Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

We've established that Iran IS a Theocracy.....

Now what is it that they believe?

They believe in a nasty fairy in the sky who hates sex and gays, just like you do.

Folks after your own heart, really.

Poor Joe.

I practice no Religion.....the question before you is WHAT do the Iranian Mullahs believe?

Quit pimping out your imaginary kids and be honest.
Poor Joe.

I practice no Religion.....the question before you is WHAT do the Iranian Mullahs believe?

Quit pimping out your imaginary kids and be honest.

I just told you. They believe in Imaginary Sky Fairies, just like you and your Republican Brethren do.

But don't worry, your Sky Fairy is so much better than THEIR sky fairy.
Poor Joe.

I practice no Religion.....the question before you is WHAT do the Iranian Mullahs believe?

Quit pimping out your imaginary kids and be honest.

I just told you. They believe in Imaginary Sky Fairies, just like you and your Republican Brethren do.

But don't worry, your Sky Fairy is so much better than THEIR sky fairy.

Poor Joe, when you are ignorant obfuscate.
Poor Joe, when you are ignorant obfuscate.

Again, guy, I just don't want to listen to another annoying spew of what you think Muslims "believe' when I doubt you've ever read the Koran or understand their culture all that much.

“I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power.”


You have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea what the issues are concerning the talks, you have no idea what other countries are involved, and you have no idea what the American position is.
Poor Joe, when you are ignorant obfuscate.

Again, guy, I just don't want to listen to another annoying spew of what you think Muslims "believe' when I doubt you've ever read the Koran or understand their culture all that much.

You are ignorant Joe, I prove it regularly.

You run and hide or you obfuscate when you get cornered.

You do it every time.

I know exactly what the Iranian Mullah's believe, and you know I do.
I would tend to agree that it is NOT treason, as I would also readily agree that it was moronic. counter-productive AND ensures that virtually all 47 dingbats will never be president.....

I wrote earlier that Bill Krystal has taken Cotton under his wing and was testing the waters, so to speak, to see if this senator would be a "hero" its turning out to be, a "scapegoat."

What worries me much more is that seasoned senators joined in this folly underscoring that the hatred of Obama trumps sane decisions....even this one that is more self-destructive.

The rabid hatred....and this is my own PERSONAL opinion, has got to be rooted in both racism and elitism.

I think it's more rooted in the fact that the only thing that binds the religious right, libertarian, Wall Street and NeoCon wings of the GOP right now is just how much that hate, hate, hate Obama. Unfortunately, none of these guys are going to pay a political price for it, because Obama is just not that popular.

I might also point out, most Americans aren't too keen on any agreement with Iran.

Fox News Poll 65 percent say use force to stop Iran 84 percent call possible deal bad idea Fox News

Overall, two-thirds of voters (65 percent) favor the U.S. using military action, if necessary, to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Just 28 percent are opposed.

Voters overwhelmingly reject that deal: 84 percent -- including 80 percent of Democrats -- think it’s a bad idea to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons 10 years from now in return for agreeing it won’t obtain nukes before then.

You may be right in target JoeB......but I would guess that you're smart enough to know that the wording of any poll can determine the outcome even before the first respondent is queried. And that is why I don't believe in neither a poll from FOX or one from ABC or NYT.

This country's citizenry is virtually ignorant of history and tends to have knee-jerk reactions to most perceived threats and seems to quickly have forgotten the failures of Iraq.

“I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power.”


You have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea what the issues are concerning the talks, you have no idea what other countries are involved, and you have no idea what the American position is.

Projection Boy, pure projection.

And yes, I intend the worst possible meaning of the word Boy.
You are ignorant Joe, I prove it regularly.

You run and hide or you obfuscate when you get cornered.

You do it every time.

I know exactly what the Iranian Mullah's believe, and you know I do.

Guy, you've proven yourself so ignorant I really don't give much of what you say any stock. But you'll waste all of our time telling us about "those people'.

Here's the thing. Only one country has ever used atomic weapons on human beings.

The United States of America.

We dropped them on a defeated country already seeking terms of surrender.

we later tested them on our own soil and made thousand of our own citizens sick.

We don't really have room to be telling the Iranians much of anything at this point.
You are ignorant Joe, I prove it regularly.

You run and hide or you obfuscate when you get cornered.

