Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Rhod 10968026
Uhm, for the 5th time in this thread, I was against the iraq war for that reason: as bad as saddam was, he was contained, and I and every other informed mid easterner who actually knew the region understood iran was the far more dangerous and troublesome actor.

You agreed with Obama in that you were against invading Iraq as it was called a dumb war. That's impressive. Did you vote for Bush in 2004 after seeing the dumb invasion turn into a dumb occupation and no WMD were found?
"a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents." University of Maryland Poll taken February 2015.

I think it's more rooted in the fact that the only thing that binds the religious right, libertarian, Wall Street and NeoCon wings of the GOP right now is just how much that hate, hate, hate Obama. Unfortunately, none of these guys are going to pay a political price for it, because Obama is just not that popular.

I might also point out, most Americans aren't too keen on any agreement with Iran.

Fox News Poll 65 percent say use force to stop Iran 84 percent call possible deal bad idea Fox News

Overall, two-thirds of voters (65 percent) favor the U.S. using military action, if necessary, to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Just 28 percent are opposed.

Voters overwhelmingly reject that deal: 84 percent -- including 80 percent of Democrats -- think it’s a bad idea to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons 10 years from now in return for agreeing it won’t obtain nukes before then.

Americans will never agree that Iran should be allowed to get a nuclear bomb. The anti war left will never change the polling results whenever "Nuke Bomb and Iran" are mentioned.

That is why the Fox New poll put forth a LIE in the poll question: they are masters at propaganda at Fox - the best in the world right now.

Obama has said he won't make deal that ever allows Iran to produce a nuclear weapon. Not in ten years. Not in fifteen years not ever.

This question is a Fox And Netanyahu lie: is it "a bad idea to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons 10 years from now in return for agreeing it won’t obtain nukes before then." The deal does not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons in ten years in return for agreeing it won't get nukes before then.

It's a lie because the 'breakout time' if Iran were to abandon the deal is one year. Obama has said that 'one year' will be plenty of time to take military action to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. An the longer Iran abides by this deal the more intelligence will be in Western nations file on exactly where the bombs must strike to stop Iran from getting a bomb.

There is no deal in ten years or ever that allows a delivery capability that could hit Israel.

The University of Maryland asked the question last February in a correct way and Americans responded 60% in favor of negotiating this deal.

NF 10957416
"a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents." University of Maryland Poll taken February 2015.

Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin: Reuters/Ipsos poll. BY MATT SPETALNICK. WASHINGTON Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:49pm EST

AP-GfK Poll. Jan. 17-21, 2014. Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the interim agreement reached between Iran and six world powers that is designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program?
Total approve: 60 percent. Total disapprove: 36 percent

It's been very consistent since the negotiations began in 2013:

The Left needs to counter Fox's lies by showcasing this Maryland poll and all the others. Over and over again. And over again some more.

The left needs to quit complaining about how Americans want to bomb Iran. Iran deserves to be bombed on their "peaceful" nuclear facilities if they sign this treaty for peaceful nuclear purposes only and then try to break out to build a weapon and a means to deliver it. Obama says the US will bomb them to stop then.

If the left bought a poll that asked "do you agree with President Obama that Iran must be bombed if they try to expand their existing peaceful nuclear power program into one to be used for making a nuclear weapon" the vast majority of Americans would answer yes and find out the President agrees with them.

The RW warmongers surely won't ask that question that way. So the left loses to Fox lies over and over again.
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More reading to add to my previous post:,

NF 10969433
There is no deal in ten years or ever that allows a delivery capability that could hit Israel.

NF 10961996
Here's a much more informed person that does not agree with your knee jerk evaluation of what is going on. Read this entire explanation from

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |
Uneducated Americans like yourself want a deal because you have no IDEA what you are dealing with. You are ignorant. That's all there is to it.

Who are you to call people like me and many others such as Greg Rosenbaum uneducated and Ignorant?

NF 10961996
Here's a much more informed person that does not agree with your knee jerk evaluation of what is going on.

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |[/QUOTE]

There is a one year breakout period that would allow Obama or any future President to bomb facilities in Iran if they violate terms of the agreement and attempt to begin to produce a nuclear weapon. Obama said he will bomb them in order to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb.

