Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

bumpyroadsscholar writes.......

I do not trust him in the least, and am becoming increasingly concerned he is a manchurian candidate, especially given that he has angered nearly every major ally the US has on earth - a fact not one single liberal has addressed in this thread or forum.

Now, tell the truth, did you pull out that "fact" from the back of your dirty undies????? (LOL...this dingbat is nuts....)
bumpyroadsscholar writes.......

I do not trust him in the least, and am becoming increasingly concerned he is a manchurian candidate, especially given that he has angered nearly every major ally the US has on earth - a fact not one single liberal has addressed in this thread or forum.

Now, tell the truth, did you pull out that "fact" from the back of your dirty undies????? (LOL...this dingbat is nuts....)
bumpyroadsscholar writes.......

I do not trust him in the least, and am becoming increasingly concerned he is a manchurian candidate, especially given that he has angered nearly every major ally the US has on earth - a fact not one single liberal has addressed in this thread or forum.

Now, tell the truth, did you pull out that "fact" from the back of your dirty undies????? (LOL...this dingbat is nuts....)

Pond scum forget conveniently current history....

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News
Pond scum forget conveniently current history....

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News[/QUOTE]

Make up your mind, first your ilk calls him weak and you blame Obama's overzealousness....but you're right, he IS half-black....and that, to your sick mind is an unforgivable sin.....Come on, liberate your bigotry and admit it openly. LOL
Pond scum forget conveniently current history....

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News

Make up your mind, first your ilk calls him weak and you blame Obama's overzealousness....but you're right, he IS half-black....and that, to your sick mind is an unforgivable sin.....Come on, liberate your bigotry and admit it openly. LOL[/QUOTE]

Overzealous, I just shoved the FACT down your throat, you ate it, and come back with more bullshit! Is he NOT a mulatto? Is THAT not fact, would you rather he be refered to as a Halfrican?

You certainly are a #3 and, as with all you subversives. a definite #4!

bumpyroadsscholar writes.......

I do not trust him in the least, and am becoming increasingly concerned he is a manchurian candidate, especially given that he has angered nearly every major ally the US has on earth - a fact not one single liberal has addressed in this thread or forum.

Now, tell the truth, did you pull out that "fact" from the back of your dirty undies????? (LOL...this dingbat is nuts....)
I read a great article recently about the disrespect that has been heaped on President Obama by Republicans. I think that when it's all over, they will not fare very well in the eyes of the country. They deserve it.

Disrespect of Obama hits new low

Most famously, there was the widespread questioning of Obama's citizenship and academic credentials that included signs at conservative rallies describing Obama as a "lyin' African." And there was the Republican women's group that created an image of "food stamp dollars" with Obama's face on them (as well as a bucket of KFC and watermelon). There was also Republican presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich decrying Obama's "Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior." Plus there was then-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer waving her finger at President Obama when she greeted Air Force One on the tarmac. Brewer later alleged she "felt a little bit threatened" by the President.

Taken as a whole, this list suggests a troubling pattern of profound disrespect for the President. But more than this, it seems to reflect an anti-Obama fever that has gripped the Republican Party -- one that the letter to Iran suggests shows no signs of breaking, and is a sure sign of sickness in the Republican Party.

Disrespect of Obama hits new low -
Pond scum forget conveniently current history....

Europeans Outraged Over Reports of U.S. Spying - US News

Good job, but I'm just not going to do the heavy lifting for the lazy and the stupid. Like an adult over 12 needs to be reminded that iran murdered 241 US marines and 85 US diplomats in 1983 in Beirut, or that they injured or killed thousands of US GIs in iraq. I am just not going to respond to idiots or stupid fucking questions posed by those too lazy to look up what a few clicks in google can provide them.
Are Iran s broken human rights promises a sign of failure for nuclear deal - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

"Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations special rapporteur on Iran, wrote in a report released on Thursday that he “regrets the difficult situation of recognized and unrecognized religious minorities, and that communities continue to report arrests and prosecution for worship and participation in religious community affairs.”

Last year, 753 people were executed in Iran, the most state-sanctioned killings since 2002.

Iran should “immediately nullify the death sentences against all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience,” Shaheed wrote.


Since Rouhani took office in August 2013, Iran has regressed on human rights. At a time when the world powers are slated to seal a deal with Tehran to curb its illicit nuclear weapons work, there are lessons to be learned from Iran’s failure to keep its promises on human rights.

Rouhani famously said prior to his election victory in 2013, “All ethnicities, all religions, even religious minorities, must feel justice...”

The reality has proved to be the opposite. Shaheed wrote extensively about the persecution of Iran’s Baha’i community.


And that is the scum hole of liars, terrorists and murderers that we should sign an agreement with, to trust it to follow through upon? Really?

“I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power.”


You have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea what the issues are concerning the talks, you have no idea what other countries are involved, and you have no idea what the American position is.

Projection Boy, pure projection.

And yes, I intend the worst possible meaning of the word Boy.
I bet you do. Vile disgusting racists have that tendency. It is also off topic for this thread. Pay attention and learn to debate like an adult.

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You should admit you're a chickenhawk prepared to have others wage aggressive war on your behalf in contravention of the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Principles. I support countries waging wars of self defence, you support wars of aggression.