You do it every time.

I know exactly what the Iranian Mullah's believe, and you know I do.

Guy, you've proven yourself so ignorant I really don't give much of what you say any stock. But you'll waste all of our time telling us about "those people'.

Here's the thing. Only one country has ever used atomic weapons on human beings.

The United States of America.

We dropped them on a defeated country already seeking terms of surrender.

we later tested them on our own soil and made thousand of our own citizens sick.

We don't really have room to be telling the Iranians much of anything at this point.

Deflection Joe, as usual.

This entire board knows of your ignorance Joe you can't hide.

I will with this subject do as I always do, bitch slap your ass.
You may be right in target JoeB......but I would guess that you're smart enough to know that the wording of any poll can determine the outcome even before the first respondent is queried. And that is why I don't believe in neither a poll from FOX or one from ABC or NYT.

This country's citizenry is virtually ignorant of history and tends to have knee-jerk reactions to most perceived threats and seems to quickly have forgotten the failures of Iraq.

I think the reason why Iraq was a failure is that we never made a full commitment. We beat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Because we were COMMITTED.

Now, putting aside whether Bush lied, the fact is, he never asked for a commitment on the Global War on terror like FDR asked for a commitment against Fascism. He didn't call for a draft, he didn't raise taxes or sell war bond, he didn't ask industry to rise to the occassion and produce war goods at a loss for the common good.

Iran is no Nazi Germany. It's a largely impoverished country with a military equipped with the cutting edge weapons of 1975.
Deflection Joe, as usual.

This entire board knows of your ignorance Joe you can't hide.

I will with this subject do as I always do, bitch slap your ass.

Yeah, you talk big and all, but frankly, I suspect you'll just repeat shit about 76 virgins and other ignorance.

“I said Obama is making a very bad decision to make any kind of deal with Iran regarding nuclear power.”


You have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea what the issues are concerning the talks, you have no idea what other countries are involved, and you have no idea what the American position is.

Projection Boy, pure projection.

And yes, I intend the worst possible meaning of the word Boy.
Then, maybe you and/or ChrisL could lay out the details of the proposals being discussed at the negotiations as well as the nature of the discussions?
Let us all in on your information so that we can make an informed decision whether to agree with ChrisL's position or not?
JoeB, don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands after you answer Antares' posts......better yet, don't bother.
Sorry you can't see the difference between current senators and a former president. I think Carter was wrong, but it's nothing compared to current senators sending a letter to a foreign country trying to ruin negotiations. There are multiple countries in these negotiations and these senators just made us look like clowns. Sanctions are dependent on these other countries. There is no defending their actions.

All the letter did was state to iran that the current president cannot sideline congress, and they will have a say in the contours of any agreement. The only people whining about this is the far left media and the clapping lemmings too dumb to form their own opinions. Otherwise, they'd have spoken up when obama had Cameron calling members of congress, or when it became public knowledge that obama is funding and his staff working on the campaign of one of Netanyahu's opponents.

But according to the dim left, breaking the laws are acceptable as long as its for "their" side.

Did the Democrats do that to Nixon when he was dealing with the Soviets? China?
They would have and SHOULD have, had Nixon been as incompetent as the current President.
Did the Democrats do that to Nixon when he was dealing with the Soviets? China?

That was a position they could not argue against, but don't think they did not try to paint Nixon as a liar and a fraud when he landed in china. Democrats have never held back undermining a sitting president before, it is only the news media driving this furor so that the bleating sheep can whine, "oh, the senators are just so awful !"'re being played, and are not smart enough to see it.

Not to this extent. I can't recall an incident of a group of Democrats creating a letter specifically telling a foreign power that whatever they negotiate with the president will be nullified when he's out of office. That is a line I have not seen crossed before and it amazes me that you guys keep defending it. If Dems did that to a Repub president you would not defend it. It doesn't matter who does it - it's way over the line and it is unprecedented. Even their own party is uncomfortable with that.
There in lies your problem. You obviously have no idea what the process in an agreement of this kind is. obama can negotiate and sign what ever the hell kind of agreement he wants, but until it is ratified by the Senate, it's just a piece of paper.
JoeB, don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands after you answer Antares' posts......better yet, don't bother.

Actually, talking to Antares always makes me want to take a shower. The guy is just sleazy.

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