I wouldn't call you personally uneducated and ignorant but I must inform you that you are ignorant of the breakout period of one year and of the fact that Obama will use military force to stop Iran from building a bomb if the deal is completed and Iran agrees and then violates it. You are uneducated and ignorant of the fact that internationally shared intelligence on what is going on inside Iran improves significantly when a deal is reach.

You ignorantly prefer less accurate intelligence on locating Iranian nuclear targets in the future should Iran attempt to breakout and break the treaty and attempt to build a nuclear bomb.

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Yes it needs repeating:

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty
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[QUOTE="Vigilante, post: 10968384, member: 47870

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News[/QUOTE]

Overzealous, I just shoved the FACT down your throat, you ate it, and come back with more bullshit! Is he NOT a mulatto? Is THAT not fact, would you rather he be refered to as a Halfrican?

You certainly are a #3 and, as with all you subversives. a definite #4! [/QUOTE]

Really, really hurts to burst you bubble (LOL) but rather than your article of 2013....let me show you a 2014 Pew poll on how the world rates Obama (fortunately not every world citizen is as biased, racist or jingoistic as you...)

Confidence in the U.S. President
How much confidence do you have in the U.S. President ? Percent responding Confidence (2014)

Philippines 89%

South Korea 84%

France 83%

Kenya 78%

Italy 75%

United Kingdom 74%

South Africa 72%

Israel 71%

Germany 71%

Vietnam 67%

Japan 60%

Indonesia 60%

Ghana 60%

United States 58%

Uganda 58%

Spain 58%

El Salvador 58%

Thailand 57%

Colombia 56%

Poland 55%

Brazil 52%

China 51%

India 48%
[QUOTE="Vigilante, post: 10968384, member: 47870

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News

Overzealous, I just shoved the FACT down your throat, you ate it, and come back with more bullshit! Is he NOT a mulatto? Is THAT not fact, would you rather he be refered to as a Halfrican?

You certainly are a #3 and, as with all you subversives. a definite #4! [/QUOTE]

Really, really hurts to burst you bubble (LOL) but rather than your article of 2013....let me show you a 2014 Pew poll on how the world rates Obama (fortunately not every world citizen is as biased, racist or jingoistic as you...)

Confidence in the U.S. President
How much confidence do you have in the U.S. President ? Percent responding Confidence (2014)

Philippines 89%

South Korea 84%

France 83%

Kenya 78%

Italy 75%

United Kingdom 74%

South Africa 72%

Israel 71%

Germany 71%

Vietnam 67%

Japan 60%

Indonesia 60%

Ghana 60%

United States 58%

Uganda 58%

Spain 58%

El Salvador 58%

Thailand 57%

Colombia 56%

Poland 55%

Brazil 52%

China 51%

India 48%

Yes, stupid people, NOT their GOVERNMENTS as I showed.... Your FAILURE rate is growing! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
[QUOTE="Vigilante, post: 10968384, member: 47870

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News

Overzealous, I just shoved the FACT down your throat, you ate it, and come back with more bullshit! Is he NOT a mulatto? Is THAT not fact, would you rather he be refered to as a Halfrican?

You certainly are a #3 and, as with all you subversives. a definite #4!

Really, really hurts to burst you bubble (LOL) but rather than your article of 2013....let me show you a 2014 Pew poll on how the world rates Obama (fortunately not every world citizen is as biased, racist or jingoistic as you...)

Confidence in the U.S. President
How much confidence do you have in the U.S. President ? Percent responding Confidence (2014)

Philippines 89%

South Korea 84%

France 83%

Kenya 78%

Italy 75%

United Kingdom 74%

South Africa 72%

Israel 71%

Germany 71%

Vietnam 67%

Japan 60%

Indonesia 60%

Ghana 60%

United States 58%

Uganda 58%

Spain 58%

El Salvador 58%

Thailand 57%

Colombia 56%

Poland 55%

Brazil 52%

China 51%

India 48%

Yes, stupid people, NOT their GOVERNMENTS as I showed.... Your FAILURE rate is growing! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:[/QUOTE]

I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic. Those who wish to remain ignorant about Iran will continue to do so. Whatevs. I was just wanting to ask you what Mr. Obama's ethnicity has to do with anything. :D

Edit: I tried to fix the quoting on this post, but for some reason I can't fix it.
One Iran a Theocracy?

Why is that relevant to anything?

Is America a Plutocracy?

