pr!cks (and those Democrats who are your collaborators) don’t give a sh!t about that. You always ignore the will of the people and serve only the fat cats. You ba$tards will pass “Trumpcare for the tax cuts it hands to them.

You tell us the American people aren’t calling you to save the ACA? You lying, Republican a$$holes.

Republican senators say their phones aren’t ringing to save the ACA, so here’s the contact list


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Who did you call?
Senators in the Party-of-liars (GOP) claim no one is calling them to tell them to save the Affordable Care Act.
You are probably wondering how they manage to maintain this incredible delusion.

It's very simple.

Every time someone calls or writes them to support the repeal of ObamaCare, they add that person to their mailing list and call them a Great American. The rubes are a great cash cow.

Every time someone calls or writes them to oppose the repeal of ObamaCare, they tell themselves that person is an outside agitator who does not live in their district.

See? Simple!

"100 percent of my constituents, maybe even 110 percent, want to repeal ObamaCare."
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:

Now why would anyone want to filter out loud violent jerks who don't care about the meeting and just want to disrupt it? That would mean they actually want to meet with their constituents.
From the look of things, since the orange humiliation was elected the last thing Republicans want to do is meet with their constituents.

Then why would they be doing remote town halls?
To cover their sorry asses. So they don't have to hear opposing viewpoints, while still giving people like you the chance to say they ARE having Town Halls when they aren't.
Stand up on the roof of their office building hiding from their constituents.
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:

Now why would anyone want to filter out loud violent jerks who don't care about the meeting and just want to disrupt it? That would mean they actually want to meet with their constituents.
From the look of things, since the orange humiliation was elected the last thing Republicans want to do is meet with their constituents.

And since when do out of state democrats being bussed in count as constituents?
When have "out of state democrats" been bussed in? In our area, we have to prove thru ID or some other source we are from that district. Heck, my Congressman won't even accept e-mails from us unless we give our zip-code down to the last 4 digits when we sign in.
Yeah, the cowards made the excuse that the opponents of the repeal who showed up at their Town Halls were outside agitators. So the chickenheads started asking for IDs before they would let people into their town halls. Only people from their districts were allowed in.

Imagine their shock when people STILL shouted at them not to repeal the ACA! Turns out the opponents ARE from their districts.


So now they won't have Town Halls.

Spineless, gutless wonders.
Senators in the Party-of-liars (GOP) claim no one is calling them to tell them to save the Affordable Care Act.

The American people are definitely calling, but, as usual, the Republicans are ignoring us.

If you’ve ever tried to call a congressman’s (or woman’s) office, the results are busy signal after busy signal. This can only mean two things, there are people always trying to get through, or the “HOLD” buttons have all been pushed to keep the lines unavailable. (For Republican congressmen [and women] it is the “HOLD” button.)

So, to the Republican senators who want average Americans to believe no one wants to keep “Obamacare”. The truth is, everyone but the stupid conservatives (the minority) oppose “Trumpcare”, but you GOP pr!cks (and those Democrats who are your collaborators) don’t give a sh!t about that. You always ignore the will of the people and serve only the fat cats. You ba$tards will pass “Trumpcare for the tax cuts it hands to them.

You tell us the American people aren’t calling you to save the ACA? You lying, Republican a$$holes.

Republican senators say their phones aren’t ringing to save the ACA, so here’s the contact list


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/----- Trump won on repealing obozocare. The only ones wanting to keep it are the free loaders.

Sent from my iPhone using
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:
I want loud-mouthed people who just want to disrupt the meeting screened out. Nothing wrong with it and I don't want to be stuck in a crowded room when some liberal nut-job goes postal. That's just what it's come it or not.
Really big loudmouths flooded town halls in 2010 when the ACA was enacted. Their screams were the birthing pains of the Tea Party.

And they howled for seven years. Non-stop.

But, somehow, the GOP never came up with a replacement in all that time.

Go figure.

"I don't have it, I thought YOU had the replacement!"
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
The Republican senators depend on the stupidity of their conservative base, and know they will believe every lie they are told, especially those that claim Social Security and the ACA are dying.

The only reason, THE ONLY REASON these programs are in jeopardy is due to the Republicans efforts to kill them so as to give more tax cuts to the fat cats.

Some people might try to be kind to conservatives, and say they are simply gullible and too trusting of the GOP. But, the sad truth is, conservatives are just plain stupid. Too many issues over too many decades prove this beyond any doubt..

all this only one side is stupid shit is the most ignorant thing an individual can do.
Senators in the Party-of-liars (GOP) claim no one is calling them to tell them to save the Affordable Care Act.
You are probably wondering how they manage to maintain this incredible delusion.

It's very simple.

Every time someone calls or writes them to support the repeal of ObamaCare, they add that person to their mailing list and call them a Great American. The rubes are a great cash cow.

Every time someone calls or writes them to oppose the repeal of ObamaCare, they tell themselves that person is an outside agitator who does not live in their district.

See? Simple!

"100 percent of my constituents, maybe even 110 percent, want to repeal ObamaCare."

You are indeed "simple" kid. The ACA is dead, there just isn't enough money.
President says premiums will go down $2500/year/family.

Reality is the premiums went up $4000/year/family.

How, specifically, is this a good thing?
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.

No they are getting tired of paid protestors, while their real constituents are out working.

Republican Senators Say Their Phones Aren’t Ringing To Save The ACA

Excellent! No repeal, no replacement, let Obamacare burn the Democratic party to the ground. THEN after Dem's come begging us on their knees then fix it. Yes I am that mean! :badgrin: Democrats need to be taught a lesson to never ignore the will of the people again and pass a giant turd like that.
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:
I want loud-mouthed people who just want to disrupt the meeting screened out. Nothing wrong with it and I don't want to be stuck in a crowded room when some liberal nut-job goes postal. That's just what it's come it or not.
Really big loudmouths flooded town halls in 2010 when the ACA was enacted. Their screams were the birthing pains of the Tea Party.

And they howled for seven years. Non-stop.

But, somehow, the GOP never came up with a replacement in all that time.

Go figure.

"I don't have it, I thought YOU had the replacement!"
TEA Party people are very well-behaved.

Dismembering ACA is going to be much more complicated than just starting from scratch.....which is what needs to be done. It's going to be a while.

And a crazed lib did go postal today.
Something like 170 GOP congressmen have refused to hold a single town hall meeting this year because they don't want to have to hear their constituents talk about the ACA. Party before country.
Too often town hall meetings turn into violent protests. I wouldn't hold one either. I've participated in town-hall meetings over the phone. Much better.
Yeah you can screen the calls and only hear what you want to hear :rolleyes:
I want loud-mouthed people who just want to disrupt the meeting screened out. Nothing wrong with it and I don't want to be stuck in a crowded room when some liberal nut-job goes postal. That's just what it's come it or not.
Really big loudmouths flooded town halls in 2010 when the ACA was enacted. Their screams were the birthing pains of the Tea Party.

And they howled for seven years. Non-stop.

But, somehow, the GOP never came up with a replacement in all that time.

Go figure.

"I don't have it, I thought YOU had the replacement!"
TEA Party people are very well-behaved.

Dismembering ACA is going to be much more complicated than just starting from scratch.....which is what needs to be done. It's going to be a while.
The GOP had a seven year head start, and they STILL need more time?

You actually bleev your own bullshit? :lol:

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