Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

By that measure, religious Christians shouldn't be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.

Have you read the book of Revelations?

Sorry, but Christians are not the problem here.
Many Christians in our government believe in end-of-world prophecies just as many Islamic in Iran's government believe. Worse for Republicans since many of them don't believe there's a separation between church and state. So religious Christians are just as big of a threat as religious islamic.

Oh really? :lol:
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?

America is not run by Christian fundamentalists. We are a secular nation that separates church and state.
The Christian right does not believe there is a separation between church and state. They fight that doctrine all the time.

And you didn't answer the question ... what is the fundamental difference between the Christian belief of "end times" from the Islamic belief?

No, that's what you are. That is why I have to google for you. Lol. :D You believe Iran . . . that tells us ALL we need to know.

I googled it and found a responsible human rights group that says Iran only executes about 700 people a year. While this is bad an all, it's not Nazi Germany.

I don't "believe" the Iranians. I just don't buy into all the Zionist propaganda to try to get us into a war that we don't need.

Becaue honestly, we did that already, and look how well that turned out.
Sorry, but Christians are not the problem here.
Many Christians in our government believe in end-of-world prophecies just as many Islamic in Iran's government believe. Worse for Republicans since many of them don't believe there's a separation between church and state. So religious Christians are just as big of a threat as religious islamic.

Oh really? :lol:
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?

America is not run by Christian fundamentalists. We are a secular nation that separates church and state.
The Christian right does not believe there is a separation between church and state. They fight that doctrine all the time.

And you didn't answer the question ... what is the fundamental difference between the Christian belief of "end times" from the Islamic belief?

Stop trying to derail this thread and change the subject. This thread is about Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
So the Senate put it to a vote among the whole Senate then? That is how they are Constitutionally required to ratify a treaty. Otherwise, they exceed their authority.

No, last time I checked, we still had a first amendment and they still had a right to express their opinions.
They don't have any such freedom of speech if it violates U.S. law.

Next excuse?
Many Christians in our government believe in end-of-world prophecies just as many Islamic in Iran's government believe. Worse for Republicans since many of them don't believe there's a separation between church and state. So religious Christians are just as big of a threat as religious islamic.

Oh really? :lol:
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?

America is not run by Christian fundamentalists. We are a secular nation that separates church and state.
The Christian right does not believe there is a separation between church and state. They fight that doctrine all the time.

And you didn't answer the question ... what is the fundamental difference between the Christian belief of "end times" from the Islamic belief?

Stop trying to derail this thread and change the subject. This thread is about Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
YOU made their religious beliefs about "end times" relevant to the thread.

But if the question is too sensitive for you to answer, just say so and I'll stop comparing their belief of "end times" with Christians'.

No, that's what you are. That is why I have to google for you. Lol. :D You believe Iran . . . that tells us ALL we need to know.

I googled it and found a responsible human rights group that says Iran only executes about 700 people a year. While this is bad an all, it's not Nazi Germany.

I don't "believe" the Iranians. I just don't buy into all the Zionist propaganda to try to get us into a war that we don't need.

Becaue honestly, we did that already, and look how well that turned out.

We don't have to buy into any propaganda. I've posted the FACTS. Iran is run by Islamic extremists who want to bring the world back into the dark ages with death and destruction to pave the way for their 12th Imam.

Also, this . . .

Iran Human Rights Official Website
ChrisL 10970621
Stop trying to derail this thread and change the subject. This thread is about Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.

Then what is your fuss? Obama is opposed to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. And he said he would use military force after obtaining the best intelligence ever (through this deal) and use military force to stop the bomb if Iranians break the deal. There's a one year breakout time where military action can stop an attempt by Iran to start making a bomb.
I think you need to ask a Japanese what they think about the bombing of Hiroshima some time.

It would not only be stupid to bomb Iran, it would be evil. And Evil isn't a word I use because of it's abuse by religious assholes.

We don't have to ask the Japanese ... Pictures speak a 1000 words.
Evil Begets Evil ... Yadda-Yadda-Yadda!