No deflecting, is Iran a Theocracy?

I didn't say it was deflecting, I ask why that is relevant to anything.

Why is it relevant as to what kind of government they have?

Incidentally, Iran is a Democracy just as much as we are. THey have elections and they vote in a parliament and a president.

Uneducated Americans like yourself want a deal because you have no IDEA what you are dealing with. You are ignorant. That's all there is to it.

Who are you to call people like me and many others such as Greg Rosenbaum uneducated and Ignorant?

NF 10961996
Here's a much more informed person that does not agree with your knee jerk evaluation of what is going on.

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |

There is a one year breakout period that would allow Obama or any future President to bomb facilities in Iran if they violate terms of the agreement and attempt to begin to produce a nuclear weapon. Obama said he will bomb them in order to stop Iran from building a nuclear bomb.

I wouldn't call you personally uneducated and ignorant but I must inform you that you are ignorant of the breakout period of one year and of the fact that Obama will use military force to stop Iran from building a bomb if the deal is completed and Iran agrees and then violates it. You are uneducated and ignorant of the fact that internationally shared intelligence on what is going on inside Iran improves significantly when a deal is reach.

You ignorantly prefer less accurate intelligence on locating Iranian nuclear targets in the future should Iran attempt to breakout and break the treaty and attempt to build a nuclear bomb.

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Yes it needs repeating:

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Obama will bomb Iran if Iran breaks this treaty

Are you okay? What is with your weirdo posts anyway? :cuckoo: You're a fucking weirdo.
Liberal Logic 101: Oh, we know that Iran is run by a bunch of religious fanatical muslims, who murder their own citizens, are known to support and fund terrorists, but nah, they are just misunderstood and would never misuse nuclear materials and will cooperate with the IAEA inspectors.
ChrisL 10969813
I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic. Those who wish to remain ignorant about Iran will continue to do so

Here's where ChrisL declares herself smartest person on Iran and everyone not in agreement to be ignorant. She is in the minority in the US on agreeing with making a deal with Iran on use of peaceful nuclear power. She lies that Obama would not use military force to stop Iran from getting a bomb following a deal. She insanely believes Iran supports ISIS Terrorist scum.

Now she runs. She's been proven wrong dozens if not hundreds of ways so running us her only option.

Goodbye. But I will continue to point out her errors.

Because they will pop up on another thread and with time her errors will become more obvious if a deal is actually reached.
ChrisL 10969813
I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic. Those who wish to remain ignorant about Iran will continue to do so

Here's where ChrisL declares herself smartest person on Iran and everyone not in agreement to be ignorant. She is in the minority in the US on agreeing with making a deal with Iran on use of peaceful nuclear power. She lies that Obama would not use military force to stop Iran from getting a bomb following a deal. She insanely believes Iran supports ISIS Terrorist scum.

Now she runs. She's been proven wrong dozens if not hundreds of ways so running us her only option.

Goodbye. But I will continue to point out her errors.

Because they will pop up on another thread and with time her errors will become more obvious if a deal is actually reached.

I'm a HELL of a lot smarter than you, that much is obvious. :D Now, I am just here to mock you for being an Obamatard.
ChrisL 10969813
I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic. Those who wish to remain ignorant about Iran will continue to do so

Here's where ChrisL declares herself smartest person on Iran and everyone not in agreement to be ignorant. She is in the minority in the US on agreeing with making a deal with Iran on use of peaceful nuclear power. She lies that Obama would not use military force to stop Iran from getting a bomb following a deal. She insanely believes Iran supports ISIS Terrorist scum.

Now she runs. She's been proven wrong dozens if not hundreds of ways so running us her only option.

Goodbye. But I will continue to point out her errors.

Because they will pop up on another thread and with time her errors will become more obvious if a deal is actually reached.

Yup, you're an ignoramus. You feel all comfy here in the United States, sitting behind your computer screen, denying the obvious FACTS about the Iranian regime. You are the epitome of ignorance.
Vigi 10969886
No, I'm not with you in the "stupid People" group!

But you said governments were right and people not in the government were stupid. So you must be in the government then.

Stupid people, did that include ALL PEOPLE?..... It just doesn't get easier than this!

Even that lightweight NAT gives %'s of the people... Come on dimwit, go post over in SEWING, or UNDER WATER BASKET WEAVING!

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