Fuckhead idiot, I served longer than you've been alive, and one does not need to be in the fucking army to want to use the military, no more than one needs to become a teacher or a cop to improve their city's schools or police force, thats infantile trolling deflective BS. [...]
One is a chickenhawk for wanting to use armies to wage aggressive war, in contravention to the UN Charter and the Nuremberg principles, in which one will not take part. If you're that keen pick up a rifle and go and sort the Iranians out.
Asshole, are you a fucking parrot? When a country blocks inspections, they cannot turn around and claim "hey, we're innocent!" Either allow full and unfettered inspections, or admit you are guilty. BTW, i noticed you ignored my post on this several pages back, no surprise given you have zero credibility, the same as your scumbag president.
I see you cannot point out the article which requires Iran to allow full and unfettered inspection of any site whatsoever, particularly one where nuclear fuel is not considered to have been present. Not surprising in a fucking chickenhawk arsehole.

When the US is prepared to allow full and unfettered inspections of any site whatever of its own then you can squawk.
Again, iran created the environment where an ISIS will always exist by oppressing and attacking/terrorizing sunnis in the countries they have taken control of, such as iraq, syria, lebanon, bahrain and yemen. [...]
I like the way you pretend Fuckwit43's action had no relevance. It is of a piece with your chickenhawk myopia.
Again, iran created the environment where an ISIS will always exist by oppressing and attacking/terrorizing sunnis in the countries they have taken control of, such as iraq, syria, lebanon, bahrain and yemen. Had iran not conquered these countries to expand the shia crescent, these conflicts such as in syria would not have occurred, or not been any where near as deadly.
ISIS exists, because the US and Israeli governments provide them military and financial support.
Are Iran s broken human rights promises a sign of failure for nuclear deal - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

"Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations special rapporteur on Iran, wrote in a report released on Thursday that he “regrets the difficult situation of recognized and unrecognized religious minorities, and that communities continue to report arrests and prosecution for worship and participation in religious community affairs.”

Last year, 753 people were executed in Iran, the most state-sanctioned killings since 2002.

Iran should “immediately nullify the death sentences against all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience,” Shaheed wrote.


Since Rouhani took office in August 2013, Iran has regressed on human rights. At a time when the world powers are slated to seal a deal with Tehran to curb its illicit nuclear weapons work, there are lessons to be learned from Iran’s failure to keep its promises on human rights.

Rouhani famously said prior to his election victory in 2013, “All ethnicities, all religions, even religious minorities, must feel justice...”

The reality has proved to be the opposite. Shaheed wrote extensively about the persecution of Iran’s Baha’i community.


And that is the scum hole of liars, terrorists and murderers that we should sign an agreement with, to trust it to follow through upon? Really?
Well, I'm calling you a liar.

Under Rohani, Iranian Jews find greater acceptance

Iran, a home for Jews for more than 3,000 years, has the Middle East's largest Jewish population outside of Israel, a perennial foe of the country. But while Iran's Jews in recent years had their faith continually criticized by the country's previous governments, they've found new acceptance under moderate President Hassan Rohani.

"The government has listened to our grievances and requests. That we are being consulted is an important step forward," said Homayoun Samiah, leader of the Tehran Jewish Association
So eat shit, you punk-ass warmonger!
They were seeking a diplomatic solution on their terms. Defeated enemies do not dictate terms.
Besides, Japan had proven themselves to be dishonest and unlikely to abide by negotiated terms. They were talking with FDR about staying out of their war in SE Asia when they bombed Pearl Harbor.
Japan wanted concessions the US was unwilling to concede. The US demanded unconditional surrender and removal of the Emperor from power. Japan refused in a communique dated 7/29/45.
The choice, at that point was a land invasion of the Japanese main land or 2 bombs. We dropped one on 8/6 and waited a couple days for an answer. We dropped another on 8/9 and the next day, Japan agreed to our term.
Too bad really, but look how relations with Japan are today compared with, say Viet Nam where we didn't fight to win.

Leave it to Cleetus to defend one of the great acts of Racism, nuking Japan.

Because we'd have never nuke Germany. Those were WHITE PEOPLE.

Point was, Japan was defeated, the only issue that was a sticking point was the status of the Emperor. Military people like Ike and MacArthur were against using the bomb, but the politicians went ahead and did it anyway.

Incidently, the bombs had nothing to do with Japan's surrender. We were already bombing the snot out off the country conventionally.

It was Russia's entry into the war on August 8th that was the really turning point. They rolled up the Japanese army in Manchuria in a week, and all of a sudden, America was totally cool with Japan keeping the Emperor.

So getting back to my main point, how does the only country that ever used nukes on people because they were bunch of racists get off telling another country they can't have nukes for legitimate defense?
What the fuck makes you think you need to explain it to me dipshit?
I am the one who posted the picture of Hiroshima ... Which would certainly indicate I know what you are talking about.

No, it was still a retarded picture that didn't discuss why the only country that used nukes on people gets off telling other countries they can't have nukes.

We didn't make Iran sign the nonproliferation treaty.
And the only thing the fact we have already used nuclear weapons means ... Is that it would be a stupid idea to think we won't do it again if necessary.

Not to mention conditions are better in Hiroshima than they are in Iran.

I think you need to ask a Japanese what they think about the bombing of Hiroshima some time.

It would not only be stupid to bomb Iran, it would be evil. And Evil isn't a word I use because of it's abuse by religious assholes.

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