Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

We do not negotiate with terrorists. Iran has been found to fund terrorist activity...making them, in my eyes, a terrorist nation.
"negotiating an agreement" is I support the letter. When we finally have a real it a democrat or a republican.....any treaty will be struck down.

You wasting your time communicating with the sacks of shit. Not only do most of them not care that Iran has declared they will annihilate Israel, they are hoping for that will happen.

The worst are the Jewish Americans, who are worst enemies to their own people on earth.

LIBERAL Jewish Americans. :D

Yeah, I call them JINOs (Jews In Name Only.) They are the absolute hypocrites and wolves in sheeps clothing the prophets warned about.

Descendants of those who danced around the gold calf. Whatever version of that false god they place in front of their true God takes on.

Most of them, idfentify themselves as left wingers before they identify themselves as the children of Abraham. They mostly scoff at the notion of their religion, except when it benefits them. Like any other hypocrite from any other religion.

The worst part is how they seal of the fate of their own people by gladly and gleefully and arrogantly voting in the democrats in this country, who hate Israel and have made that abundantly clear.
FACT: 47 Republican Senators committed a treasonous act by interfering in the foreign policy negotiations of the sitting president. This does not fall under the rubrik of "advise and consent". This is treason.

no, it doesn't. While what they did was stupid and counter-productive, It wasn't treasonous. They have every right to state their disagreement with a policy and remind people what their positions are.

Maybe we all need to back down from the hysterics and actually talk about the policy.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

Their constituency! They work for WE the people, not for Obama.
Their constituents do not have the authority to grant the Senate such authority.
ChrisL 10970135
The only point you've made (or TRIED to make) is . . . . Derrr. Your posts are ridiculous tripe. Obama doesn't have the balls to bomb anyone. He is a pussy. :D

He has bombed thousands of Al Qaeda and Taliban to death in Afghanistan and Syria. Thousands of DAIISH terrorist scum and positions in Iraq and Syria. He wanted to bomb Assad but got the CW deal instead. He bombed Gadhaffi under a UN Resolution.

If Iran signs a treaty and breaks it before his term is up he will bomb them and have the support of UK France and Germany for sure.

If they break the deal the next President or two will bomb them as well.

What planet do yo live on?
[QUOTE="Jarhead, post: 10924397,
You are wasting your time communicating with the sacks of shit. Not only do most of them not care that Iran has declared they will annihilate Israel, they are hoping for that will happen.

The worst are the Jewish Americans, who are the worst enemies to their own people on earth. At least the 80% of them that vote for democrats, who hate Israel and has made that perfectly clear.

This latest idiot just managed in one post to smear everyone...EXCEPT....his/her fellow bigots......Must be sad to be so damn full of bile.......Aren't we glad we're not that sick?

Yeah, the race card is just that easy for you losers on the left.

I know, the truth is hard to accept. The biggest Jew haters on the earth are those traitors that call themselves Jews that hate Israel.

They are nothing. They are exactly what we all know they are.

Sell their souls for 30 silver pieces or dance around a golden calf. Whatever version of those things they are. They do nothing that is Jewish. They are not kosher. They do not attend temple. They observe NOTHING of the Mosaic law.

It is demonstrated by the sickness they pump out, and now they absolutely demonstrate their blasphemy of God that they will tell you they do not believe in by siding with the sworn enemies to the land of their people.

You have a problem with truth. Oh, I get that. Always rejecting truth and nailing it to a cross.
ChrisL 10969954
Yup, you're an ignoramus. You feel all comfy here in the United States, sitting behind your computer screen, denying the obvious FACTS about the Iranian regime. You are the epitome of ignorance.

I am not the one running away by calling everyone who does not agree with me an ignoramus.

I'm still here posting facts. So are you running or not. If not do you think Gregg Rosenbaum is uneducated and ignorant?

Part of what he recently said:

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |

Do you have an argument that confirms that his comment is based on ignorance and lack of education.

I haven't run away, you stupid fucktard. I'm still here in case you haven't noticed. Point being, I've provided many, many valid links with information about Iran, the mullahs, their religious beliefs (which is what their ENTIRE governmental system is based upon), and you dumb fucks want to ignore it and say, oh derrrrr, nah. Nothing bad will ever happen. Fucking idiots. The people here who are intelligent will look at those links and read them and draw the CORRECT conclusions based on the facts.
By that measure, religious Christians shouldn't be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.

Have you read the book of Revelations?
Your posts are ridiculous tripe

Then why can't you put up a fact based argument against the them.

You attack Gregg Rosenbaum personally rather than respond to what he has written. I believe you have departed from facts based dialogue to ape like grunts and degenerated into mindless tonge lashing. Since you can't get away with lying here.
ChrisL 10970135
The only point you've made (or TRIED to make) is . . . . Derrr. Your posts are ridiculous tripe. Obama doesn't have the balls to bomb anyone. He is a pussy. :D

He has bombed thousands of Al Qaeda and Taliban to death in Afghanistan and Syria. Thousands of DAIISH terrorist scum and positions in Iraq and Syria. He wanted to bomb Assad but got the CW deal instead. He bombed Gadhaffi under a UN Resolution.