Oh really? :lol:
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?

America is not run by Christian fundamentalists. We are a secular nation that separates church and state.
The Christian right does not believe there is a separation between church and state. They fight that doctrine all the time.

And you didn't answer the question ... what is the fundamental difference between the Christian belief of "end times" from the Islamic belief?

Stop trying to derail this thread and change the subject. This thread is about Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
YOU made their religious beliefs about "end times" relevant to the thread.

But if the question is too sensitive for you to answer, just say so and I'll stop comparing their belief of "end times" with Christians'.

American Christians are not fundamentalists and because we are a secular country, it wouldn't matter anyways because our Constitution sets the law.

Christians are not going around terrorizing the entire world. That would be Islam.
ChrisL 10970621
Stop trying to derail this thread and change the subject. This thread is about Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.

Then what is your fuss? Obama is opposed to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. And he said he would use military force after obtaining the best intelligence ever (through this deal) and use military force to stop the bomb if Iranians break the deal. There's a one year breakout time where military action can stop an attempt by Iran to start making a bomb.

What is my fuss? Seriously you have to ask that question? All one has to do is look at Iran's history. That should answer your question.
They don't have any such freedom of speech if it violates U.S. law.

Next excuse?

It doesn't violate US Law.


Look, I don't like to be the one to say this, but this whole agreement seems more like a Hail Mary pass by obama to make it look like he still controls events.

Eventually, the other countries are going to trade with Iran no matter what agreements we wrangle out of them.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

By the authority that they are the body that ratifies treaties.
So the Senate put it to a vote among the whole Senate then? That is how they are Constitutionally required to ratify a treaty. Otherwise, they exceed their authority.

Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him. He is NOT the king.
Obama made no secret deals. They have no authority to do what they did. You inability to cite an actual authority confirms my position even though you are trying to show it doesn't.
American Christians are not fundamentalists and because we are a secular country, it wouldn't matter anyways because our Constitution sets the law.

Christians are not going around terrorizing the entire world. That would be Islam.

I think if you are a civilian living in Iraq or Afghanistan or Yemen, you probably feel pretty terrorized in the last decade by all those bombings. Or is something less terrorizing when you use a 100 million dollar plane to do it?
Sorry, but Christians are not the problem here.
Many Christians in our government believe in end-of-world prophecies just as many Islamic in Iran's government believe. Worse for Republicans since many of them don't believe there's a separation between church and state. So religious Christians are just as big of a threat as religious islamic.

Oh really? :lol:
Again, have you read the book of Revelations, which religious Christians believe detail the "end times?" The fundamental difference to the 12th Imam is ... ?

America is not run by Christian fundamentalists. We are a secular nation that separates church and state.
The Christian right does not believe there is a separation between church and state. They fight that doctrine all the time.

And you didn't answer the question ... what is the fundamental difference between the Christian belief of "end times" from the Islamic belief?

There are a LOT of differences. For one, Christians don't want to bring about the end of times. It is just something they believe will happen, and they are probably right given our appeasement of those Iranian nut jobs.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

By the authority that they are the body that ratifies treaties.
So the Senate put it to a vote among the whole Senate then? That is how they are Constitutionally required to ratify a treaty. Otherwise, they exceed their authority.

Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him. He is NOT the king.
Obama made no secret deals. They have no authority to do what they did. You inability to cite an actual authority confirms my position even though you are trying to show it doesn't.

Yes he has, and I already posted a link to it. He has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials since 2013.
By whose authority do they have the right to influence a foreign government over a measure being worked on by the president's negotiations over a controversy?

By the authority that they are the body that ratifies treaties.
So the Senate put it to a vote among the whole Senate then? That is how they are Constitutionally required to ratify a treaty. Otherwise, they exceed their authority.

Well, when Obama goes to make "secret" deals, then they are fully within their rights to fight against him. He is NOT the king.
Obama made no secret deals. They have no authority to do what they did. You inability to cite an actual authority confirms my position even though you are trying to show it doesn't.

How a series of secret meetings between U.S. and Iran led to historic agreement

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