If Iran signs a treaty and breaks it before his term is up he will bomb them and have the support of UK France and Germany for sure.

If they break the deal the next President or two will bomb them as well.

What planet do yo live on?

Obviously, Obama is intimidated by Islam.
Your posts are ridiculous tripe

Then why can't you put up a fact based argument against the them.

You attack Gregg Rosenbaum personally rather than respond to what he has written. I believe you have departed from facts based dialogue to ape like grunts and degenerated into mindless tonge lashing. Since you can't get away with lying here.

I have provided many links. Go read them. Are you denying that Iran is run by radical Islamic mullahs who believe in a 12th Imam and want to pave the way for it's arrival?
Your posts are ridiculous tripe

Then why can't you put up a fact based argument against the them.

You attack Gregg Rosenbaum personally rather than respond to what he has written. I believe you have departed from facts based dialogue to ape like grunts and degenerated into mindless tonge lashing. Since you can't get away with lying here.

Look, you are just an idiot. That's a fact. If anyone is lying, it would be you, trying to make it sound as if Iran has any good intentions at all. You must be fucking retarded.
ChrisL 10969954
Yup, you're an ignoramus. You feel all comfy here in the United States, sitting behind your computer screen, denying the obvious FACTS about the Iranian regime. You are the epitome of ignorance.

I am not the one running away by calling everyone who does not agree with me an ignoramus.

I'm still here posting facts. So are you running or not. If not do you think Gregg Rosenbaum is uneducated and ignorant?

Part of what he recently said:

"Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us." Greg Rosembaum

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |

Do you have an argument that confirms that his comment is based on ignorance and lack of education.

I haven't run away, you stupid fucktard. I'm still here in case you haven't noticed. Point being, I've provided many, many valid links with information about Iran, the mullahs, their religious beliefs (which is what their ENTIRE governmental system is based upon), and you dumb fucks want to ignore it and say, oh derrrrr, nah. Nothing bad will ever happen. Fucking idiots. The people here who are intelligent will look at those links and read them and draw the CORRECT conclusions based on the facts.
By that measure, religious Christians shouldn't be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.

Have you read the book of Revelations?

Sorry, but Christians are not the problem here.
Big difference. HUGE difference. They KILL women, children and homosexuals because of their religious beliefs. Are you a completely uneducated moron, or what?

Iran had 721 executions in 2014.

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center - IHRDC Chart of Executions by the Islamic Republic of Iran - 2014

Most of these were for crimes like murder, rape, drug trafficking, etc.

Only 11 were for the crime of "Moharebeh" - or "Waging war against God".

Only 2 were for "Sodomy".
I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic.

You have not responded to many challenges to your opinion in a meaningful way. Insults and accusation of ignorance are not meaningful. You said you are done here. That's running. If not - try engaging meaningful based upon facts and accuracy in quoting sources.
Big difference. HUGE difference. They KILL women, children and homosexuals because of their religious beliefs. Are you a completely uneducated moron, or what?

Iran had 721 executions in 2014.

Iran Human Rights Documentation Center - IHRDC Chart of Executions by the Islamic Republic of Iran - 2014

Most of these were for crimes like murder, rape, drug trafficking, etc.

Only 11 were for the crime of "Moharebeh" - or "Waging war against God".

From your link, douche.

This chart documents executions of people by the Islamic Republic of Iran beginning in January 2014. The official announcements are noted but, as the Iranian government does not announce many executions, it is difficult to know the exact number.
I haven't really been following this conversation, as I've said everything I need to say regarding this topic.

You have not responded to many challenges to your opinion in a meaningful way. Insults and accusation of ignorance are not meaningful. You said you are done here. That's running. If not - try engaging meaningful based upon facts and accuracy in quoting sources.

Sure I have. I've provided many valid links in this thread. All a person has to do is go to my profile page and look at my posts and they can access my links easily, or use the search function. Please do people! I encourage you ALL to read my links and then tell me that you think a nuclear Iran is good? Or should we do all we can to stop a nuclear Iran? :)
Liberal Logic 101: Oh, we know that Iran is run by a bunch of religious fanatical muslims, who murder their own citizens, are known to support and fund terrorists, but nah, they are just misunderstood and would never misuse nuclear materials and will cooperate with the IAEA inspectors.

We murder our own citizens.

And given that we are the only country to EVER use nuclear weapons on people, we aren't in a position to preach, exactly.

The point is, what keeps Iran from misuing their nukes is everyone else already has many more of them.
Remember the Iranian protests a few years back? When the Revolutionary Guard was killing college kids and teenagers for protesting against their government? Well, those that weren't killed mysteriously disappeared. What do you all think happened to them?

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